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Title: ColorPicker Download
 Description: ColorPicker is a dialog-based application that has the following functions: 1. Color Edit function Users can adjust R, G, B color value to edit, also by adjusting the H, S, V to select the color value. Edit color of the results will be immediately fed back to the color panel and color preview box. 2.RGB color space and HSV color space conversion When changing the RGB values will be the corresponding HSV values, and display, and vice versa. 3. Check color function Check color features include "access panel color" and "color screen check." Color panel is the user can check in the color panel, click the left mouse button, select the goal expressed by a point color. Check color screen is the screen allows the user to access any point on the color value. Users can mouse over the color to obtain the necessary places, and then press a button or A button that can get the color value of points.
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...........\ColorPicker.vcproj.SUKINGTING.Wan Jinsen.user


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