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Description: ServerSocket,ClientSocket控件源码,讲述内部实现原理-ServerSocket, ClientSocket control source, Principle on internal
Platform: | Size: 15574 | Author: 潘华军 | Hits:

[Other resourceServerSocket

Description: Java的ServerSocket创建Socket程序的详解的一篇文章,自己感觉非常不错,共享给java的socket编程的朋友们!
Platform: | Size: 260107 | Author: 中华 | Hits:


Description: 一个socket服务端程序例子-A socket server program example
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: hero95 | Hits:


Description: 封装的 ServerSocket -package ServerSocket
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 这是一个基于API自己定义的ServerSocket封装基类。-This is an API based on their own definition of ServerSocket Packaging base class.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 谢花寒 | Hits:


Description: 服务器与客户间通过套接口Socket(TCP)连接。在java中使用套接口相当简单,Java API为处理套接口的通信提供了一个类java.net.Socket.,使得编写网络应用程序相对容易.服务器采用多线程以满足多用户的请求,通过JDBC与后台数据库连接,并通过创建一个ServerSocket对象来监听来自客户的连接请求,默认端口为8080。-server and client presentation by Socket Interface (TCP) connections. Java use in presentation interface is quite simple, Java API sets to address the communications interface provides a type java.net.Socket. , Making the preparation of network applications relatively easily. Multi-threaded servers to meet the multi-user request, through JDBC and background database connections, and through the creation of a ServerSocket object from the client to monitor the connection request, the default port of 8080.
Platform: | Size: 1710080 | Author: 陈玉平 | Hits:


Description: 用于最简单的p to p聊天程序,需要知道对方的ip地址和所开的断口,是基于socket的传输-for the most simple p to p chat program, need to know each other's ip address and open fracture is based on the socket transmission
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: lily | Hits:


Description: 采用Microsoft Visual C++编写。界面基于对话框方式。通过对socket类继承实现软件中的服务端类serversocket和客户端类clientsocket。由于将服务端类和客户端类的调用在一个工程中实现,所以一个程序既可以作为服务端也可以作为客户端。代码中加入了基本的错误处理功能。-using Microsoft Visual C preparation. Based on the way the dialog interface. Socket type of software succession to the service changer serversocket and clientsocket changer. Due to the services changer and changer call in a project to achieve, so a procedure can be as server can be used as the client. Code by adding a basic error-handling capabilities.
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: 封小军 | Hits:

[AI-NN-PR副2 gobang

Description: 用ServerSocket和ClientSocket实现的网络五子棋,还有一个很棒的人工智能,使本人花费三天心血编写的,界面也很棒。-ServerSocket and ClientSocket use the network to achieve 331, a terrific artificial intelligence, so I spent three days preparing the effort, and the interface is great.
Platform: | Size: 241664 | Author: kane | Hits:

[Program docServerSocket和ClientSocket控件源码

Description: ServerSocket,ClientSocket控件源码,讲述内部实现原理-ServerSocket, ClientSocket control source, Principle on internal
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 潘华军 | Hits:


Description: 基本的网络编程基础例子,win socket编程,适合初学者-basic foundation of network programming examples win socket programming for beginners
Platform: | Size: 2396160 | Author: 王杰 | Hits:

[Shot GameDelphiGame

Description: 这个软件是用Delphi 7开发的。 原本它是两个人在纸面上玩的益智游戏,转移到电脑上后我给它添加了人机对奕和网络对战的功能。 在本源码中你可以看到电脑AI实现方法,ClientSocket,ServerSocket的使用,控件的编写,ListBox的OwnerDraw的实现等等技巧。 请先安装里面的GridPanel控件才可正常编译。 永远支持Delphi!-use of this software is developed by Delphi 7. Originally it was two people on paper playing educational games. transferred to a computer after I add it to the human-computer war games and network functions. In the source code, you can see the computer AI method, ClientSocket. ServerSocket the use, control of the preparation, ListBox the realization of the OwnerDraw skills, and so on. Please installed inside GridPanel normal controls can build. Delphi will always support!
Platform: | Size: 389120 | Author: 秦鹰 | Hits:


Description: java 网络编程的东西,一个最简单的客户端和服务器的例子只给初学者看的.-java network programming things, one of the most simple client and server examples only to watch the beginners.
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 王鹏 | Hits:

[Picture Viewersendpic

Description: 在richedit编辑框中插入图片.并通过serversocket和clientsocket空间发送接受图片-RichEdit inserted in the edit box picture. Serversocket and through space to send clientsocket accepted picture
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 猪华 | Hits:


Description: 通过SOCKET套接字,接收CLINET发送来的数据,网络传输-Through SOCKET socket, receiving CLINET sent to the data, network transmission
Platform: | Size: 244736 | Author: 李文根 | Hits:


Description: Java的ServerSocket创建Socket程序的详解的一篇文章,自己感觉非常不错,共享给java的socket编程的朋友们!-Java, ServerSocket to create Socket procedures explain an article that he felt very good, sharing the socket to the java programming friends!
Platform: | Size: 260096 | Author: 中华 | Hits:


Description: QQ聊天 client 和senver delphi7 clientscoket serversocket-QQ chat client and senver delphi7clientscoket serversocket
Platform: | Size: 3061760 | Author: hua | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackTCPtxsl

Description: 一个用DELPHI编写的简单的聊天室程序基于ClientSocket,ServerSocket编写.-DELPHI prepared using a simple procedure based on the chat room ClientSocket, ServerSocket prepared.
Platform: | Size: 483328 | Author: 裴可可 | Hits:


Description: java ServerSocket编程指南,用java开发服务器-programming java ServerSocket guide the development of the server with java
Platform: | Size: 260096 | Author: fionn | Hits:

[Delphi VCLClientSocket-and-ServerSocket

Description: clientsocket and serversocket
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 龙伟 | Hits:
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