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Title: DS18B20 Download
 Description: 2 DS18B20 temperature display circuit, 12Mhz crystal with four dynamic scans show two DS18B20
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader hxx-921]
 To Search: dS18B20
  • [thermometer.Rar] - with 89C51 and DS18B20 produced an incub
  • [DS18B20_LCD_C51] - the United States DALAS ds1820 chip temp
  • [18b20liangshuqu] - digital temperature sensor 18B20 C tempe
  • [DS18B20] - err
  • [ljw1s] - 6 digital control of dynamic scanning, u
  • [DS1820] - Single or multiple source DS18B20 C51.
  • [ds1302_lcd_4bit] - 1602LCD four-source programming. To shar
  • [DDS] - err
  • [DS18B20] - It uses a single bus single clock signal
  • [18b20] - Digital temperature sensor 18B20 drivers
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