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Title: nettime Download
 Description: A tiny (size less than 5k) when the mini-network, you can make the computer s time and time server time synchronization, windows, bringing the time of service can be closed. Using vc6 compiler source.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader hb_jinjihong]
 To Search: nettime netti
  • [sntp2] - network time synchronization protocol im
  • [SClient] - time synchronization client, the Windows
  • [NetConnectTime] - development of a VC network of smaller p
  • [InternetTimer] - I use WIN2000, open systems always thoug
  • [demo] - This is my book up and down from ARM for
  • [miyaoguanlizhongxin] - Key management center for encryption and
  • [NetTime] - Network when the source program, the pro
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