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Title: testonline Download
 Description: Online examination system: 1. To ensure that the sample code is running correctly, the reader needs to download and install the Dundas map plug-in. The download address is as follows: http://www.dundas.com/ The software needs to be registered in order to be able to use the software for a long time. Please support the use of genuine software. 2. Installation and use of plug-ins 1. Install the plugin. 2. Use Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003 to open the TestOnline project of chapter 4 student online examination system. 3. Open the Analysis.aspx form. Click on the "view" | "toolbox" and click the "Web form" tool group in the toolbox. Click the right mouse button in the work and select add/remove items from the popup menu. 6. Select the Chart option in the open "custom toolbox" dialog box, and click ok. 7. After installation, the Chart control appears in the web form tool.
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