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Title: UCOS Download
 Description: This compressed package contains detailed UCOS-II source code, use the BORLAND C++ Development environment, has been in XP, 2000, NT operating system and so on transplant success, modify the code which can be ported to other CPU and to the .
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader lovenzz]
 To Search:
  • [uCOSV252] - uCOS v2.52
  • [[www.ylmf.com]ucdos7.33] - UCDOS a veteran of the Chinese operating
  • [foruCOS-IIforArm] - LPC2000 the uc/osII transplantation arm
  • [UCOS_ii_CLK] - the source of the UCOS-II under practica
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  • [block] - VC++ (Not MFC) prepared Tetris game!
  • [uCOS-View] - uCOS-View, with UCOS II supporting the u
  • [BOMB] - This procedure using the Borland C prepa
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