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[DocumentsLinux 下Samba 服务器的设置

Description: Linux 下Samba 服务器的设置-Linux Samba server's configuration
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: 周平 | Hits:


Description: linux下samba配置-under samba configuration
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 中文名 | Hits:


Description: 本书以循序渐进的方式介绍Samba的应用,使读者能够在24学时内掌握Samba的精髓。其主要内容有:Samba的基础,介绍怎样获取Samba的源代码、Samba的安装和测试;Samba的配置,涵盖smb.conf文件的分析、实现资源共享、安全保护和管理;Samba的使用,讨论Samba与UNIX、Windows 9x和Windows NT的综合应用;Samba的安全性,介绍口令加密和在Samba中使用SSL;另外,还有在广域网中实现Samba等高级内容。-the book on a gradual basis, Samba introduced the application so that readers can in 24 hours within the grasp of the essence of Samba. Its main contents are : Samba foundation on how to access the source code Samba, Samba installation and testing; Samba configuration, covering smb.conf file analysis, sharing resources, and security protection and management; The use of Samba, Samba discussions with the UNIX, Windows and Windows 9x NT integrated applications; Samba security, password encryption and introduced the use of SSL Samba; In addition, the wide-area network to achieve Samba senior content.
Platform: | Size: 19595264 | Author: 黄金刚 | Hits:


Description: 本书详细介绍了Linux下samba服务器的定制方式,是一本学习Samba的好书。-the book details the Linux samba server customization, is a study of Samba books.
Platform: | Size: 10804224 | Author: zyq | Hits:


Description: samba服务器!-samba server!
Platform: | Size: 18235392 | Author: | Hits:


Description: samba-3.0.22.tar.gz 编译smb服务器的源码-samba-3.0.22.tar.gz source compiler smb server
Platform: | Size: 17543168 | Author: 甘露 | Hits:


Description: samba source,Linux下著名的samba源码
Platform: | Size: 4367360 | Author: 蔡永志 | Hits:


Description: Linux下Samba功能的原理和配置方法,是根据英文资料翻译过来的。-Linux functions under the principle of Samba and configure the way of the English translation.
Platform: | Size: 94208 | Author: 包永辉 | Hits:


Description: linux操作系统samba服务的配置指南-linux operating system samba service configuration guide
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: jason | Hits:

[Windows Developsamba.tar

Description: 一个samba client的客户端,实现读取工作组(Windows)上的共享计算机和目录,下载目标机上的文件,和查看文本文件的内容,请多指教-samba client,sbmclient,smbget
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: Daniel Zhoo | Hits:


Description: This is a very good and interseting book to install and configure samba file in red hat linux server.it is very easy and comprehensive
Platform: | Size: 1929216 | Author: waqas | Hits:


Description: samba服务器详细配置流程及各种参数设置-samba server
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: eastwarm | Hits:


Description: samba-3.0.24.tar.gz,著名的samba代码,在Linux平台实现网上邻居功能。和windows实现无缝互联,解决了winxp不能登录的问题,火爆下载中。-samba-3.0.24.tar.gz, the famous samba code, the Linux platform features online neighbors. And windows to achieve seamless connectivity to solve the problem of winxp can not log on, popular downloads.
Platform: | Size: 17708032 | Author: 观光客 | Hits:


Description: Linux下SAMBA的配置手册,一个技术高手写的!-SAMBA configuration under Linux manual, a technical expert writing!
Platform: | Size: 282624 | Author: mmmy | Hits:


Description: samba源代码,好东西啊,实现linux与windows相互共享文件,-samba source code, a good thing ah achieve share files between linux and windows,
Platform: | Size: 34989056 | Author: 周丹 | Hits:


Description: samba是一个工具套件,在Unix上实现SMB(Server Message Block)协议,或者称之为NETBIOS/LanManager协议.SMB协议通常是被windows系列用来实现磁盘和打印机共享.-samba is a tool suite, in the Unix to achieve SMB (Server Message Block) protocol, or call NETBIOS/LanManager agreement. SMB protocol is often used to achieve the windows series disk and printer sharing.
Platform: | Size: 23415808 | Author: lushujuan | Hits:


Description: if you need to work with samba from java - use this
Platform: | Size: 164864 | Author: meriu | Hits:


Description: samba 3.5.4 for linux
Platform: | Size: 30808064 | Author: sun | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxsamba-latest.tar

Description: samba 源代码 很难搞到手的哦 samba-3.5.6-samba-latest.tar.gz samba-3.5.6
Platform: | Size: 30802944 | Author: charlut | Hits:

[Successful incentiveUbuntu-install-samba-service

Description: 4Ubuntu10_04下安装samba服务-4Ubuntu10_04 to install samba service
Platform: | Size: 83968 | Author: 邓子斌 | Hits:
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