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Title: cpsbxt Download
 Description: VC-based license plate recognition system, there are full details of the source code
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader yacoiou]
 To Search:
  • [PlateReco] - the program is a very good location and
  • [location] - matlab license plate identification proc
  • [chepaishibie] - License Plate Recognition to develop sou
  • [FreTrans] - The program can bmp format image files f
  • [shibiecp] - License plate identification procedures,
  • [11] - My design is based on graduation VC++ Li
  • [trade+mark] - After a variety of powerful transform li
  • [Recognition] - This is an automatic identification proc
  • [plate_openCV] - Opencv implemented using license plate r
  • [006] - Vehicle identification system is compose
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