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 Description: Bbs common source code, I think it is very stable very comprehensive! Share
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  • [20060318bbs] - 01. Add posting MN. 02. Grading marking
  • [javaMessage] - SMS java development kit, including exam
  • [lock] - Screen lock desktop lock, by setting the
  • [addressnote] - Based on the use of Struts Hibernate Int
  • [springAopIoc] - This project is a spring in the IOC/AOP
  • [BBS-CS_3b_Tomcat4] - This procedure is jsp environment, the n
  • [OA] - The forefront of using java technology f
  • [Jive_2_5_4] - Java programming language used to achiev
  • [bbs] - Use jsp+ Java development forum bbs sour
  • [BBS] - Based on JAVA technology (Struts+ Spring
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