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Description: 完整的STRUTS上传文件与下载文件的示例,可以让你学会原来HTTP上传文件可以这么简单.-integrity of the document upload and download documents example, allows you to learn the original HTTP upload files can be as simple as that.
Platform: | Size: 1022976 | Author: yusn | Hits:

[File Operateupload.java

Description: 一个简单的实现文件上传下载功能的代码,希望对初学者有所帮助-the realization of a simple file upload download the code, and I hope to help beginners
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 周星驰 | Hits:


Description: 文件上传系统 无组件上传 可选择文件类型 上传文件的大小-file uploads System components can upload files upload file size
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: yinijushi | Hits:

[WEB Codeupload

Description: 一个asp网站上传的文件,很有效。欢迎下载-Asp web site to upload a file, very effective. Welcome to download
Platform: | Size: 604160 | Author: duying1318 | Hits:

[hospital software systemdown-upload

Description: 用PowerBuilder写的,自动下载上传程序源代码-Written using PowerBuilder to automatically download upload source code
Platform: | Size: 560128 | Author: laji124 | Hits:


Description: ASP.NET(C#)实现一次性上传多文件 在做asp.net的Web开发的时候,我们经常会遇到一次性上传多个文件的需求。通常我们的解决方法是固定放多个上传文件框,这样的解决办法显然是不合理的,因为一次上传多个,就意味着数量不确定。 因此我们就要让这些文件上传框动态添加,当然该代码可以稍微改造一下实现其他格式文件的上传。 该源码原作者为jake,由51aspx进行项目搭建和调试,转载请注明! 51aspx为上传文件存放文件夹,详细帮助请参照源码说明及佩文。-ASP.NET (C#) To achieve a one-time upload multiple files in asp.net to do the Web development, we will always be the one-time upload multiple files needs. Usually our solution is to put a number of fixed upload box, such a solution is obviously unreasonable, because more than one upload, which means that the number of uncertainties. Therefore we have to allow these file upload box dynamically add, of course, the code can be slightly modified to achieve other format click upload. Original author of the source code for the jake, from 51aspx build and debug the project, please reprint! 51aspx to upload files folder, and detailed help, please refer to Help and佩文source.
Platform: | Size: 108544 | Author: guqh | Hits:


Description: 非常牛的代码,用VC通过HTTP把文件直接传到WEB服务器上,可以在开发木马的朋友会用到。用的是MFC中的一个类,HTTP,分析SOCKET协议。模仿HTTP上传文件。通过80端口上传,可有效避开防火墙等。-Very cattle code, using VC files directly through HTTP to spread to WEB server, you can in the development of horse friends will be used. Using MFC in a class, HTTP, analysis SOCKET agreement. Mimic HTTP upload files. From the adoption of 80-port, which can effectively avoid the firewall.
Platform: | Size: 116736 | Author: 李茜 | Hits:

[Other Web Codeajax-upload-1.0

Description: 使用ajax和Struts实现文件上传功能的Demo-Realize the use of ajax and Struts file upload function Demo
Platform: | Size: 307200 | Author: juleehwa | Hits:


Description: 多文件上传下载的程序 一个功能很强的文件管理程序,可以支持文件上传下载 ,文件夹的管理等-Multi-file upload to download the program a very strong function of document management procedures, can support the file upload downloads, folder management, etc.
Platform: | Size: 1016832 | Author: 金西银 | Hits:

[Other Web Codeajax-upload-1.0

Description: Ajax开发的一个上传文件的源程序,可实现自定义文件数量的上传-From Ajax to develop a source file can be customized to achieve the volume of documents upload
Platform: | Size: 307200 | Author: 张永刚 | Hits:


Description: ajax上传文件,包括上传文件,长传进度特效,修改了struct上传文件部分 -ajax upload files, including the upload, the progress of long pass effects, modify the struct part upload files
Platform: | Size: 311296 | Author: wanghikaru | Hits:

[Database system153_An-upload

Description: 无组件上传,自己写的上传类;上传信息可以保存到数据库;代码实现简单的文件管理和下载;-No components upload, upload their own writing category upload information can be saved to the database code to achieve a simple document management and download
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: pancongli | Hits:


Description: 新增了分类管理,上传图片可选择需要的大类和小类进行上传 ·支持分类上传、管理 ·支持所有的上传的文件类型 ·原则上不限制上传的文件大小 ·每次上传格式可用户自行设定,一般建议在10个以内 ·上传图片支持生成缩略图 ·自动重命名上传文件,可有效的防止重名 ·支持数据库,且每删除一个数据,上传在文件夹中的文件也相应删除,有效的控制了服务器负荷 -Add the classification of management, the need to upload pictures to choose the major categories and sub-classification From upload support, management support for all the uploaded files, in principle, restrictions on the type of upload file size of each From the user to set the format, the general suggested that less than 10 pictures to support the generation of thumbnails automatically rename upload files, which can effectively prevent duplicate names in support of the database, and every delete a data uploaded in files in that folder delete accordingly, effective control of the server load
Platform: | Size: 645120 | Author: 1212 | Hits:

[Other Web Codeajax-upload-1.0

Description: ajax 上传文件带进度条 ajax 上传文件带进度条-ajax upload files with progress bar ajax upload files with progress bar
Platform: | Size: 307200 | Author: poos | Hits:

[WEB Codeupload

Description: asp写的可以上传文件的代码! -asp written code can upload files!
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 吴迪 | Hits:


Description: HTML 页面 文件上传前台控制检测程序,JAVASCRIPT实现-Front page HTML file upload control testing procedures, JAVASCRIPT achieve
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 黄霄 | Hits:


Description: 演示了如何用java实现文件上传的功能。 -Demonstrated how to use java to achieve a file upload function.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: lcjjava | Hits:


Description: 上传文件的Java类,可以应用于web服务。通过来上传文件到服务器上。-Upload Java class can be applied to web services. Through to upload files to the server.
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: 吴利斌 | Hits:


Description: servlet上传下载,包括上传下载基本功能,可以参考。-servlet upload to download, including uploading and downloading the basic functions, you can reference.
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: care | Hits:


Description: 一个实现http上传文件的小程序 有两个.ini配置文件来决定上传文件和服务器。。简单的VC6.0 +win32控制台-A realization of http upload applet there are two. Ini configuration file to determine the upload files and servers. . Simple VC6.0+ Win32 console
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: cjy | Hits:
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