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Downloads SourceCode Internet-Network ICQ-IM-Chat
Title: NetworkMessenger Download
 Description: Chat program NetwOrk Messenger, chat tool for P2P-based Design and Implementation, it implements the text chat and file transfer
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader alissa_214]
 To Search:
  • [WinSocket - UDP] - Winsock-UDP procedure writes which with
  • [NetHelper] - similar to the QQ chat tools, divided in
  • [Chat-multi-wsabuffer] - A CSoket prepared to use online chat too
  • [MyQQ] - A real-time communication tools like QQ
  • [c++chatroom_code(clientandserver)] - Client and server has a network chat pro
  • [IM] - Two chat tools, language can transfer, f
  • [QQTest] - Mimic QQ chat tools, be able to obtain I
  • [likeQQ] - QQ imitation of a program, using P2P tec
  • [ChatClient] - Similar to the QQ chat client that can e
  • [49636956] - With a file transfer function, with chat
File list (Check if you may need any files):
4.3  聊天程序NetwOrk Messenger





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