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Downloads SourceCode Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms matlab
Title: Matlab Download
 Description: Matlab data and analysis procedures, listed below contain a variety of algorithms MultiLineReg estimated by linear regression of a dependent variable with a number of independent variables of the linear relationship between PolyReg estimation using a polynomial regression with dependent variable a variable relationship between CompPoly2Reg using quadratic polynomial regression method is estimated that fully a dependent variable and the two since the relationship between variables with the shortest distance CollectAnaly hierarchical clustering algorithm for clustering of samples with Fisher two types of DistgshAnalysis discriminant method to classify samples on the samples MainAnalysis principal component analysis
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader wade05]
  • [CollectAnaly] - With matalab achieve the shortest distan
  • [nihecaishangxian] - For fitting a straight line, in addition
  • [test] - Cluster, has a space group, where n = 12
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