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Description: 此文档对于学习PSCAD非常有用。讲解十分详细。
Platform: | Size: 7089008 | Author: 530306762@qq.com | Hits:


Description: pscad的重要学习资料,有很多源程序,包括,风场模块,和变流模块等-it will be great favor for you to study pscad!
Platform: | Size: 3137536 | Author: 於锋 | Hits:


Description: PSCAD说明书 你能知道如何使用PSCAD-PSCAD notic you can kowon how to use PSCAD
Platform: | Size: 788480 | Author: 郑铁军 | Hits:


Description: 电力仿真软件PSCAD的安装文件及安装步骤,破解版本全部包含在里面-PSCAD model
Platform: | Size: 1576960 | Author: 李杰 | Hits:


Description: PSCAD仿真实验内容实验4 避雷器 脉冲测试电路-PSCAD stimulation lightning arrester
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 秦林 | Hits:


Description: pscad 中的例子,很适合初学者使用,能够快速了解并掌握pscad基本功能-pscad examples, it is suitable for beginners to quickly learn and master the basic functions of pscad
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 胡腾华 | Hits:


Description: pscad 实例讲解hvdcpscad实例讲解hvdc-pscad instance examples to explain hvdcpscad explain hvdc
Platform: | Size: 1007616 | Author: futon_min | Hits:

[Windows Developpscad

Description: pscad,仿真小例子,适合初学者,大家一起学习-pscad, simulation small examples, for beginners, we will study together
Platform: | Size: 557056 | Author: 曹高 | Hits:

[Energy industrywind-pitch-control-pscad

Description: 风力发电机的浆距控制PSCAD仿真模型,模型通过仿真可以看到如何调节风力机的浆距,影响其输出。-pitch angle control for wind energy generation system, PSCAD/EMTDC model
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 胡为兵 | Hits:


Description: PSCAD实例。希望对初学该软件的朋友有所帮助。-PSCAD instance. Hope that friends of the software for beginners help.
Platform: | Size: 704512 | Author: 科大侠 | Hits:


Description: PSCAD合闸过电压实例,希望对初学者有所帮助-Overvoltage PSCAD closing, I hope to help beginners
Platform: | Size: 2201600 | Author: 科大侠 | Hits:


Description: PSCAD学习资料,适合初学者学习应用,希望对大家有所帮住-PSCAD learning materials, suitable for beginners learning applications, we hope to help to live
Platform: | Size: 3093504 | Author: 科大侠 | Hits:


Description: PSCAD继电保护仿真模型-PSCAD simulation examples Collection
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: Yiyun Guo | Hits:


Description: desribes how to connect pscad through matlab
Platform: | Size: 145408 | Author: ANSAL | Hits:

[Graph DrawingPSCAD

Description: 关于PSCAD的使用说明,及在电力系统和电力电子中的应用-Instructions on the use of PSCAD, and in the power system and power electronics application
Platform: | Size: 2477056 | Author: 何帆 | Hits:


Description: 介绍最大功率点追踪算法在PSCAD中的应用方法。-Maximum power point tracking algorithm described in the application of methods in PSCAD.
Platform: | Size: 400384 | Author: Rick | Hits:

[Graph DrawingDFIG-pscad

Description: pscad中双馈电机的模型,有一定的参考价值-model of the doubly-fed machine pscad
Platform: | Size: 171008 | Author: 孟杰 | Hits:


Description: 各种风机的模型,对pscad初学者有帮助!(Various fan models, useful for beginners pscad!)
Platform: | Size: 178176 | Author: 李凯 | Hits:

[Energy industry基于PSCAD的光伏电站仿真与分析

Description: 在分析光伏发电原理与光伏电池数学模型的基础上,对由若干光伏阵列组成的大型光伏电站进行PSCAD仿真建模,并分析其运行特性。采用恒电压跟踪方法并利用不同温度下的测量制表值共同实现大规模光伏阵列的最大功率点跟踪(maximum powerpointtracking,MPPT),并设计了相应的并网逆变器控制策略。最后,对大型光伏电站在正常运行以及站内外发生三相短路故障的情况进行仿真分析。(On the basis of analyzing the principle of photovoltaic generation and mathematical model of PCcells.)
Platform: | Size: 1755136 | Author: apduaa | Hits:

[Energy industry【附带说明】双馈风力发电机PSCAD仿真

Description: 用于海上风电场高频暂态仿真 基于PSCAD平台 撬棒控制(For the offshore wind farm high frequency transient simulation platform based on PSCAD control lever)
Platform: | Size: 218112 | Author: simplezwt | Hits:
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