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Title: avs1p2dec_source Download
 Description: Source company s reference AVS AVS players can play test flow useful tool
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader changmengwu]
 To Search: avs
  • [AVS] - AVS decoder source code and SDK routines
  • [AVSDecoderSDK1.6] - AVS development kit, the domestic media
  • [rm62f] - China
  • [AVS_Test_Player] - AVS_Test_Player is a windows platform un
  • [AvsPlay] - AVS is a good player, very detailed, all
  • [avs_sm0.3] - avs-s the latest code, including encoder
  • [MyElectCourse] - Web course design a simple selection sys
  • [AVS-P2] - AVS-P2 standard GB/T 20090.2, Informatio
  • [avs] - This is the information there AVS code a
  • [AVPlayer] - The H.264/AVS algorithm based on VS2008
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