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[Embeded Linux串口wifi

Description: uart wifi for linux
Platform: | Size: 89983 | Author: zs249549500 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxLinux下wifi

Description: 嵌入式Linux下无线wifi的WPA验证资料
Platform: | Size: 681 | Author: wangjinmcu@163.com | Hits:

[SourceCodeWiFi Source

Description: WiFi
Platform: | Size: 6027996 | Author: JeffLee | Hits:


Description: a10蓝牙WIFI配置文件a10蓝牙WIFI配置文件a10蓝牙WIFI配置文件a10蓝牙WIFI配置文件a10蓝牙WIFI配置文件
Platform: | Size: 14266 | Author: 323152657@qq.com | Hits:


Description: 一个很不错的WIFI程序,可运行,保质量-a very good WIFI procedures, operational, and ensuring quality
Platform: | Size: 79872 | Author: 侯亮 | Hits:


Description: 介绍WIFI技术的文章是我论文的主要信息来源-introduced WIFI technical articles I thesis is the main source of information
Platform: | Size: 138240 | Author: kevinzhang | Hits:


Description: WIFI技术文档,对于想了解WIFI的朋友,可以参考一下-WIFI technical documentation for the WIFI would like to know a friend, you can refer to
Platform: | Size: 258048 | Author: greenboy | Hits:

[3G developmit-ofdm-wifi

Description: MIT关于OFDM收发器、WIFI收发器的ASIC和 FPGA硬件开发源码及资料,比较不错的资料OFDM: OFDM transceiver (transmitter and receiver), highly parameterized to cover 802.11a (WiFi), 802.16 (WiMax) and others in the future. Support for 802.15 (WUSB) is currently being worked on. 802.11a: 802.11a WiFi transmitter-MIT on the OFDM transceiver, WIFI transceiver ASIC and FPGA hardware development source code and information, good information comparing OFDM: OFDM transceiver (transmitter and receiver), highly parameterized to cover 802.11a (WiFi), 802.16 (WiMax) and others in the future. Support for 802.15 (WUSB) is currently being worked on.802.11a: 802.11a WiFi transmitter
Platform: | Size: 802816 | Author: test | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxAtheros-wifi-driver.tar

Description: Atheros wifi driver source code
Platform: | Size: 860160 | Author: xfken | Hits:


Description: matlab无线通信协议wifi仿真工具箱-wifi wireless communication protocol matlab simulation toolbox
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: sammy | Hits:

[Search Enginewifi

Description: EMB-380A WiFi模块的测试程序,从初始化到搜索AP以及接收数据等-EMB-380A WiFi module test procedures, from initialization to search such as AP, as well as receive data
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: qqq | Hits:


Description: WIFI在掌上设备上应用越来越广泛,而智能手机就是其中一份子。与早前应用 于手机上的蓝牙技术不同,WiFi具有更大的覆盖范围和更高的传输速率,因此WiFi手机成为了目前移动通信 业界的时尚潮流。由于WiFi的频段在世界范围内是无需任何电信运营执照的免费频段,因此WLAN无线设备提 供了一个世界范围内可以使用的,费用极其低廉且数据带宽极高的无线空中接口。用户可以在WiFi覆盖区域 内快速浏览网页,随时随地接听拨打电话。而其它一些基于WLAN的宽带数据应用,如流媒体、网络游戏等功 能更是值得用户期待。有了WIFI功能我们打长途电话(包括国际长途哦),浏览网页、收发电子邮件、音乐下 载、数码照片传递等,再无需担心速度慢和花费高的问题。
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: 张三 | Hits:


Description: 对wifi编程有很大的帮助作用,可实现WIFI连接-Programming on the wifi has a lot of help, can realize WIFI connection
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: eric | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopWiFi

Description: WiFi技术研究与通信设计,介绍了嵌入式WiFI技术应用-WiFi technology research and communications design, introduction of the embedded technology applications WiFI
Platform: | Size: 523264 | Author: 刘亚东 | Hits:


Description: PTMI_After Test for WIFi connectivity
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: erik | Hits:


Description: 通过WiFi信号的测量进行粒子滤波定位机器人 Particle filter for robot localization using WiFi measurements Matlab R2007b, Image Processing Toolbox 这个Matlab程序展示通过粒子滤波进行机器人的跟踪-WiFi signal measurement through the particle filter for robot positioning Particle filter for robot localization using WiFi measurements Matlab R2007b, Image Processing Toolbox of the Matlab program to demonstrate the robot through the particle filter tracking
Platform: | Size: 192512 | Author: ice | Hits:

[Program docWiFi-URAR-RS232

Description: 产品描述 ◆ SOC芯片,性价比极高,质量稳定,内置WiFi协议栈和串口传输协议,接口信号5V、地、RX 、TX四线连接; ◆ 模块简洁、体积小,22*60*7 mm; ◆ 用户接口开发简单快捷,串口驱动 ; ◆ MSC51/PIC/ARM7 等 8、32位单片机轻易驱动,驱动代码极少; 产品参数 ◆ 支持UART数据接口,波特率:19.2k / 38.4k / 57.6k / 115.2k bps ; ◆ 无线数据速率支持802.11b,最高速率11M ; ◆ 集成802.11 MAC协议软件功能; ◆ 支持基础网络中的STA应用; ◆ 支持OPEN/WEP方式的鉴权; ◆ 支持共享密钥方式的wep64/wep128数据加密传输; ◆ 在自动联网模式下,模块能自动扫描目标网络,断线自动重连 ; ◆ 在手动联网模式下,通过命令触发连接和断开,用户灵活控制; ◆ 支持RAW/UDP/TCP格式的网络数据传输; ◆ 支持7组基本参数设置,最多可以连接7个目的网络; ◆ 支持通过用户接口进行参数配置; ◆ 支持固件程序通过网络在线升级; ◆ 支持外接天线,UFL接口,发射功率最大100mW,接收灵敏度-90dBm ◆ -SKLDFJSDLFJADSLFJKL
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: 陈坚胜 | Hits:

[File FormatARM-WIFI

Description: 无线网卡在医疗中的应用,我们可以从中学到很多东西-WIFI in ARM, We can study some in this paper,It is a good paper
Platform: | Size: 288768 | Author: 王锋 | Hits:


Description: 串口转wifi,无线局域网模块。使用51或者其他8位机都可以驱动,有详细的文档和软件-Serial to wifi, wireless LAN module. The use of 51 or other 8-bit machine can be driven
Platform: | Size: 3502080 | Author: 陈坚胜 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxwifi.tar

Description: QT4实现的嵌入式linux wifi 无线网络操作界面,对嵌入式linux的类似项目具有参考价值-Achieve QT4 embedded linux wifi wireless network interface, similar to embedded linux project reference value
Platform: | Size: 337920 | Author: 袁裕芳 | Hits:
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