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Title: ShowPic Download
 Description: VC++ programming to achieve the image to open, close, and can narrow the technological realization of the image to enlarge
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader ggq1985]
 To Search:
  • [BitmapZoomDemo] - a small program can be used to image zoo
  • [001] - 8 realize bmp image Zoom algorithm, the
  • [vc] - Image processing procedures, VC platform
  • [inspection] - Machine vision measurement round a softw
  • [00] - Zoom function for the image of the progr
  • [1234] - Based on the image rotation, zoom image
  • [geometrytrans] - vc++ images of geometric transformations
  • [123] - 实现打开图像功能。图像放大、缩小功能实现.
  • [bilinear_interpolation] - Bilinear interpolation image zoom in/out
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