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D-statcom..for power quality analysis
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 12kb Publisher : suresh

High penetration of wind energy into the grid may introduce stability and power quality problems due to the fluctuating nature of the wind and the increasing complexity of the power system. By implementing advanced functionalities in power converters, it is possible to improve the performance of the wind farm and also to provide grid support, as it is required by the grid codes. One of the main compliance difficulties that can be found in such power plants are related to reactive power compensation and to keep the harmonics content within the allowed limits, even if the power of the WPP converters is increasing. This paper deals with an advanced control strategy design of a three-level converter performing STATCOM and Active Filter functionalities. A novel control strategy called Smart-STATCOM is introduced, since it has the capability of self-controlling reactive power and harmonic voltages at the same time.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2.94mb Publisher : hocine

典型高能耗负荷电能质量分析和控制措施的研-Ferroalloyindustryischaracterizedwithhighenergyconsumption.In China,theelectricarcfurnaceconsumesmorethan60 energyinthewhole ferroalloyindustries.Theelectricarcfurnaceisknownasakindof nonlinear load, therefore it impacts the power quality. For example, withoutanyeffectivemeasurement,theproductionandthequalitywill beimpactedandthesystemperformancewillbedeteriorated.Asaresult, other users in the system will be impacted, system power losses will increase.Therefore,researchontheeffectivemeasurementbecomesan urgentissuetothepowersystem. Afterthecomprehensivesurveyonthe powerqualityoftheferroalloyenterprisesinZunyi,theauthordidmuch studiesandsimulationanalysisfocusedonthepowerqualityresearchand controlmeasurement.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2.22mb Publisher : 张雪亮

Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 676kb Publisher : siddharth vanshik

This paper deals with the design and implementation of a multilevel voltage source converter based static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) employing an effective modulation control technique simulated in a MATLAB Simulink environment. The main objective of this paper is to maintain the voltage stability by compensating the reactive power in the power system. Hence, a new efficient control strategy is proposed, in order to reduce the voltage fluctuations like sag and swell conditions and also to isolate current and voltage harmonics in the transmission system. The multilevel STATCOM which can be used at the point of common coupling (PC C), for improving power quality is modelled and simulated using proposed control strategy and the performance is compared by applying it to an llOkv line with and without STATCOM. Relative Harmonic analysis is also discussed in this paper based on the total harmonic distortion (THD) calculations.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 35kb Publisher : hareesh

DL : 1
This paper presents an improved controller for the dual topology of the unified power quality conditioner (iUPQC) extending its applicability in power-quality compensation, as well as in microgrid applications. By using this controller, beyond the conventional UPQC power quality features, including voltage sag/swell compensation, the iUPQC will also provide reactive power support to regulate not only the load-bus voltage but also the voltage at the grid-side bus. In other words, the iUPQC will work as a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) at the grid side, while providing also the conventional UPQC compensations at the load or microgrid side. Experimental results are provided to verify the new functionality of the equipment.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 19kb Publisher : hari
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