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Downloads SourceCode Communication-Mobile SMS
Title: smsPDU Download
 Description: Vc achieve a point-to-point video conferencing code for your reference
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader dengvs2008]
 To Search: smspdu
  • [TV-Meeting] - is a personal video conferencing system,
  • [videomeeting] - video conferencing systems, the use of R
  • [communicate] - This article provides methods suitable f
  • [hs_sms_dll_setup_v1_0] - GSM short message sending demo program,
  • [videochat] - On the P2P way video conferencing softwa
  • [P2P] - P2P the way video conferencing software,
  • [SMS_S_R_DLL] - The use of mobile phones to send and rec
  • [SmsPdu] - PDU Encode Decode
  • [H263VideoNet] - This application allows any 2 persons on
  • [myAudio] - Personal development of video conferenci
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