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Description: Vehicle Maintenance Tracker (VMT) 可以对多个车辆的维护进行跟踪。项目类似于Auto-Do-It ,但没有必要过多的管理车辆的附件。由于这个程序使用了Java,所以具有跨平台性(不像其它应用程序)。 -Vehicle Maintenance Tracker (VMT) can be on a number of vehicles 000 track maintenance. Items similar to the Auto-Do-It, but there is no need to over-management vehicles in the annex. Since the program uses Java, cross-platform (unlike other applications).
Platform: | Size: 46010 | Author: zyl7321 | Hits:


Description: vc程序-vc procedures
Platform: | Size: 115712 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 基于 PHP+MySQL 的网站 BT 发布全套系统,它包括了 BT 服务端的 Tracker 程序和列表发布 Web 界面-the BT website released a complete system, which includes BT services side of the Tracker and tabulation procedures issued Web interface
Platform: | Size: 1446912 | Author: 于为 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopMyTracker

Description: 带qq一样的抽屉的视图,并且支持Drag和Drop,界面是由数据库动态生成,可以通过Drag直接从数据库中拖放图片,并且图片的格式支持多种多样的,并且可以把图片资源导入数据库,拖入的图片支持Tracker橡皮筋功能!-qq with the same drawer of view, and supports Drag and Drop, the database interface is dynamically generated, through Drag directly from the database drag and drop images, Photo and support a variety of formats, and can import photos resources database, pictures dragged into the elastic support Tracker function!
Platform: | Size: 14458880 | Author: 李冰 | Hits:

[Special Effectsklt1.3.2

Description: source code and ref manual of KLT. KLT is an implementation, in the C programming language, of a feature tracker for the computer vision community. -source code and manual of KLT ref. KLT is an i mplementation. in the C programming language, a feature of tracker for the computer vision com munity.
Platform: | Size: 666624 | Author: jft987msn | Hits:

[Web ServerRS_BNBT_Tracker_v1.3_gb23121

Description: RS BNBT Tracker,也是一个不错的BT tracker版本,C++开发的,windows, linux下都可以编译-RS xBaxTiO3 Tracker, it is also a good BT tracker version, C development, windows, linux can be compiled under
Platform: | Size: 844800 | Author: 韩林 | Hits:


Description: 一个基于JAVA的多torrent下载程序,可以手动设置某个torrent的优先权,加入了irc聊天室,增加了一些基本的irc命令,可以看见在线人数和ID,支持多tracker url,对于多tracker发布的torrent可自动切换,并可以手动更改tracker url。-a Java-based multi-torrent download, can manual configuration of a torrent priority, joined the irc chat rooms, an increase of some basic irc order, you can see the ID number and online, supports multi-tracker url, for more releases in the torrent tracker automatically switch and can manually change tracker url.
Platform: | Size: 5188608 | Author: taomh | Hits:

[Special Effectsdaoi_0-32.tar

Description: This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your Tracker application.-This file contains a summary of what you wil l find in each of the files that make up your Track er application.
Platform: | Size: 273408 | Author: 李传 | Hits:


Description: Vehicle Maintenance Tracker (VMT) 可以对多个车辆的维护进行跟踪。项目类似于Auto-Do-It ,但没有必要过多的管理车辆的附件。由于这个程序使用了Java,所以具有跨平台性(不像其它应用程序)。 -Vehicle Maintenance Tracker (VMT) can be on a number of vehicles 000 track maintenance. Items similar to the Auto-Do-It, but there is no need to over-management vehicles in the annex. Since the program uses Java, cross-platform (unlike other applications).
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: | Hits:

[Graph programtracker-America

Description: 美国人用C语言编写的目标追踪源程序,希望对大家有用-Americans with C language source code of target tracking, it may be useful to hope
Platform: | Size: 1162240 | Author: 王一凡 | Hits:

[Special Effectsvisualtracker

Description: Video Tracker Version 0.0.1 "Visual tracking and recognition using appearance-adaptive models in particle filters" (IEEE transactions on Image Processing, Nov 2004) by Shaohua Zhou, Rama Chellappa and Baback Moghaddam. -Video Tracker Version 0.0.1 "Visual track ing and recognition using appearance-adaptiv e models in particle filters "(IEEE transactio ns on Image Processing, Nov 2004) by Zhou Shaohua. Rama Chellappa and Baback Moghaddam.
Platform: | Size: 3570688 | Author: 薛斌 | Hits:


Description: mean shift的源代码,用于学习 Bilkent University: Mean-shift Tracker based Moving Object Tracker in Video Version: 1.0 Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (tested in both debug and release mode) -mean shift in the source code, for learning Bilkent University : Mean-shift Tracker based Moving Object Tracke r in Video Version : 1.0 Compiler : Microsoft Visual C 6.0 (tested in both debug and release mode)
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: zhaopeng | Hits:


Description: tracker server可以帮助你详细认识tracker server的工作流程-tracker server can help you understand in detail the tracker server Workflow
Platform: | Size: 1388544 | Author: 姚迎亮 | Hits:


Description: Time Tracker Starter Kit 使您能轻松创建这样一个应用程序,它帮助呈现和管理能跟踪分配给特定项目的时间的系统。Time Tracker Starter Kit 旨在提供一个框架,用于快速组织针对项目和时间管理系统的有价值的 Web 站点。该初学者工具包提供一系列页面,使您能轻松呈现和管理针对多个项目的时间。该初学者工具包的起始页包含一个主页,该主页提供单独用户分配给特定项目的时间日志。该初学者工具包还包含其他页面,用于查看项目、专用于项目的资源,以及基于项目或资源的报告。-Time Tracker Starter Kit allows you to easily create such an application procedures It has helped tracking and management will be allocated to specific projects of the system. Time Tracker Starter Kit designed to provide a framework, Rapid organization for the project and time management system for the valuable Web site. The tool kits for beginners series of pages, so you can easily visualize and manage multi-project time. The beginners tool kits home page contains a home page, which provide a single user allocated to specific projects the time log. The beginners tool kit also includes other pages, to view a project dedicated to the project resources, and project-based or resources of the report.
Platform: | Size: 660480 | Author: wszhe1 | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeFace_tracker

Description: The proposed face tracker is based on a frontal face detector that can be applied in real-time to every frame, and it is so fast that it provides the illusion of tracking.-The proposed face tracker is based on a fron tal face detector that can be applied in real-ti me to every frame. and it is so fast that it provides the illusion of tracking.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: henry | Hits:

[WEB Codegg-tracker

Description: PHP Tracker GPS source code
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: The Nguyen | Hits:


Description: koding line-tracker-robot-avr-c.rar
Platform: | Size: 450560 | Author: barkah | Hits:


Description: 以C#方式实现BT下载过程中的Tracker服务器端。监控链接的客户,提供种子发布,寻找资源,实时更新节点信息-Be achieved in C# in the process of BT download Tracker server-side. Monitor link customers to provide seed release, find the resources, real-time update the node information
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: 姜治宇 | Hits:


Description: Issue tracker in .NET by using support token system.. basic implementation, but can be enhanced.
Platform: | Size: 252928 | Author: Jagdish R | Hits:

[OtherFormant Tracker in Matlab

Description: 用MATLAB实现共振峰追踪,多种方法来实现,(formant tracker in matlab)
Platform: | Size: 514048 | Author: colora | Hits:
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