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Description: 一、目的要求   用高级语言编写和调试一个或多个作业调度的模拟程序,以加深对作业调度算法的理解。 二、例题:为单道批处理系统设计一个作业调度程序。   由于在单道批处理系统中,作业一投入运行,它就占有计算机的一切资源直到作业完成为止,因此调度作业时不必考虑它所需要的资源是否得到满足,它所占用的 CPU时限等因素。   作业调度算法:采用先来先服务(FCFS)调度算法,即按作业提交的先后次序进行调度。总是首先调度在系统中等待时间最长的作业。 -First, the purpose of high-level language requires writing and debugging of one or more job scheduling simulation procedures in order to deepen their understanding of job scheduling algorithms. B, Example: In order to single-channel system, the design of a batch job scheduling procedures. Road as a result of a single batch system, the operation of a put into operation, it would occupy all the resources until the computer s operation has been completed, so no need to consider when scheduling operation of the resources it needs are met, it is occupied by factors such as CPU time limit. Scheduling Algorithm: The First Come First Served (FCFS) scheduling algorithm, that is, according to the order of operations submitted for scheduling. Scheduling is always first in the system waiting for the longest operations.
Platform: | Size: 73728 | Author: Anson | Hits:


Description: 进行IEEE 802.11e中的HCCA的分布式公平调度算法的仿真-For HCCA in IEEE 802.11e Distributed Fair Scheduling Algorithm Simulation
Platform: | Size: 93184 | Author: mengman | Hits:

[OS programScheduling

Description: 经典的Job Shop问题调度算法,用Visual C++语言实现。 -Job Shop Scheduling Problem
Platform: | Size: 281600 | Author: 肖乔 | Hits:


Description: 这是实现操作系统交通灯调度问题,里面不是很好,希望大家提出宝贵的意见-This is the realization of operating system scheduling problem of traffic lights, which is not very good, hope that the valuable advice
Platform: | Size: 1753088 | Author: chenjuan | Hits:

[DSP programScheduling-strategies-for-multiprocessor-Real_Time

Description: Scheduling strategies for multiprocessor Real_Time DSP,多处理器或者多DSP系统的任务调度方案,可以用在雷达声纳和医学等高性能计算领域-Scheduling strategies for multiprocessor Real_Time DSP, multi-processor or multi-DSP system, task scheduling program, can be used in radar and sonar fields of medicine, such as high-performance computing
Platform: | Size: 598016 | Author: john | Hits:

[Multimedia programScheduling

Description: Helpful for Grad students in order to learn Real Time Scheduling algorithms
Platform: | Size: 144384 | Author: Ali | Hits:

[OS Developscheduling

Description: application of scheduling algorithms
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: muhendis | Hits:


Description: This a university scheduling with java programming -This is a university scheduling with java programming
Platform: | Size: 92160 | Author: sa | Hits:

[Windows Developscheduling

Description: it contains all types of cpu scheduling which includes preemptive priority,round robin scheduling
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Rasenganram | Hits:

[OS programOSlab--scheduling

Description: 操作系统实验--作业调度 编写程序完成批处理系统中的作业调度,要求采用短作业优先的作业调度算法。-OsLab--scheduling
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: playboy | Hits:

[Technology Managementscheduling

Description: 用蚁群算法解决无等待流水线的调度问题,对生产调度建模及求解有帮助.-solving scheduling problem with ANT Algorithm
Platform: | Size: 270336 | Author: John | Hits:


Description: 用C#和C++实现的进程调度算法程序(操作系统实验)本实验通过编写C#语言的代码实现先来先服务(FCFS),最短作业优先(SJF)、响应比高者优先(HRN)的调度算法。最后在界面上显示出进程在调度过程中的情况。另附上C++的进程调度实验,算法不相同。-Use C# and C++ to build up a project to achieve process scheduling.The project contains the algorithm of FCFS,SJF and HRN.
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: | Hits:

[Data structsMachine-Scheduling-Problem

Description: 机器排序问题,使用机会约束规划,其中变量使用的是模糊变量。-Machine scheduling problems, the use of chance-constrained programming, in which the variable using fuzzy variables.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: hj | Hits:


Description: Job Scheduling using different algo
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: rahul | Hits:


Description: OFDM系统资源分配调度机制研究 很不错的总结性文档-OFDM system scheduling mechanism of resource allocation is a good summary of the document
Platform: | Size: 888832 | Author: andyking | Hits:


Description: 该程序,实现了模拟系统中进程调度的情形,具备QT图形界面,原创-The program, implemented in the process simulation system scheduling situation, with QT GUI, originality
Platform: | Size: 36721664 | Author: victor | Hits:


Description: 这个是来求解车辆调度的,主要是一个车辆调度站内车辆停靠和发派的程序-This is to solve the vehicle scheduling, and is primarily a vehicle docking station vehicle scheduling and dispatch procedures
Platform: | Size: 243712 | Author: Bloom | Hits:


Description: mechine scheduling problem
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张震 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopProject-Scheduling-Problem

Description: project scheduling problem
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 张震 | Hits:


Description: 基于作业调度的算法代码,机器加工零件有时长、优先级等因素限制,要求在一定时间内完成。-Scheduling algorithm based on the code, machine parts and sometimes a long process, priority and other factors limit, requiring some time to complete.
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: wangyu | Hits:
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