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[WEB Codewatermarking source code


This package provides source code for some watermarking algorithms in hopefully portable C code.

Platform: | Size: 542010 | Author: alenlim | Hits:

[BooksFlexible Image Watermarking Scheme in JPEG2000 Com

Description: JPEG2000压缩域的灵活图像水印* 程峰 张鸿宾1) 刘波 (北京工业大学计算机学院,北京,100022)-JPEG2000 flexible image watermarking* Cheng Feng Zhang Hongbin 1) Liu Bo (Beijing Industrial University Computer Institute, Beijing, 100022)
Platform: | Size: 282624 | Author: 景仁 | Hits:

[Graph programWatermarking

Description: 水印植入的C代码,采用盲目植入与检测,附图象文件-c code for watermarking embedding. Blind watermarking embedding and detection algorithm. Test images are also included.
Platform: | Size: 328704 | Author: 天天向上 | Hits:


Description: 使用小波变换实现的水印算法,对研究小波变换和水印技术非常有用!-use wavelet transform the watermark algorithm, the wavelet transform and watermarking technique is very useful!
Platform: | Size: 72704 | Author: 王袍 | Hits:

[Special Effectscox1cox-watermarking

Description: 著名的cox数字水印算法源代码,使用matlab编写,很有用噢!-famous cox digital watermarking algorithm source code, the use of Matlab prepared very useful Oh!
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 王袍 | Hits:

[Special Effectsmang-watermarking

Description: 静态图像的鲁棒性数字水印算法,主要介绍一种新的鲁棒性盲水印,内附matlab程序-static image robust digital watermarking algorithm, introduced a new Robust blind watermark, containing Matlab procedures
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 刘伟 | Hits:


Description: 数字水印源程序,用vc++编码,水印的嵌入部分-digital watermarking source files, using vc coding, part of the embedded watermark
Platform: | Size: 1093632 | Author: 张珊 | Hits:

[Special Effectswatermarking.Rar

Description: 数字水印源码--小波变换程序(仅供参考)-Wavelet Transform Digital Watermarking source program (for reference only)
Platform: | Size: 391168 | Author: | Hits:

[Special Effectswatermarking

Description: 基于均值量化的小波域音频水印算法 可实现水印嵌入和提取 有较强鲁棒性-Mean Quantization-based audio watermarking in wavelet domain watermark embedding algorithm can be realized and extraction has strong robustness
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmswatermarking

Description: DWT based watermarking technique
Platform: | Size: 230400 | Author: Kainjan | Hits:


Description: 数字水印技术目前 正处于一个快速发 展和持续深入的阶 段, 应用领域也在 快速扩展。 刀 市场经济飞速发展的今天, 这 对于企业形象和经济利益存在 严重损害危险的企业和数字产 品侵权的创作者来说, 无疑是 一个良好的解决方案。数字水 印及其应用技术不仅提供了突 破性的信息安全防护方式, 而 且在数字防伪中占据着重要的 地位, 这对维护国家经济秩序 是大有益处的。-Digital watermarking technology is currently in a rapid and sustained development of advanced stage, applications are also rapidly expanding. Knife of the rapid development of the market economy today, which is the economic interests of corporate image and the risk of serious damage to businesses and digital products for the creators of infringement is a good solution. And application of digital watermarking technology provides a breakthrough approach to information security protection, and security in the digital occupy an important position, which is to safeguard national economic order is a great benefit.
Platform: | Size: 1045504 | Author: 青菜 | Hits:

[Graph programzero-watermarking

Description: 小波变换(Wavelet)实现数字零水印源代码-Simple wavelet transform (Wavelet) digital Watermarking source code
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: 孙志伟 | Hits:

[Special Effectswatermarking

Description: VC + + 基于BMP数字水印处理VC++源码-VC++ based on the BMP digital watermarking system
Platform: | Size: 4080640 | Author: teoky | Hits:


Description: 使用了Arnold置乱算法,实现了基于小波变换的数字图像水印-Arnold used the scrambling algorithm based on wavelet transform of digital image watermarking
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: zhou | Hits:

[Graph programdwt-watermarking

Description: 本利用MATLAB,结合aronld变换实现了基于小波分解的图像数字水印算法,经调试通过-The use of MATLAB, with aronld Transform Wavelet-based Image Watermarking by debugging through the
Platform: | Size: 879616 | Author: 陈小潘 | Hits:

[Industry researchreversible-watermarking-using-a-difference-expansi

Description: 田军的可逆差值数字水印论文,非常好的论文,sci检索-reversible-watermarking-using-a-difference-expansion
Platform: | Size: 1856512 | Author: 小杨 | Hits:


Description: digital video watermarking overview
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: jallu | Hits:

[Special Effectswatermarking

Description: 实现抗各种攻击的matlab数字水印,尤其是几何攻击,包括剪切、旋转。有嵌入,提取,攻击,检测过程。-realized a new watermarking algorithm which can resist all kinds of attacks.
Platform: | Size: 507904 | Author: zhaochuanmin | Hits:


Description: 基于小波变换的数字图像水印算法研究的论文-Wavelet-based Digital Image Watermarking Algorithm papers
Platform: | Size: 2850816 | Author: 穆晓慧 | Hits:

[Graph programwatermarking

Description: 图像水印。bmp图像水印加密算法,基于小波变换。本科毕业设计。-Watermarking. bmp image watermarking encryption algorithm based on wavelet transform. Graduation Project.
Platform: | Size: 4231168 | Author: 黄伟 | Hits:
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