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Title: DES Download
 Description: DES encryption and decryption, I feel fine with the
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader wovilyna]
 To Search: des
  • [DES V5.0 en Final] - Source code for DES encoding and decodin
  • [DESachieve.Zip] - perfect DES codec procedures, written by
  • [200552536251] - This is a VB-DES encryption/decryption a
  • [DES_] - DES encryption and decryption algorithms
  • [DES_Encryption] - DES encryption and decryption of text fi
  • [DES] - In this case the use of Delphi to achiev
  • [car_gps_terminal] - GPS Car Factory of communication termina
  • [shujuku] - Enterprise Personnel Management System m
  • [bianyiyuanli] - We do compile the realization of the pri
  • [mytestdes_OK] - DES encryption and decryption of the sou
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