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Description: 本书首先介绍了MATLAB语言的程序设计的基本内容,在此基础上系统介绍了系统仿真所必要的数值计算方法及MATLAB实现,并以Simulink为主要工具介绍了系统仿真方法与技巧,包括连续系统、离散系统、随机输入系统和复数系统的仿真,由浅入深介绍了模块封装技术、电力系统模块集、非线性系统设计模块集、S-函数编写与应用、Stateflow有限状态机、虚拟现实工具箱等中高级使用方法,最后还介绍了半实物仿真技术与实时控制技术。 本书可作为一般读者学习和掌握MATLABA/Simulink语言的教科书,也可作为高校理工科各类专业的本科生和研究生系统仿真类课程的教材和参考书,还可供科技工作者、教师作为学习和应用系统仿真分析技术解决实际问题的参考资料。
Platform: | Size: 24225078 | Author: zzcje_nulung | Hits:

[Program docMatlab中Simulink建模与仿真实践课件

Description: Matlab中Simulink建模与仿真实践课件
Platform: | Size: 1473931 | Author: mac3308 | Hits:


Description: simulink通信仿真
Platform: | Size: 13798 | Author: libang | Hits:

[Other resourceMPPT simulink

Description: 基于simulink搭建的PV模型,MPPT采用了爬山法。
Platform: | Size: 17897 | Author: vera988127 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsWCDMA simulink model

Description: WCDMA 的 Simulink 实现
Platform: | Size: 349321 | Author: zcold@msn.com | Hits:

[Program docsimulink教程

Description: simulink仿真教程,比较系统详细~
Platform: | Size: 1197002 | Author: zheng1329 | Hits:

[matlab802.11b PHY Simulink Model

Description: 802.11b物理层的simulink建模。模型支持1Mbps, 2Mbps, 5.5Mbps, and 11Mbps 的模式,模型包括帧的生成,BPSK、QPSK调制,巴克码扩展,CCK以及信道频移量的选择和一个AWGN信道。 使用说明:先将压缩包解压缩到一个新文件夹中,改变matlab当前执行目录,然后运行WiFi.mdl文件。 压缩包中包括6个文件:WiFi.mdl,WiFi_lib.mdl,WiFi_init.m,cck_codes.mat,ber_test.m,test_level_1.m。 模型使用标准:IEEE Std 802.11b-1999, 来源于: http://standards.ieee.org/reading/ieee/std/lanman/ -802.11b Physical Layer Simulink modeling. Model support 1Mbps and 2Mbps, 5.5Mbps and 11Mbps and model, model generation, including frames, BPSK, QPSK modulation, Barker Code expansion, CCK and channel frequency shift of choice and an AWGN. Use : first decompress compressed to a new folder and change the current implementation of Matlab directory, and then run WiFi.mdl document. Compressed include six documents : WiFi.mdl, WiFi_lib.mdl, WiFi_init.m, cck_codes.mat, ber_test.m, test_level_1.m. Standard Model : IEEE Std 802.11b-1999, from : http://standards.ieee.org/reading/ieee/std/lanman/
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: 飞的 | Hits:

[Post-TeleCom sofeware systemsSimulink

Description: Simulink是一个可视化的仿真建模的工具,它主要应用于自动控制,电信等行业-Simulink is a visualization of simulation modeling tools, which are mainly used in automatic control, and telecommunications industries
Platform: | Size: 8599552 | Author: 徐华 | Hits:

[matlabsimulink 例子

Description: 好多simulink的例程,对于初学者和高手都需要的东西,大家多多支持-the routines for beginners and experts need something that we can support!
Platform: | Size: 300032 | Author: | Hits:

[Otherusing simulink and stateflow in automotive applica

Description: matlab在汽车中应用的范例,是汽车动力学及控制系统仿真的必读:using simulink and stateflow in automotive applications-Matlab applications in the car example, vehicle dynamics simulation and control system of study : using Simulink and stateflow in automotive app lications
Platform: | Size: 699392 | Author: 王玉海 | Hits:


Description: ofdm simulink scramble b_ifft convo_process dec_to_bi interleaving-ofdm Simulink scramble b_ifft convo_proc ess dec_to_bi interleaving
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 王海霞 | Hits:

[source in ebookSimulink(coumunication)

Description: 《Matlab仿真技术与应用》习题解的源代码,文件中分章节系统的Simulink仿真,让你更深刻的体会Simulink仿真的神奇!-"Matlab simulation technology and its application" Exercise Solution of source code, sections of the paper under the Simulink, let you even deeper understanding of Simulink magic!
Platform: | Size: 184320 | Author: wstc | Hits:


Description: CDMA系统中多用户检测的SIMULINK建模-CDMA system of multi-user detection Simulation Modeling
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: guoshaobin | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSIMULINK

Description: 本书介绍的是MATLAB中SIMULINK的应用,在通信仿真中用处还可以把-The book is described in the SIMULINK of MATLAB applications, the usefulness of simulation in communication can also be used to
Platform: | Size: 1472512 | Author: 李海 | Hits:


Description: SIMULINK 入门教程,详细讲解了SIMULINK的具体操作,参数设置,并附有练习习题.-SIMULINK Tutorial, SIMULINK detailed account of the specific operation, parameter setting, together with practice exercises.
Platform: | Size: 974848 | Author: chen | Hits:


Description: 关于matlab中simulink地空防御系统仿真。-On the matlab in simulink simulation of ground-to-air defense system.
Platform: | Size: 235520 | Author: houxinyu | Hits:


Description: 本书详细介绍了matlab\simulink工具的基本用法和应用 -The book details the basic usage matlabsimulink tools and applications
Platform: | Size: 1093632 | Author: cqxwin1984 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSimulink

Description: 采用simulink和stateflow对ABS模型中的连续控制和离散控制进行仿真-Using simulink and Stateflow model of the ABS control and discrete control of continuous simulation
Platform: | Size: 193536 | Author: 刘娇 | Hits:


Description: SIMULINK入门课件MATLAB通信仿真及应用实例详解-Introduction to SIMULINK simulation software MATLAB and its application communications Detailed
Platform: | Size: 117760 | Author: | Hits:


Description: simulink仿真学习的必备教程,里面有许多例题,学完你就是高手!-simulink simulation study of the essential curriculum, there are many examples of school after you are a master!
Platform: | Size: 1004544 | Author: 孟帆 | Hits:
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