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[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmscalc24.rar

Description: 自个写的一个穷举法算二十四点的小程序
Platform: | Size: 486 | Author: | Hits:

[Other resourcepySameGame

Description: python同色球游戏,全部源码。选择消灭所有相同颜色同色球,直到所有的球消失。剩余球失败。 源程序来源于newsmth.net的python信区。-python same color ball game, all-source. Choice of the same color to eliminate all the same color balls until all the ball disappeared. The remaining signal failure. Newsmth.net source from the python letter to the district.
Platform: | Size: 218780 | Author: 高山 | Hits:


Description: Python实现的半同步半异步网络框架.在其上可以实现自己的应用层协议,以支持特定的应用.-Python achieve a semi-synchronous-asynchronous network framework. In its own can achieve the application layer protocol to support specific applications.
Platform: | Size: 2053 | Author: 张铭 | Hits:


Description: python的treeview控件,用tcl/tk实现,带目录显示范例!-treeview control the python, using Philips / tk realized, with catalog shows examples!
Platform: | Size: 39200 | Author: 杨标 | Hits:


Description: BitTorrentABC-Linux-V.2.4.3源码-BitTorrentABC-Linux-V.2.4.3 FOSS
Platform: | Size: 122154 | Author: 时宁立 | Hits:

[File Operatenewedit_3.0

Description: PYTHON例程,对开发PYTHON的朋友有帮助-PYTHON has made routines for developing PYTHON has made friends with the help
Platform: | Size: 645756 | Author: 孙刚 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopPython-QQ-2005-07-27

Description: PYTHON编写的QQ客户端源码,适合PYTHON网络编程的朋友参考-PYTHON has made the preparation of the QQ client source code, the programming for the network PYTHON has made reference to a friend
Platform: | Size: 35825 | Author: 孙刚 | Hits:


Description: MSN二次开发的插件,非常好的,功能比较全-secondary development of plug-in, very good, functional Compare
Platform: | Size: 30378 | Author: 于军 | Hits:

[Other resourceABC-win32-v2.6.9

Description: BT源码,加快下载速度,很好用的一款p2p下载软件-BT source accelerate download speed, very good with the new peer-to-peer download software
Platform: | Size: 213155 | Author: lht | Hits:

[Other resourcePyChem

Description: PyChem是用Python语言编写的多元变量分析软件。它包括一个前端图形界面用于管理和保存试验数据,并用多元分析的算法分析试验数据。主要的目录结构如下: PyChem\\PURELIB\\pychem 包括前端界面的管理和数据保存,以及核心的分析算法 PyChem\\PURELIB\\pychemlib 包括一些必要的支持库-PyChem Python language is used to prepare the multivariate analysis software. It includes a front-end GUI for the management and preservation of test data, and using multivariate analysis algorithm analysis of the test data. The main directory structure is as follows : PyChem \\ PURELIB \\ pychem including front-end interface management and data retention, and the core analysis algorithm PyChem \\ PURELIB \\ pychemlib including some necessary support libraries
Platform: | Size: 97856 | Author: star | Hits:

[Browser ClientBaiduExtract

Description: 一个在网上耙东西的Python小程序,非常漂亮-an online rake in the Python small program, very beautiful
Platform: | Size: 1066 | Author: ccccc | Hits:

[Proxy Serverproxytiger

Description: python + pygtk 做的批量代理服务器验证工具。-python was done quantities proxy server verification tools.
Platform: | Size: 10319 | Author: 王晓光 | Hits:


Description: 非原创。很好的python例子,有友好的界面,有互动。-non-original. A good example python, a friendly interface, interactive.
Platform: | Size: 981155 | Author: zhaoli | Hits:


Description: 这是一个用与生成数据库测试文件的程序对于网站的测试有很大的帮助,在python下运行,输入相应的参数即可运行-This is a database using the test generation process for the document to the test site will be very helpful, the python running, the importation of the corresponding parameters can run
Platform: | Size: 15456 | Author: khd | Hits:

[File Operatecreateword

Description: 利用Python可以快速的生成word文件,修改文件中的文字-use Python to quickly generate word document, modifying the language
Platform: | Size: 1410 | Author: haiwen | Hits:

[Other resourceABCv3.1

Description: bt软件源码,BitTorrent Client Source Code,Python实现-bt source software, BitTorrent Client Source Code, Python achieve
Platform: | Size: 321223 | Author: 耿永玲 | Hits:

[Other resourcepy-wol_0.02

Description: python写的wol游戏的模拟器,自己下了看吧。还是不错的,学习学习!-python writes the wol game simulator, own got down looked. Or good, studies!
Platform: | Size: 12666 | Author: slowlysea | Hits:

[Other resourceg3torrent-1.01-src

Description: G3 Torrent ,它具備了親善的操作介面,讓使用者可以容易上手,且對於下載的檔案以及 torrent 檔都能夠有詳細的資訊以及分類,讓使用者方便管理,因此在 BT 下載軟體中也順利佔得一片天空。-G3 Torrent, and it has the goodwill of the operating interface, users can easily get started, If for downloaded files and the torrent file can have detailed information and classification, allow users to facilitate management, in the BT download software also gained a smooth sky.
Platform: | Size: 247375 | Author: 簡宇 | Hits:

[Other resource12ddfffs

Description: python YUJW 为了下载东西 对不起了-python YUJW to download things Sorry
Platform: | Size: 1702 | Author: 李小龙 | Hits:

[Other resourceBitTornado-0.3.15

Description: bt的源码,很好噢,国内限量,很少找的,我找了n久才找到了-bt source code, well, uh, limited domestic rarely find, and I found a n long to find the
Platform: | Size: 262984 | Author: aaa | Hits:
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