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Downloads SourceCode Internet-Network P2P
Title: Design-P2P-Application-BasedOnJXTA Download
 Description: Based on JXTA' s P2P real-time communication and file-sharing system design, with a design code and category
  • [JavaChatRoom] - Java Chat Room 2 program source needs an
  • [P2PCenter_last] - P2P on-demand broadcast is an open sourc
  • [P2P] - p2p technology, the latest research resu
  • [mysee] - p2p network television mysee source code
  • [test] - Jxta simple code for beginners to use! T
  • [p2p] - Sharep2p in a file sharing program
  • [JXChat2.7] - JXTA chat and file access to be able to
  • [jxtaP2P] - base on jxta
  • [jxta-cms-src-2.4.1] - Java CMS
  • [p2p_file_src] - p2p file
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