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Title: 20072010 Download
 Description: 20072010.rar: tubor, LDPC, convolution part of the code are welcome to download!
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader tang8407]
 To Search: ldpc ldpc matlab tubor
  • [decode] - LDPC system modeling, simulation of this
  • [LR-BP] - Procedures and gives a plot of the LDPC
  • [ldpc_decoder_802_3an] - 802.3an ldpc code encoding, decoding the
  • [hb] - I have written a monetary controls, for
  • [Joystick] - Gamestick ce5 test/joystick driver and t
  • [ldpc(in_matlab)] - Matlab based on the LDPC code encoding a
  • [girth4_count] - This procedure can be designed to test t
  • [Matlab] - matlab
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