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Title: opencsp-source Download
 Description: Here is OpenCSP 0.1 version of the project code, very good, very helpful for the development of CSP
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader liugang202]
 To Search: CSP OpenCSP
  • [csp11-0.4.0] - Very good source to learn CSP, CSP would
  • [CSPTSTS10] - Microsoft
  • [iso7816] - The development of smart card cos one to
  • [usb] - The usbkey is an important part of the c
  • [CSP-src] - Microsoft CryptoAPI 录 脫 陆 芒脙脺 录 录 脢玫脭
  • [PKCS] - PKCS complete agreement documents, compa
  • [smartcard] - smartcard
  • [Samples] - pkcs11 cryptoAPI
  • [opencsp] - Microsoft CSP achieve source. CSP: Crypt
  • [pcsc-lite-1.5.2] - PCSC driver scheleton
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