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Description: 计算机病毒与反病毒技术-computer viruses and anti-virus technology
Platform: | Size: 492544 | Author: 周宋 | Hits:

[assembly languageA Boot Sector Virus

Description: 一个汇编病毒源代码-a compilation of the virus source code
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 张雪 | Hits:

[OS programwin32 ICeBaT Virus

Description: win32 ICeBaT Virus- win32 ICeBaT Virus
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: p | Hits:

[OtherVirus Detector

Description: 一个查病毒的C++源程序.. 兼容于Clamav -an investigation virus C source Clamav compatible ..
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: 金光 | Hits:


Description: 病毒Happytime源代码,研究之用,不得用于非法-virus source code, research purposes, should not be used for illegal
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: Sunix | Hits:


Description: 这只是一个病毒的模型!下载之后,请自行添加带有杀杀伤力的语句!-This is only a model of virus! After downloading, please add their own with the statement of mass destruction to kill!
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 诸葛项柯 | Hits:


Description: 该文件为样板病毒的源程序,此仅用于交流请勿用于非法目的。否则后果自负-The document source for the model virus, the only exchange not used for unlawful purposes. Otherwise, the consequences of self-
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: 小檀 | Hits:

[Industry researchvirus

Description: 本文研究的主要内容正如其题目所示是设计并编写一个先进的反病毒引擎。首先需要对这“先进”二字做一个解释,何为“先进”?众所周知,传统的反病毒软件使用的是基于特征码的静态扫描技术,即在文件中寻找特定十六进制串,如果找到,就可判定文件感染了某种病毒。但这种方法在当今病毒技术迅猛发展的形势下已经起不到很好的作用了。-In this paper, the main contents of the title, as shown in the design and preparation of an advanced anti-virus engine. First of all, the need for this
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 王虎 | Hits:

[source in ebookvirus

Description: 《计算机病毒分析与对抗》pe病毒源码 - Computer virus analysis and confrontation pe virus source
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 00 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopKaspersky.Anti.Virus.v7.0.0.125_Key

Description: Kaspersky Anti Virus v7.0.0.125 Key
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 赵立杰 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developboot-virus

Description: 对引导区的学驻病毒进行了剖析,分析了此类病毒的产生原因及发作原理。-To guide school districts in the virus analyzed, analysis of such viruses and attacks the principle of cause.
Platform: | Size: 260096 | Author: 李明 | Hits:


Description: 第一只感染flash的病毒源代码。采用汇编语言编写。 SWF/LFM-926 Virus: ------------------ Description: WinNT/XP Virus dropper for Flash .SWF files! Masm Version 6.11: ML.EXE SWF.ASM Virus Size: 926 bytes Infection Size: 3247 bytes. Last Edit: 01/08/2002-The first flash of the virus infection source code. Using compiled languages. SWF/LFM-926 Virus:------------------ Description: WinNT/XP Virus dropper for Flash. SWF files! Masm Version 6.11: ML.EXE SWF.ASM Virus Size : 926 bytes Infection Size: 3247 bytes. Last Edit: 01/08/2002
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: hisence | Hits:


Description: 一百个病毒的源代码 包括熊猫烧香等 极其具有研究价值-100 virus source code, including Panda burning incense have research value, such as extremely
Platform: | Size: 3435520 | Author: 百度 | Hits:

[assembly languagevirus

Description: 一个用汇编写的小病毒,这个病毒虽然比较简单。但是麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。隐藏,感染,加密等模块应有尽有(只是不会破坏),是一个比较标准的DOS病毒,可以感染.EXE(不包括PE)和.COM的可执行文件。是进一步学习汇编的好-Used to write a compilation of small viruses, the virus is relatively simple though. However, small but complete. Hide, infection, encryption module everything (not only the destruction), is a relatively standard DOS viruses, can be infected. EXE (not including PE) and. COM executable file. Is to further study and compilation of good
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 傲天 | Hits:

[Windows Developvirus

Description: 有关于WORD的小病毒源码。在网上找的,可以感染一个文件,只能在自己的电脑上面自己运行。欢迎大家学习使用。请勿随便更改使用!-WORD on a small virus source. Looking for online can be infected with a file only in their own computer to run above their own. Welcome to learning to use. Do not be changed in use!
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: miaomiao | Hits:

[Windows DevelopAnti-Virus

Description: 此代码能够一些不知名的C语言编写的病毒,是一款不可多得的工具。-This code can be a number of unknown languages C virus, is an invaluable tool.
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: 余方 | Hits:


Description: 写病毒的人参考下 写病毒的人参考下 写病毒的人参考下-Writing under the reference virus
Platform: | Size: 79872 | Author: shijian | Hits:


Description: 掌握反病毒知识 熟悉反病毒工具的使用 培养现场反病毒应急响应能力 -Grasp the knowledge of anti-virus anti-virus tools are familiar with the use of culture-site anti-virus emergency response capacity
Platform: | Size: 1028096 | Author: he | Hits:


Description: 100 病毒源碼,原始碼,無毒 -100 virus source code, source code, non-toxic ......
Platform: | Size: 3417088 | Author: Wang | Hits:


Description: 用C语言实现VIRUS病毒的详细代码,已经清除病毒的源代码-Using C language implementation of the detailed code HIV VIRUS
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王博 | Hits:
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