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[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmswindowed_Burg

Description: Windowed-Burg method is made in order to improve the Clasical Burg method. Previously, I send the PBURGW.m file, but now I include also the ARBURGW.m algorithm and some NOTES-EXAMPLES to explain it and compare with the pburg.m algorithm from MATLAB. -Windowed-Burg method is made in order to improve the Clasical Burg method. Previously, I send the PBURGW.m file, but now I include also the ARBURGW.m algorithm and some NOTES-EXAMPLES to explain it and compare with the pburg.m algorithm from MATLAB.
Platform: | Size: 10944 | Author: ff | Hits:

[Other resourcezzbcq51avrdoc

Description: 自制51编程器 I have build my own programmer. This device can program the AT89C51 and works with it. So it can easily be adapted to programming other devices by itself. The Atmel Flash devices are ideal for developing, since they can be reprogrammed easy, often and fast. You need only 1 or 2 devices in low cost plastic case for developing. In contrast you need 10 or more high cost windowed devices if you must develop with EPROM devices (e.g. Phillips 87C751). -made 51 programmer I have build my own programmer. This device can program the AT89C51 and works with it. So it can easily be adapted to other devices programming by itself. The Atmel Flash devices are ideal for developing, since they can be reprogrammed easy , often and fast. You need only one or two devices in low cost plastic case for developing. In contrast you need 10 or more high cost windowed devices if you must develop with EPROM devices (eg Phillips 87C751).
Platform: | Size: 642953 | Author: 连夫天 | Hits:

[Graph programWindowedHough

Description: This paper proposes a new technique for rectangle detection using a windowed Hough Transform. Every pixel of the image is scanned, and a sliding window is used to compute the Hough Transform of small regions of the image.-This paper proposes a new technique for rec tangle detection using a windowed Hough Transf Vector. Every pixel of the image is scanned. and a sliding window is used to compute the Hough Transform of small regions of the image.
Platform: | Size: 160344 | Author: 石决明 | Hits:

[Other resourceweimin

Description: 读取语音信号(用matlab的wavread指令),把语音信号分帧、加窗,进行清浊分割,提取基 频,这一部分较简单,自己编程序做。参考文献自己到图书馆期刊网上查找。 提取语音信号的lpc参数,可调用lpcfit.m 程序(我提供,见附件),将源、目标语音的浊音 段的lpc系数进行DTW规整,调用pathita2.m 程序(我提供,见附件)。将规整得到的lpc系数 转换成lsp参数,调用lpcar2ls.m 程序(我提供,见附件), 再进行转换映射,调用matlab 的指令newrbe。-read the speech signal (using Matlab wavread Directive), Voice Signal frames, Windowed, Qingzhuo segmentation, extracting fundamental frequency, this part is relatively simple, they programmed to do. References their online journals to the library search. Voice Signal Extraction lpc parameters can be called lpcfit.m (I provide, see Annex), the source, Voiced objective voice of the lpc coefficient DTW structured, Call pathita2.m (I provide, see Annex). Structured to the lpc lsp conversion coefficient parameters, calling lpcar2ls.m (I offer see Annex), the shift mapping, called the directive newrbe Matlab.
Platform: | Size: 3928 | Author: 韦敏 | Hits:

[Other resourceAddWindowDFT

Description: 加窗离散傅立叶变换,用DFT对离散信号进行谱分析,通过选用不同的加窗函数来抑制信号截断造成的频谱泄漏-windowed discrete Fourier transform, DFT right discrete signal spectral analysis, the increase in the alternative window function to curb the disconnect signal leakage spectrum
Platform: | Size: 1203 | Author: 戴曙君 | Hits:









private Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device device = null;


public void InitializeGraphics()
 PresentParameters presentParams = new PresentParameters();
 presentParams.Windowed = true;
 presentParams.SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Flip;
 presentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat = DepthFormat.D16;
 presentParams.EnableAutoDepthStencil = true;
 device = new Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device(0, Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.DeviceType.Hardware, this,  CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing, presentParams);


public void Render()

 // 清空设备,并准备显示下一帧。
 device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer, Color.Black , 1.0f, 0);
 // 设置照相机的位置


private void SetupCamera()
 device.Transform.Projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH((float)Math.PI / 4, this.Width / this.Height, 1.0f, 1000.00f);
 device.Transform.View = Matrix.LookAtLH(new Vector3(0.0f ,0.0f, 20.0f), new Vector3(0.0f,0.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(0,1,0));



static void Main()
 using (Form1 EarthForm = new Form1())






public class Earth : BaseEarth
 private Material[] mMaterials; //保存材质
 private Texture[] mTextures; //保存纹理
 private Matrix locationOffset; //用来保存网格对象的相对位置
 private Mesh mMesh = null; //三角形网格对象
 private Device meshDevice; //需要显示在哪个设备上。


public Earth(ref Device device, Matrix location): base(ref device)
 meshDevice = device;
 locationOffset = location;


public bool LoadMesh(string meshfile)
 ExtendedMaterial[] mtrl;
  // 装载文件
  mMesh = Mesh.FromFile(meshfile, MeshFlags.Managed, meshDevice, out mtrl);
  // 如果有材质的话,装入它们
  if ((mtrl != null) && (mtrl.Length > 0))
   mMaterials = new Material[mtrl.Length];
   mTextures = new Texture[mtrl.Length];

   // 得到材质和纹理

   for (int i = 0; i < mtrl.Length; i++)
    mMaterials[i] = mtrl[i].Material3D;
    if ((mtrl[i].TextureFilename != null) && (mtrl[i].TextureFilename != string.Empty))


     mTextures[i] = TextureLoader.FromFile(meshDevice, @"..\..\" + mtrl[i].TextureFilename);
  return true;
  return false;



public void Render(Matrix worldTransform)
 meshDevice.Transform.World = Matrix.Multiply(locationOffset, worldTransform);
 for (int i = 0; i < mMaterials.Length; i++)
  meshDevice.Material = mMaterials[i];
  meshDevice.SetTexture(0, mTextures[i]);


private Earth mesh = null;
private Matrix meshLoc;
private bool meshLoaded = false;


meshLoc = Matrix.Identity;
meshLoc.M41 = 2.0f;
mesh = new Earth(ref device, meshLoc);
if (mesh.LoadMesh(@"..\..\earth.x"))
 meshLoaded = true;




device.Lights[0].Type = LightType.Directional;
device.Lights[0].Diffuse = Color.White;
device.Lights[0].Direction = new Vector3(0, -1, -1);
device.Lights[0].Enabled = true;









private float xloc = 0.0f;
private float yloc = 0.0f;
private float zloc = 0.0f;
private float xrot = 0.0f;
private float yrot = 0.0f;
private float zrot = 0.0f;
private float xscale = 1.0f;
private float yscale = 1.0f;
private float zscale = 1.0f;



public float XLoc
  return xloc;
  xloc = value;



public virtual void Render()
 objdevice.MultiplyTransform(TransformType.World,Matrix.Translation(xloc, yloc, zloc));
 objdevice.MultiplyTransform(TransformType.World,Matrix.RotationAxis(new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), xrot));
 objdevice.MultiplyTransform(TransformType.World,Matrix.RotationAxis(new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), yrot));
 objdevice.MultiplyTransform(TransformType.World,Matrix.RotationAxis(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), zrot));
 objdevice.MultiplyTransform(TransformType.World,Matrix.Scaling(xscale, yscale, zscale));



public override void Render()
 // meshDevice.Transform.World = Matrix.Multiply(locationOffset, worldTransform);





public class cModel
 private cMeshObject mesh1 = null;
 private cMeshObject mesh2 = null;
 private bool modelloaded;



public void Load(ref Device device)
 mesh1 = new Earth(ref device);
 mesh2 = new Earth(ref device);
 if (mesh1.LoadMesh(@"..\..\earth2.x"))
  modelloaded = true;
  modelloaded = false;
 if (mesh2.LoadMesh(@"..\..\moon.x"))
  mesh2.XLoc += 20.0f;
  modelloaded = true;
  modelloaded = false;


  下面的Update()方法中,参数dir 用来判断是顺时针旋转还是逆时针旋转,另外,地球和月球绕Y轴增加的角度大小不同,也就决定了二者旋转的速度不同。

public void Update(int dir)
 if(dir > 0)
  mesh1.YRot += 0.02f;
  mesh2.YRot += 0.05f;
 else if(dir < 0)
  mesh1.YRot -= 0.02f;
  mesh2.YRot -= 0.05f;



public void Render(ref Device device)
 device.Transform.World = Matrix.Identity;


public void LoadLights(ref Device device)
 device.Lights[0].Type = LightType.Directional;
 device.Lights[0].Diffuse = Color.White;
 device.Lights[0].Position = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 25.0f);
 device.Lights[0].Direction = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);
public void Light(ref Device device)
 device.Lights[0].Enabled = true;



private Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.Device mouse = null;
public System.Threading.AutoResetEvent MouseUpdated;
private float x, y, z = 0.0f;
private byte[] buttons;



public CMouse(System.Windows.Forms.Control control)
 mouse = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.Device(SystemGuid.Mouse);
 mouse.SetCooperativeLevel(control, CooperativeLevelFlags.Background | CooperativeLevelFlags.NonExclusive);
 mouse.Properties.AxisModeAbsolute = false;
 MouseUpdated = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false);



public void Update()
 MouseState state = mouse.CurrentMouseState;
 x = state.X;
 y = state.Y;
 z = state.Z;
 buttons = state.GetMouseButtons();



public bool LeftButtonDown
  bool a;
  return a = (buttons[0] != 0);





private CModel model = null;
private CMouse mouse = null;
private bool leftbuttondown = false;
private float mousexloc;





public void InitializeInput()
 mouse = new CMouse(this);


private void UpdateInputState()
 if (mouse.LeftButtonDown)
  if(leftbuttondown == false)
   mousexloc = 0.0f;
   leftbuttondown = true;
   mousexloc = -mouse.X;
  leftbuttondown = false;
  mousexloc = 0.0f;



public void Render()
 device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer, Color.DarkGray, 1.0f, 0);
 model.Light(ref device);
 model.Render(ref device);



static void Main()
 using (Form1 EarthForm = new Form1())

Platform: | Size: 11817 | Author: mantoutou | Hits:

[GUI Developbrew window manager



This topic describes how to create a windowed application that will share the display with other applications.
Brew® MP windowed applications need to be written differently than traditional Brew MP applications. Traditional Brew MP applications, when running in the foreground, occupy full screen space and can modify the display at any time. In the windowing framework, multiple applications share the display at the same time and are not allowed to modify the display arbitrarily. A windowed application also needs to create one or more widgets to be used to create the windows.
A windowed application needs to:
·                  Create and initialize one or more widgets to be passed to IWindowMgr_CreateWindow().
The application can implement its own IWidget, or it can make use of an existing IWidget.
·                  Handle the EVT_APP_START_WINDOW event (and create a window).
·                  Implement handlers for visibility changes, focus changes, and extent changes. The implementation of these handlers is dependent on the details of the application.
·                  Draw in two stages:
·                                  Tell the container that drawing is necessary (ICONTAINER_Invalidate()).
·                                  Draw only when told to draw by the container (IWIDGET_Draw()).
Note: A windowed application should not call any functions that modify IDisplay directly. This includes explicit IDisplay function calls or implicit updates, such as calls to IIMAGE_Draw() or ICONTROL_Redraw(). Drawing should happen only on demand, for example, when IWIDGET_Draw() is called for the widget used to create the window. Existing Widget based applications follow these guidelines and, with minor modifications, can be ported to the windowing framework.
Event handling
A windowed application must respond to these events:
A window-based application receives EVT_APP_START_WINDOW first. If the application returns TRUE for this event, the application does not receive EVT_APP_START. If an application needs to support both the environments (window based and non-window based), it should handle both events.
When the application receives EVT_APP_START_WINDOW, it should create one or more windows.
If creation of IWindowMgr0 fails while handling EVT_APP_START_WINDOW, the application should assume that the platform does not support window-based applications. In this case, the application should return FALSE and continue the application logic in the code for EVT_APP_START.
After an application returns TRUE for EVT_APP_START_WINDOW, it will not receive EVT_APP_SUSPEND and EVT_APP_RESUME as non-windowed Brew MP applications do. Instead, the application must check for window status events that are sent to the widget through EVT_WDG_SETPROPERTY events. For EVT_WDG_SETPROPERTY events, wParam indicates which property was set, and dwParam specifies the value of the property. When the AEEWindowMgrExt_PROPEX_STATE property has a value of AEEWindowMgrExt_STATE_VISIBLE, the window is visible.
The EVT_WDG_WINDOWSTATUS event is sent to a widget to notify it about various window related status messages. AEEWindowStatus.h contains information on the meaning of various status messages.
Sample code location

ZIP filename
Run app
Brew MP Library
·                       Download and extract the ZIP file.
·                       Compile the app.
·                       Run it on the Brew MP Simulator.

Example of a windowed application
In the hellowindowapp sample, HelloWindowApp_HandleEvent handles the EVT_APP_START_WINDOW event and creates soft key and pop-up windows:
      // Create the softkey and popup windows
      // Handling this event tells Brew that we are a windowing
      // application.
      return TRUE;  
HelloWindowApp_CreateSoftkey() creates the soft key widget, sets the color text of the widget, then calls HelloWindowApp_CreateWindow() to create the window.
   WidgetWindow *pWindow = &pMe->softkeyWindow;
   if (pWindow->piWindowWidget != NULL) return;
   pWindow->pszDbgName = "Softkey";
   pWindow->pMe = pMe;
   (void) ISHELL_CreateInstance(pMe->applet.m_pIShell, AEECLSID_SoftkeyWidget,
            (void **) &pWindow->piWindowWidget);
   if (pWindow->piWindowWidget == NULL) return;
      WidgetExtent extent = {0, HWA_SOFTKEY_HEIGHT};
      IWidget_SetExtent(pWindow->piWindowWidget, &extent);
   (void) IWidget_SetBGColor(pWindow->piWindowWidget, MAKE_RGBA(200,200,200,255));
   // Now set the softkeys text
      IWidget *piTextWidget = NULL;
      (void) IWidget_GetSoftkey(pWindow->piWindowWidget, PROP_SOFTKEY1, &piTextWidget);
      if (piTextWidget != NULL) {
         (void) IWidget_SetText(piTextWidget, L"Hover", TRUE);
      (void) IWidget_GetSoftkey(pWindow->piWindowWidget, PROP_SOFTKEY2, &piTextWidget);
      if (piTextWidget != NULL) {
         (void) IWidget_SetText(piTextWidget, L"Close", TRUE);
   HelloWindowApp_CreateWindow(pMe, pWindow, AEEWindowMgrExt_CLASS_Softkey);  
HelloWindowApp_CreateWindow() creates the soft key window, as follows:
   int result;
   uint32 winId;
   AEEWindowProp propList[1];
   // Set custom window handler
   HANDLERDESC_Init(&pWindow->hdHandler, HelloWindowApp_WindowHandler, pWindow, NULL);
   IWIDGET_SetHandler(pWindow->piWindowWidget, &pWindow->hdHandler);
   propList[0].id = AEEWindowMgrExtProp_CLASS;
   propList[0].pbyLen = sizeof(winClass);
   propList[0].pby = (void *) &winClass;
   result = IWindowMgr_CreateWindow(pMe->piWindowMgr, (IQI*) (void *) pWindow->piWindowWidget,
      propList, ARR_SIZE(propList), &winId);
   if (result != SUCCESS) {
      DBGPRINTF("Window creation failed for %s: %d", pWindow->pszDbgName, result);
   } else {
      DBGPRINTF("Window %s created: id=%d", pWindow->pszDbgName, winId);
HelloWindowApp_CreateOrActivatePopup() creates the widget for the pop-up window, then calls HelloWindowApp_CreateWindow() to create the pop-up window.
   pWindow->piWindowWidget = HelloWindowApp_CreateAndInitImageWidget(
                                "popups.main" // Image as defined in appinfo.ini
   if (pWindow->piWindowWidget == NULL) return;
      WExtent extent = {HWA_POPUP_WIDTH, HWA_POPUP_HEIGHT};
      IWIDGET_SetExtent(pWindow->piWindowWidget, &extent);
   HelloWindowApp_CreateWindow(pMe, pWindow, AEEWindowMgrExt_CLASS_Popup);
Related information
·                  See Brew MP Widgets Technology Guide: Creating a Widgets application
·                  See Brew MP API Reference

Base version:
Brew MP 1.0
Tested version:
Brew MP 1.0
Phone tested:


Platform: | Size: 439828 | Author: bluecrest | Hits:


Description: 加窗离散傅立叶变换,用DFT对离散信号进行谱分析,通过选用不同的加窗函数来抑制信号截断造成的频谱泄漏-windowed discrete Fourier transform, DFT right discrete signal spectral analysis, the increase in the alternative window function to curb the disconnect signal leakage spectrum
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 戴曙君 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmswindowed_Burg

Description: Windowed-Burg method is made in order to improve the Clasical Burg method. Previously, I send the PBURGW.m file, but now I include also the ARBURGW.m algorithm and some NOTES-EXAMPLES to explain it and compare with the pburg.m algorithm from MATLAB. -Windowed-Burg method is made in order to improve the Clasical Burg method. Previously, I send the PBURGW.m file, but now I include also the ARBURGW.m algorithm and some NOTES-EXAMPLES to explain it and compare with the pburg.m algorithm from MATLAB.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: ff | Hits:


Description: 自制51编程器 I have build my own programmer. This device can program the AT89C51 and works with it. So it can easily be adapted to programming other devices by itself. The Atmel Flash devices are ideal for developing, since they can be reprogrammed easy, often and fast. You need only 1 or 2 devices in low cost plastic case for developing. In contrast you need 10 or more high cost windowed devices if you must develop with EPROM devices (e.g. Phillips 87C751). -made 51 programmer I have build my own programmer. This device can program the AT89C51 and works with it. So it can easily be adapted to other devices programming by itself. The Atmel Flash devices are ideal for developing, since they can be reprogrammed easy , often and fast. You need only one or two devices in low cost plastic case for developing. In contrast you need 10 or more high cost windowed devices if you must develop with EPROM devices (eg Phillips 87C751).
Platform: | Size: 643072 | Author: 连夫天 | Hits:

[Graph programWindowedHough

Description: This paper proposes a new technique for rectangle detection using a windowed Hough Transform. Every pixel of the image is scanned, and a sliding window is used to compute the Hough Transform of small regions of the image.-This paper proposes a new technique for rec tangle detection using a windowed Hough Transf Vector. Every pixel of the image is scanned. and a sliding window is used to compute the Hough Transform of small regions of the image.
Platform: | Size: 159744 | Author: 石决明 | Hits:


Description: 读取语音信号(用matlab的wavread指令),把语音信号分帧、加窗,进行清浊分割,提取基 频,这一部分较简单,自己编程序做。参考文献自己到图书馆期刊网上查找。 提取语音信号的lpc参数,可调用lpcfit.m 程序(我提供,见附件),将源、目标语音的浊音 段的lpc系数进行DTW规整,调用pathita2.m 程序(我提供,见附件)。将规整得到的lpc系数 转换成lsp参数,调用lpcar2ls.m 程序(我提供,见附件), 再进行转换映射,调用matlab 的指令newrbe。-read the speech signal (using Matlab wavread Directive), Voice Signal frames, Windowed, Qingzhuo segmentation, extracting fundamental frequency, this part is relatively simple, they programmed to do. References their online journals to the library search. Voice Signal Extraction lpc parameters can be called lpcfit.m (I provide, see Annex), the source, Voiced objective voice of the lpc coefficient DTW structured, Call pathita2.m (I provide, see Annex). Structured to the lpc lsp conversion coefficient parameters, calling lpcar2ls.m (I offer see Annex), the shift mapping, called the directive newrbe Matlab.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 韦敏 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinewindowedtest

Description: 加窗程序,包含了各种分析窗,经过调试已经通过!-Windowed program, including a variety of analysis window, after debugging has passed!
Platform: | Size: 134144 | Author: 尤凤凯 | Hits:

[Graph programwindow_fourier

Description: 加窗fourier变换的实现 效果不错 适合入门级的学习者.-Windowed fourier transform to achieve good results for entry-level learners.
Platform: | Size: 272384 | Author: liphbgfh | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combine111

Description: 语音信号处理,语音识别,大致知道要经过预处理,特征提取,矢量化和匹配计算等几个步骤, 用matlab对一个语音信号进行滤波,分桢,加窗或者端点检测. 注:网上下voicebox工具箱,用做语音处理 -Voice signal processing, speech recognition, more or less know to go through pre-processing, feature extraction, vectorization and matching calculation several steps, using matlab on a voice signal filtering, sub-ching, windowed or endpoint detection. Note: The online toolbox VoiceBox used to do voice processing
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 张小天 | Hits:


Description: 通过软件实现对各种指定信号的加窗处理,以便于进一步的处理-Through software to realize a variety of designated signals windowed treatment in order to facilitate further processing
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: swjtuhy | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinewmz

Description: 语音信号分帧加窗程序,许多程序包里都没有的!-Speech signal windowed framing procedure, many programs do not have the bag!
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wei mingzhe | Hits:


Description: Direct3D程序设计基础 //创建Direct3D对象, 该对象用来创建Direct3D设备对象 if( NULL == ( g_pD3D = Direct3DCreate9( D3D_SDK_VERSION ) ) ) return E_FAIL //设置D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS结构, 准备创建Direct3D设备对象 D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS d3dpp ZeroMemory( &d3dpp, sizeof(d3dpp) ) d3dpp.Windowed = TRUE d3dpp.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD d3dpp.BackBufferFormat = D3DFMT_UNKNOWN //创建Direct3D设备对象 if( FAILED( g_pD3D->CreateDevice( D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, hWnd, D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING, &d3dpp, &g_pd3dDevice ) ) ) { return E_FAIL }-Program design based on Direct3D// create a Direct3D object, the object used to create Direct3D device object if (NULL == (g_pD3D = Direct3DCreate9 (D3D_SDK_VERSION))) return E_FAIL// set D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS structure, ready to create a Direct3D device object D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS d3dpp ZeroMemory (
Platform: | Size: 307200 | Author: yourname | Hits:


Description: This script calculate the Fourier transform of a Rectangular window of 64 points using an aproximation with a DFT of 1024 points,as well as calculates for differents values of f0 and f1 the module of the frecuency response of the windowed signal. All of this is for "look" the windowed effect. Sorry my bad English. comments or any suggestion vjgonzalezg@gmail.com
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: actinio | Hits:


Description: 加窗变换,信号在高斯窗函数取不同a时的STFT,窗函数是不同值时的stft-Windowed transform the signal in a Gaussian window function to take different when the STFT, the window function is different values ​ ​ of the stft
Platform: | Size: 221184 | Author: 追风人 | Hits:
« 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 »

CodeBus www.codebus.net