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Title: Asprise-OCR-CSharp-Windows_Server_32bit-4.0 Download
 Description: The text on the picture identification, identification rate of 80 surcharge c# Calls [DllImport ( AspriseOCR.dll )] static extern string craboOCR (string file, int type) private void GetVeryfyCode () (if (File.Exists (_imgPath) )// ok now? (try (this.picbVeryfyCode.Image = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile (_imgPath) _veryfyCode = craboOCR (_imgPath,-1) _veryfyCode = _veryfyCode.Substring (0,4) this.txtVeryfyCode.Text = _veryfyCode) catch (Exception e) (this.lblResult.Text+ = e.Message)))
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