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Description: 采用verilog hdl 语言实现整形dct算法,设计合理,算法简单,是红色逻辑开发板试验程序,值得一看。-Verilog hdl language used plastic realize DCT algorithm, rational design algorithm is simple and logical development board is red test procedures, worth a visit.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: panyouyu | Hits:


Description: The platform is TinyOS. It periodically samples the photo sensor and displays the highest 3 bits of the raw ADC light reading to the LEDs, with RED being the most signficant bit and YELLOW being the least significant bit.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: kj | Hits:


Description: 为了给指定的表格cell设置颜色或字体,你必须自定义TableCellRenderer。最容易的做法是扩展DefaultTableCellRenderer。 下面的自定义TableCellRenderer使cell支持整数,并且当整数是负值的时候cell颜色为红色:-To the prescribed forms, in order to set the cell color or font, you must customize TableCellRenderer. The easiest approach is to expand DefaultTableCellRenderer. The following custom TableCellRenderer enable cell support integer, and when the integer is negative when the cell color is red:
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: wangle | Hits:

[Other GamesScrolldemo

Description: fc游戏源码,学习游戏编程,经典红白机,很好的东西。-fc game source code, learn game programming, classic red and white machine, very good things.
Platform: | Size: 134144 | Author: 1140576 | Hits:


Description: 一个基于j2me的类似红白机上的“坦克大战”的手机游戏DEMO-J2me based on a similar red and white machine
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 付朝晖 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLTILed

Description: Led (derived from TPanel) component with three colours: green,yellow,red
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: seia | Hits:


Description: 网络编程,多线成,线程池,完成断口模式.课程红色机加速度解放受到技术-Network programming, multi-line into, the thread pool to complete the fracture mode. Courses liberation by the Red Machine Acceleration Technology
Platform: | Size: 6169600 | Author: | Hits:

[hospital software systemdelphiblood

Description: delphi 血液红细胞识别统计源代码,功能相对比较完善,主要采用了数字图像的识别技术-delphi blood red blood cells to identify statistical source code, function relatively perfect, the main use of digital image recognition technology
Platform: | Size: 2544640 | Author: 楚燕 | Hits:


Description: 红色飓风II代开发板的PCB布局和封装库(Protel99SE格式)-Red Hurricane II development board on behalf of the PCB layout and packaging Treasury (Protel99SE format)
Platform: | Size: 1158144 | Author: 汉江 | Hits:

[Windows CEIOTest

Description: GPIO实验以核心板上的4的LED灯作为指示, 四个灯我们定义如下: xx LED1 LED2 xx LED3 LED4 LED1 绿色LED EINT7/GPF7 LED2 绿色LED EINT6/GPF6 LED3 红色LED EINT4/GPF4 LED4 红色LED EINT5/GPF5 实验内容: 灯亮-延时-灯灭-延时-灯亮-GPIO experimental core 4 panel LED lights as instructed, the four lights that we are defined as follows: xx LED1 LED2 xx LED3 LED4LED1 green LED EINT7/GPF7LED2 green LED EINT6/GPF6LED3 red LED EINT4/GPF4LED4 red LED EINT5/GPF5 Experimental Content: lights- delay- lights out- delay- lights
Platform: | Size: 59392 | Author: aaaa | Hits:


Description: 这是一个调色板取值程序,该程序能够实现红绿蓝三色的配色演示,主要用于程序中去色参考RGB值,提供了十进制和16进制,便于软件开发和网页制作。-This is a palette value process, which can realize three-color red-green-blue color of the demonstration, mainly used to process RGB color reference value, provided the metric system and 16-band, easy software development and web production.
Platform: | Size: 144384 | Author: 王辉 | Hits:

[Game Hook CrackZFWG

Description: 征服自己写的一个小程序,实现自己补红,补蓝,-Conquer himself wrote a small program and realize their premium red, blue fill,
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 汪永恒 | Hits:


Description: 红旗Linux的入门教程,详细的解说了从安装到使用的方法-Red Flag Linux introductory tutorial, a detailed explanation from the installation to use the method
Platform: | Size: 244736 | Author: taoyi | Hits:


Description: 用单片机实现彩条信号发生器 ,实现红绿蓝场信号 , 并有动画 、渐变、 循环等效果 。这是我毕业设计成果,忍痛割爱 同大家一起分享 用MEDWIN开发的-With MCU color signal generator, to achieve red-green-blue field signal, and animation, transitions, effects circulation. This is my graduation project results, and in pain afford to spare to share with everyone using MEDWIN development
Platform: | Size: 2094080 | Author: zhangyiyi | Hits:

[Video CaptureCamera

Description: 用opencv实现打开摄像头 用的是MFC-Used to achieve open opencv camera using MFC
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Can | Hits:


Description: 要求: 1、 设计一个十字路口的交通灯控制电路,要求甲车道和乙车道两条交叉道路上的车辆交替运行,每次通行时间都设为45秒。 2、 在绿灯转为红灯时,要求黄灯先亮5秒钟,才能变换运行车道; 3、 黄灯亮时,要求每秒闪亮一次。 甲、乙车道除了有红、黄、绿灯指示外,每一种灯亮的时间都用显示器进行显示(采用倒计时的方法 -Requirements: one, design a crossroads of traffic lights control circuit requires a two-lane carriageway and B cross-road vehicles to run alternately, each time access is set to 45 seconds. 2, in the green light to red light, require bright yellow first 5 seconds, in order to transform run-lane 3, when the yellow light, flashing a request per second. A, B lane except red, yellow, green direction, each time lights are used to show the display (using the countdown method
Platform: | Size: 80896 | Author: hongbingjun | Hits:


Description: 用于演示红黑树的插入及删除过程,主要在于界面的设计-For the demonstration of red and black tree insertion and deletion process, mainly due to interface design
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: mhb | Hits:

[Technology Managementchengyu_zhu

Description: 非常好的一篇paper,关于Opnet下的网络流量控制算法的比较。TCP,RED,PIRED等-A very good paper, on the Opnet network traffic under control algorithms comparison. TCP, RED, PIRED, etc.
Platform: | Size: 116736 | Author: chl | Hits:


Description: 编写一个Swing应用程序,模拟交通红绿灯。程序允许用户选择3种灯的一种:红、黄、绿。当一个按钮被选中时,相就的灯就被打开,一次只能打开一个灯。程序启动时,没有灯打开。-The preparation of a Swing application, simulation of traffic lights. Procedures permit the user to choose one of three kinds of lights: red, yellow and green. When a button is selected, the phase of the lights on was open, one can open a lamp. Proceedings did not turn on the light.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: xue | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGLRedBook

Description: opengl红宝书的随书源码,可以修改参数,便于学习-opengl book with Little Red Book of the source, you can modify the parameters, easy to learn
Platform: | Size: 3660800 | Author: 柳忠校 | Hits:
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