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[WEB Code基于WEB的教学评价系统

Description: 一个基于网络的课程教学评价调查的WEB应用程序,采用jsp/javabean设计,MVC设计模式。-a Web-based courses teaching evaluation survey of Web applications, using jsp/javabean design, MVC design pattern.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 李先生 | Hits:


Description: 关于web主题提取的论文,希望对研究web 主题提取的算法的朋友有所帮助。-theme on the web from the paper, and I hope to study web theme extraction algorithm friends help.
Platform: | Size: 407552 | Author: yu | Hits:

[MultiLanguageASP.NET与Web Service实例剖析中文版

Description: ASP.NET与Web Service实例剖析中文版 ASP.NET与Web Service实例剖析中文版-ASP.NET and Web Service Case analysis with the Chinese version of ASP.NET Web Service Case Analysis Chinese version
Platform: | Size: 1777664 | Author: 赵之谋 | Hits:


Description: 《Web应用基础》,ppt格式,简要讲述了javascript,ASP.NET等web编程方面的语言。 -"Web application infrastructure," ppt format, the javascript briefly described, such as ASP.NET web programming language aspects.
Platform: | Size: 7299072 | Author: 秦天 | Hits:

[File Format20010000-Web Usage Mining

Description: 主要关于web使用挖掘的介绍,非常不错的文章。-mainly on the use of web mining, a very good article.
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: 杨颂 | Hits:

[Web Server用Java实现Web服务器

Description: 用Java实现Web服务器 本文实现了GET请求的Web服务器程序的方法,通过创建ServerSocket类对象,监听端口8080; 等待、接受客户机连接到端口8080; 创建与socket字相关联的输入流和输出流 然后,读取客户机的请求信息,若请求类型是GET,则从请求信息中获取所访问的HTML文件名,如果HTML文件存在,则打开HTML文件,把HTTP头信息和HTML文件内容通过socket传回给Web浏览器,然后关闭文件。否则发送错误信息给Web浏览器。最后,关闭与相应Web浏览器连接的socket字。-Java Web server is to achieve a GET request to the Web server, through the creation of ServerSocket class object, bugging port 8080; Wait, a client is connected to port 8080; Socket character creation and the associated input and output streams flow then read the client's request information, if the request is the type of GET, request information from being accessed visit HTML document, and if the HTML document exists, then open the HTML file, HTTP headers and HTML files through the socket sent back to the Web browser and then close the file. Otherwise, send the wrong message to the Web browser. Finally, the closing and the corresponding Web browser connected to the socket word.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 雨岳 | Hits:

[Internet-NetworkWeb Edit

Description: 网页编辑程序,这是一个用VC开发的所见即所得网页编辑程序,-website editor, which is a development of the VC WYSIWYG web editor,
Platform: | Size: 126976 | Author: 梁超 | Hits:

[CSharpProfessional CSharp Web Services(源代码)

Description: Professional CSharp Web Services(源代码),实现比较简单,教容易理解,可供大家参考-Professional CSharp Web Services (source code), to achieve relatively simple, easy to understand teaching, for your reference
Platform: | Size: 1975296 | Author: yy | Hits:


Description: 演示如何从网站下载文件、如何制作网络浏览器以及网络服务器-demonstrate how the documents downloaded from the website, how to make Web browsers and Web servers
Platform: | Size: 1667072 | Author: 熊熊XP | Hits:

[Books[En]Web Servies Essentials

Description: 介绍web service的书,可以让你有质的飞跃-introduced web service, the book allows you to have a qualitative leap
Platform: | Size: 1615872 | Author: zuizui12 | Hits:

[Software Engineering基于Web的产品信息管理(PDM)系统

Description: 基于Web的产品信息管理(PDM)系统论文,使用的技术有c#,asp.net,sql2000,xml等-Web-based product information management (PDM) system papers, the use of the technology c#, Asp. net, MACHINE, xml, etc.
Platform: | Size: 76800 | Author: 许先生 | Hits:

[Search Engine基于Web链接挖掘和内容相关性分析的智能检索

Description: 一个基于Web 链接挖掘和内容相关性分析的智能信息检索系统-links to a Web-based mining and content analysis of the Intelligent Information Retrieval System
Platform: | Size: 131072 | Author: | Hits:


Description: PWS就是Personal Web Server的缩写,字面意思就是个人网页服务器。这是微软公司为解决个人信息共享和Web开发需要而设计开发的-PWS Personal Web Server is the acronym literally personal Web server. This is Microsoft's solution for sharing personal information and Web development needs of the design and development
Platform: | Size: 54272 | Author: 秦志亮 | Hits:


Description: Java开发Web Services的英文书-Java Web Services Development English books
Platform: | Size: 2576384 | Author: 彬彬 | Hits:


Description: 介绍数据挖掘中的web挖掘,基本含义,策略及步骤-introduced the Data Mining web mining, basic meaning, strategy and steps
Platform: | Size: 388096 | Author: kiki | Hits:


Description: 利用PowerBuilder开发数据库的WEB查询.doc-using PowerBuilder Database Web inquiries. Doc
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: ffffff | Hits:


Description: 用VC实现WEB界面,显示互联网网页,本质是对一个函数的调用,是VC和互联网程序联系起来的入门程序-with VC Web interface, the website indicates, the essence of a function call. VC and the Internet is linked to the procedure entry procedures
Platform: | Size: 153600 | Author: peking2008ol | Hits:

[Web Serverweb

Description: 这是一个WEB浏览器的短小c#程序,可以通过它浏览网页-This is a WEB browser short c# Procedures, can, through its website
Platform: | Size: 197632 | Author: 卢露 | Hits:


Description: IT电子教育门户JAVA-web培训的源代码-IT e-learning training portal JAVA-web source code
Platform: | Size: 232448 | Author: liu shuwei | Hits:


Description: 一个WEB服务器及客户端浏览器的程序,为有特殊需求必须自己开发WEB服务器的同志作为一个示例。-WEB server and a client browser program for special needs must have their own WEB server comrades as an example.
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: 唐思奇 | Hits:
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