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Description: 里面包含很多ppt背景资料和模板 ,利用这些资料可以制作漂亮的演示(It contains a lot of PPT background information and templates, the use of these materials can make beautiful presentations)
Platform: | Size: 973824 | Author: anne1207 | Hits:


Description: C++ ppt课件 实用版本大学生课件 希望大家喜欢(C++ ppt from SMU welcome to download)
Platform: | Size: 4446208 | Author: Sandra44 | Hits:


Description: 变色龙原创的扁平化商务PPT,蓝灰色调,高端大气(flat business PPT originate by bianselong)
Platform: | Size: 15143936 | Author: 西双版娜 | Hits:


Description: 数据结构的ppt,内容很全面,各种数据结构的介绍及算法都涵盖,对考研或者找工作的同学都有帮助(iData structure of the PPT, the content is very comprehensive, a variety of data structures and algorithms are covered, to PubMed or to find work for students are helpful)
Platform: | Size: 11428864 | Author: ``zzzzzqq | Hits:


Description: 用来博士学术演讲PPT,效果很好,希望给大家带来好的感觉,发挥完美。(For doctoral lectures, PPT)
Platform: | Size: 5230592 | Author: tmxk | Hits:


Description: Python基础学习的PPT,简单的基础语法介绍(Python Foundation Learn PPT, a simple introduction to basic grammar)
Platform: | Size: 119808 | Author: 鲜闷 | Hits:


Description: MATLAB数学建模与数学实验,精品课件PPT,对深入学习matlab很有帮助(MATLAB mathematical modeling and mathematical experiment, excellent courseware PPT)
Platform: | Size: 5358592 | Author: 奋斗cj | Hits:

[OtherFlac3D 数值模拟PPT教程及数值模拟简介

Description: Flac3D 数值模拟PPT教程及数值模拟简介(A brief introduction to the PPT course and numerical simulation of Flac3D numerical simulation)
Platform: | Size: 1034240 | Author: 木易123 | Hits:


Description: 《QtCreator快速入门》第3版课件PPT(The third edition of QtCreator quick start courseware PPT)
Platform: | Size: 15903744 | Author: msjun | Hits:


Description: MySQL5.7从入门到精通的PPT,附源代码(MySQL+5.7 from the beginning to the master of PPT)
Platform: | Size: 1773568 | Author: 方文轩 | Hits:


Description: CSS和HTML的教学课件,ppt版,内含多份ppt(CSS+HTML teaching courseware ppt)
Platform: | Size: 44705792 | Author: 方文轩 | Hits:

[Multimedia program配音PPT多媒体课件的制作

Description: 介绍制作配音PPT的方法,图文并茂的方式给出了详细步骤。(A brief introduction about how to dub a PPT step by step.)
Platform: | Size: 859136 | Author: buptlihui | Hits:

[Otherspring4 ppt

Description: 传智播客黑马训练营的spring4 ppt教程 比较不错(spring4 itcast ppt very nice lean ppt)
Platform: | Size: 1311744 | Author: 838070166 | Hits:


Description: matlab教程ppt,非常的使用,迅速掌握matlab(the ppt of matlab tutorial)
Platform: | Size: 8222720 | Author: chansang | Hits:


Description: LeapMotion体感PPT控制器 Leap Motion概述 Leap Motion系统可以检测并跟踪手、手指和类似手指的工具。这个器件可以在高精确度和高跟踪帧率下工作。 Leap Motion软件分析在器件可视范围内的物体。它识别手、手指和工具,可以实时获(Leap Motion overview The Leap Motion system can detect and track the hands, fingers and tools similar to the finger. This device can work at high accuracy and high tracking frame rate. Leap Motion software analyzes objects within the visual range of the device. It recognizes hands, fingers and tools, and can get their positions, gestures and actions in real time. The visual range of Leap Motion is an inverted Pyramid, and the tip of the tower is in the center of the equipment. [this is well understood that the sensors generally do so that the]Leap Motion's working range is about 25 to 600 millimeters in front of the device, that is, 1 inches to 2 feet. [2.5 centimeters to 0.6 meters, it is sure to make up for the shortage of Kinect near the distance ah, very comfortable to sit in front of the computer operation] o)
Platform: | Size: 482304 | Author: 啊杜杜 | Hits:


Description: java中使用api,生成ppt,附带源码。(In Java, API is used to generate ppt with source code.)
Platform: | Size: 5866496 | Author: 李休息休息 | Hits:


Description: java简单操作ppt,生成表格,用于导出(Java simple operations PPT, generated form for export)
Platform: | Size: 5721088 | Author: 注册601万 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringPPT模板.rar

Description: 收集的一些有用的答辩PPT模板,欢迎下载使用 各种模板 供参考使用(Collected some useful reply PPT templates, welcome to download and use. Various templates For reference use)
Platform: | Size: 14627840 | Author: hessen | Hits:


Description: poi生成ppt,使用POI操作PPT文档(POI generates PPT and uses POI to operate PPT documents)
Platform: | Size: 11421696 | Author: xslove | Hits:

[Education soft systemperfect-ppt--mode

Description: 精美PPT模板,可以用做毕业设计和其他重要场合演讲使用。(Beautifully PPT template, can be used as graduation speech and other important occasions to use.)
Platform: | Size: 13901824 | Author: skyfun | Hits:
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