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Title: julei- Download
 Description: vc wrote clustering algorithms, in image processing or data are widely used
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader kobewry]
 To Search:
  • [ImageProcessing] - This a relevant topic with my image stit
  • [fenjijulei] - A simple hierarchical clustering algorit
  • [CurrProcess] - The process of monitoring and management
  • [Modem] - To achieve a voice telephone communicati
  • [staticanalyse] - Data statistics. Applies in particular t
  • [compute_vision] - Image processing and machine vision-rela
  • [julei] - Image Pattern Recognition-VC++ Technolog
  • [ipr.iso] - " Image pattern recognition- VC++ te
  • [Kmeans] - Using vc++ achieved a very good K-means
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