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[VHDL-FPGA-VerilogFree ARM-7 Core (Verilog) 可跑 uClinux

Description: 一个 Free 的 ARM-7 Core,是使用 Verilog 编成,综合后占用资源小,可以执行 uClinux 等程序或系统,内附详细说明的 PDF 档及源码 Verilog 编程等.
Platform: | Size: 4433645 | Author: xyz543 | Hits:

[Embeded Linux在 STM32 上执行 uClinux

Description: 教你在 STM32 上执行 uClinux,内附详细说明及已经移植好的 uClinux For STM32F103VE 的源代码.
Platform: | Size: 2208366 | Author: xyz543 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxuClinux on ARM7TDMI(ppt)

Description: uClinux on ARM7TDMI(ppt)
Platform: | Size: 1500160 | Author: michael | Hits:

[Embeded Linux44BOX中uClinux 的编译和运行教程

Description: 44BOX中uClinux 的编译和运行教程-44BOX which uClinux Compiling and Running Guide
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: | Hits:

[Embeded Linux让uClinux-20040408在4510上跑

Description: 让uClinux-20040408在4510上跑-let uClinux-20040408 run on in 4510
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxuClinux操作系统移植

Description: uClinux操作系统移植- --uClinux operating system--
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 一剑客 | Hits:

[Embeded Linux移植UCLINUX到44B0上的过程

Description: 移植UCLINUX到44B0上的过程.txt-transplant 44B0 OS to the process. Txt
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 一剑客 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxIIC Driver for uClinux v0.3

Description: II2c driver for uclinux
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 刘亮 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxuclinux在ARMSYS上的使用说明书

Description: uclinux在ARMSYS上的使用说明书,基于44box系统-ARMSYS Basis in the use of brochures, based on the system 44box
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: 顾捷 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxuclinux核心手册

Description: uclinux核心手册-uclinux core mannual
Platform: | Size: 715776 | Author: 朱鹏 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxuCLinux实验指导书

Description: uCLinux实验指导书-Guide to the experiments of uClinux
Platform: | Size: 1597440 | Author: 朱鹏 | Hits:

[Embeded Linux介绍uClinux的书

Description: 一本关于介绍uClinux的书 值得-a uClinux for the presentation of the book is worth a look at
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: 白衣 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxuClinux SOURCE FOR 44B0

Description: uClinux SOURCE FOR 44B0 源代码-uClinux SOURCE FOR 44B0 source code!
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: 小菜一碟 | Hits:

[Embeded Linux1用uCLinux开发嵌入式网关

Description: 用uCLinux开发嵌入式网关-with uCLinux embedded gateway
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: 魏兴贤 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopuCLinux在嵌入式系统中的应用

Description: uCLinux在嵌入式系统中的应用,推荐--Use uCLinux in embedded systems.
Platform: | Size: 314368 | Author: 成康 | Hits:


Description: uclinux讲座之(二).rar-Basis (2). Rar
Platform: | Size: 537600 | Author: | Hits:


Description: uclinux讲座之(三).rar-Basis (3). Rar
Platform: | Size: 1531904 | Author: | Hits:

[Embeded Linux嵌入式系统uclinux编程

Description: 总的来说,在uClinux上的开发和标准Linux还是很类似的。通常可以按照下面的步骤去设计和调试: 建立基于以太网的开发环境; 如果所设计的程序和硬件的关联不大,那么一定要在标准Linux上先编译和调试通过。灵活地使用gcc和gdb将大大节省时间; 将x86上的GCC编译好的应用程序用交叉编译工具来编译;如果编译时发现错误,那么很可能存在以下问题: 交叉编译器或库文件的路径不正确;最彻底的解决办法是重新装一次编译器; 遇到库不支持的函数;此时需要自己把函数的实现做成另外一个库供应用程序使用。如果是uClinux本身不支持的调用,那么就需要改写代码了。-Overall, the uClinux on the development and standard Linux is still very similar. Usually can use the following steps to design and debug : Ethernet-based development environment; If the design of the procedure and not linked to the hardware, then it must be the first standard Linux compiler and debugging through. Flexibility in the use of gdb and gcc will greatly save time; X86 will be on the GCC-compiled application with cross-compiler tool to compile; If you compile time error is found, it was very likely that the following issues : cross-compilers or libraries are not the correct path; The most radical solution is a re-installed time compiler; encountered does not support functions; At this time the need to keep the realization of function caused another one for the supply of the proce
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 郭指挥 | Hits:

[Embeded Linux基于ARM7TDMI的uClinux移植

Description: 基于ARM7TDMI的uClinux移植,44b0x-uClinux transplantation, 44b0x
Platform: | Size: 7714816 | Author: 阿乐 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxS3C44B0X上的IDE接口在uClinux上的驱动移植

Description: S3C44B0X上的IDE接口在uClinux上的驱动移植来自网上的资料,大家分享!-S3C44B0X the IDE interface in the driver uClinux transplantation information from the Internet, to share with you!
Platform: | Size: 634880 | Author: 众志成城 | Hits:
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