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[Windows Developtan

Description: 这是一个比较复杂的分形程序,看一下就知道了-This is a more complicated fractal procedures, look at the know
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: 马祥陆 | Hits:

[Other高级计算器 V1.0

Description: 系统支持的数学函数:PI ! ^ % SQR SQRT INT/TRUNC ROUND ABS FRAC SIN COS TAN ARCSIN ARCCOS ARCTAN LN LOG2 LOG10PI:圆周率。Exp!:计算Exp(表达式)的介乘。Exp1^Exp2:计算Exp1的Exp2次方。Exp1%Exp2:计算Exp1除以Exp2后的余数。Sqr(Exp):计算Exp的平方。Sqrt(Exp):计算Exp的平方根。Int(Exp)/Trunc(Exp):把Exp截断取整。Round(Exp):把Exp四舍五入。Abs(Exp):取Exp的绝对值。Frac(Exp):取Exp的小数部分。Sin(Exp):求Exp的正玄。Cos(Exp):求Exp的余玄。Tan(Exp):求Exp的正切。ArcSin(Exp):求Exp的反正玄。ArcCos(Exp):求Exp的反余玄。ArcTan(Exp):求Exp的反正切。Ln(Exp):求Exp的自然对数。Log2(Exp):求Exp的以2为低的对数。Log10(Exp):求Exp的以10为低的对数。-system to support the Math : PI! ^% SQR SQRT INT/TRUNC ROUND ABS FRAC SIN COS TAN LN ARCSIN ARCCOS ARCTAN LOG2 LOG10PI : pi. Exp. : Computational Exp (expression) of the referral by. Exp1 ^ Exp2 : computational power of Exp1 the Exp2. Exp1% Exp2 : Exp1 calculated by dividing Exp2 the remainder. Monaco (Exp) : Exp calculating the square. Sqrt (Exp) : Exp calculating the square root. Int (Exp)/Trunc (Exp) : With Exp disconnected from the whole. Round (Exp) : With Exp rounding. Abs (Exp) : Exp take the absolute value. Frac (Exp) : Exp take part in the minority. Sin (Exp) : for the Shogen Exp. Cos (Exp) : The Yuxuan seeking Exp. Tan (Exp) : Exp for the tangent. ArcSin (Exp) : Exp seek the arc Yuen. ArcCos (Exp) : for the anti-Yuxuan Exp. ArcTan (Exp) : Exp seek the arc tangent. Ln (Exp) :
Platform: | Size: 182272 | Author: 王波 | Hits:


Description: 此程序实现的是一个运算器,是在一个程序的基础上进行改进的,计算器中需要的运算以及操作对象: IF,AND,OR,<,<=,>,>=,<>,=,== 数字0-9,(,),+,-,*,/, SIN,COS,TAN,POW,EXP,ABS,SQRT,INT,LN,LOG,MIN,MAX.-this program is a computing device that is in a process of improvement based on the needs of calculator operation and the operation of Object : IF, AND, OR, lt; , Lt; =, Gt; , Gt; =, Lt; Gt; , =, == figures 0-9 ,(,), ,-,*,/, SIN, COS, TAN, POW, EXP, ABS, SQRT, INT, LN, LOG, MIN, MAX.
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: 天空 | Hits:


Description: 数学公式分析组件。可以计算 +,-,* /,sin,cos,tan,等20多个运算符。 如 y = a*sin(b)+(c-d)*cos(d),输入a,b,c,d就可以得到y-mathematical formula analysis components. We can count,-,* /, sin, cos, tan, and more than 20 other operators. If y = a* sin (b) (c-d)* cos (d), the importation of a, b, c, d can be y
Platform: | Size: 86016 | Author: 翁丽萍 | Hits:

[OS programFZBF

Description: 这是本人做的一个计算器,可以计算+-*/cos sin tan asin atan,还可以识别括号,大家快来看看哈-This the one I do calculators, calculation-*/cos sin tan asin atan can also identify brackets, we hurry to see Kazakhstan
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: 本坐 | Hits:


Description: 通过JAVA设计 GUI 界面的计算器程序,用户可以通过鼠标依次输入参加计算的数值,进行加、减、乘、除等混合运算,这些完成标准计算器的基础操作。当选择科学计算器后,可以实现sin 、 cos 、 tan 、 ln、x^y、x^2、x^3、pi、n!、mod和十六进制除这个以外还可以删除输入,清空结果,求1除X,X百分比,十进制是,八进制,二进制的相互转换。-GUI interface design through JAVA calculator program, the user can take part in the importation of the mouse followed by the numerical calculation for add, subtract, multiply, divide, such as mixed computing, which the basis of the standard calculator operation. When choosing a scientific calculator, you can realize sin, cos, tan, ln, x ^ y, x ^ 2, x ^ 3, pi, n!, Mod and hexadecimal In addition to the outside can also delete the import, empty the results, and one in addition to X, X percentage of the metric system is octal, binary mutual conversion.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: gggfhv | Hits:


Description: bayes树的针对生物数据剪接位点识别的实现算法,caculateTAN.m为主函数文件,希望对大家有用-Bayes tree biological data for splice site recognition algorithm, caculateTAN.m the main function of a document, in the hope that useful to everybody
Platform: | Size: 1707008 | Author: 郑敏 | Hits:

[OS programP4

Description: 用vc画基本数学函数如:sin,cos,tan等-Vc painting using basic mathematical functions such as: sin, cos, tan, etc.
Platform: | Size: 296960 | Author: 马洪民 | Hits:


Description: 本程序能实现: 1)常用的四则运算(+ - * / ),三角( sin(),cos(),tan(),cot()),反三角(asin(),acos(),atan(),acot()), 乘方(^) , 开方( sqrt() ) ,指数(exp()), 对数( ln(),log() ). 2)支持变量赋值,变量的覆盖和运算. 3)支持对向量的 + - .* 和共向量的简单赋值运算. 希望大家参考后加以改进!优化代码!
Platform: | Size: 125952 | Author: 黄勇 | Hits:


Description: 能计算数学函数的计算器,有一千多行代码的程序.这个计算器可用 set 命令自定义变量,也可以用 view 今天查看变量的值,在程序里有一个设置小数显示数度的全局变量 prec 可以用 set 对它重新赋值,值的范围是 0 - 100 的整数,默认是 6 ,将 sin arcsin tan ln 等数学函数转换成内部表示,以便于将之与一般的运算符统一处理。程序还对小数和整数加以了区别,增加了求余去处符 ‘\’、百分符‘%’。功能还算比较完善。 -Mathematical functions to calculate the calculator, there are more than 1000 lines of code procedures. The calculator can be used to customize the command set variables can also view today
Platform: | Size: 180224 | Author: 陈建华 | Hits:


Description: Pang-Ning Tan<<的数据挖掘导论>>课后习题答案(英文版)-Pang-Ning Tan <<Introduction to Data Mining>> Exercises after the answer (in English)
Platform: | Size: 1033216 | Author: 谭明艳 | Hits:


Description: java开发的大整数计算器,实现基本的运算,还有sin,cos,tan,cot.-java big integer calculator developed to achieve basic computing, there is sin, cos, tan, cot.
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: xi | Hits:

[Other systemswork

Description: 距离分辨率 thrt0=1*pi/6 斜视角 angb=0.6*lamda/res_a 合成波束宽度 Rr=5000 目标中心到航迹垂直距离 V=100 飞机的航速 Tp=1e-6 脉冲宽度 T=10e-3 脉冲周期 B=0.5*c/res_r 脉冲频宽 Kr=B/Tp 频率调制率 fc=c/lamda 载波频率 Rx=Rr*tan(thrt0) 目标区中心横坐标 R0=Rr*sec(thrt0) 目标区中x心距离 Lc0=1.0*angb*R0 正视有效积累长度 Lc=Lc0*sec(thrt0) 斜视有效积累长度 Tc=Lc/V 相干积累时间 wx=100 场景长度-距离分辨率 thrt0=1*pi/6 斜视角 angb=0.6*lamda/res_a 合成波束宽度 Rr=5000 目标中心到航迹垂直距离 V=100 飞机的航速 Tp=1e-6 脉冲宽度 T=10e-3 脉冲周期 B=0.5*c/res_r 脉冲频宽 Kr=B/Tp 频率调制率 fc=c/lamda 载波频率 Rx=Rr*tan(thrt0) 目标区中心横坐标 R0=Rr*sec(thrt0) 目标区中x心距离 Lc0=1.0*angb*R0 正视有效积累长度 Lc=Lc0*sec(thrt0) 斜视有效积累长度 Tc=Lc/V 相干积累时间 wx=100 场景长度
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: wan | Hits:

[Special Effectstan

Description: 图像分割,具体算法参考一下论文 Zhi-Gang Tan, Xiao-Chen Heand Nelson H. C. Yung A Novel Merging Criterion Incorporating Boundary Smoothness and Region Homogeneity for Image Segmentation-Abstract A novel joint region merging criterion combining region homo-geneity and boundary smoothness is proposed. Previous watershed segmentation method which utilizes region homogeneity or edge integrity or both gives good results in some cases. However, for complex scenes such as images of a vehicle with irregular roadside objects reflected on the window panes, it tends to give undesired segmentation results with region boundaries not residing on real physical boundaries. Aiming at improving the segmentation of these complex scenes, we propose the incorporation of an additional measure of boundary smoothness into a new joint criterion. Based on this, an affine transform invariant measure of the smoothness of boundaries is developed, which is the equivalent width of the energy distribution function over frequencies, obtained from Fourier descriptors of the boundary. Experimental results and evaluation are presented in this paper to demonstrate the merits of the proposed method. Key
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: Jack Tan | Hits:


Description: Tan Kok Kiong • Lee Tong Heng • Huang Sunan Precision Motion Control Design and Implementation Second Edition-Tan Kok Kiong • Lee Tong Heng • Huang Sunan Precision Motion Control Design and Implementation Second Edition
Platform: | Size: 12262400 | Author: steven | Hits:

[Windows DevelopTan-hao-qiang-Cplusplus

Description: 《谭浩强C++面向对象程序设计题解与上机指导》书上所有例程的源代码-" TAN Hao Strong C++ object-oriented programming to a problem with the previous machine guidance" the book' s source code for all routines
Platform: | Size: 110592 | Author: 杜飞 | Hits:

[Windows Develop3

Description: 表达式解析源代码 对于包含有函数sin、cos、tan、cot、sqrt、asin、acos、atan、log,和运算符+(加)、-(减)、*(乘)、/(除)与^(幂次)的字符串进行解析。可以解析出变量名,由用户赋值然后求表达式的值。 -Parsing the source code for the expression contains a function, sin, cos, tan, cot, sqrt, asin, acos, atan, log, and operators+ (plus),- (minus),* (multiply),/(except) and the ^ (power law) to parse the string. You can parse out the variable name, assignment by the user and then seek an expression value.
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: how | Hits:

[Graph programFace_recognition

Description: 基于matlab的人脸识别分析,参考文献为: [1] X.Tan and B.Triggs. Enhanced Local Texture Feature Sets for Face Recognition under Difficult Lighting Conditions, In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures -Matlab-based face recognition analysis, references to: [1] X. Tan and B. Triggs. Enhanced Local Texture Feature Sets for Face Recognition under Difficult Lighting Conditions, In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: 透明 | Hits:


Description: waka中的tan算法的实现,请大家参考并加以修改-tan it can be used in waka or eclipse,you can use it and alter if you want
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 冯兔子 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopC-language(Tan-Haoqiang)

Description: 经典教材,清楚易懂,对C语言的初学者很有帮助。-Classic text, clear and understandable, the language of C is helpful for beginners.
Platform: | Size: 3503104 | Author: 林艺文 | Hits:
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