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Description: 用PIC16F84做频率计,用LCD做显示(M1632)
Platform: | Size: 29104 | Author: fjzzak | Hits:


Description: PIC16F84 ; This program uses port A bit 1 to switch on a motor for ; about 5 seconds. The motor is driven by port B bit 0 usng a ; large NPN transistor.
Platform: | Size: 666 | Author: tonyqin@2911.net | Hits:


Description: PIC16F84 ; This program reads whatever is on port A and puts it on port B ; the header file p16f84.inc contains all the register labels
Platform: | Size: 370 | Author: tonyqin@2911.net | Hits:


Description: PIC16F84 ; This program pulses port B bit 0 with a delay between ; each update
Platform: | Size: 646 | Author: tonyqin@2911.net | Hits:


Description: 用pic16f84的两根口线模拟串口与电脑通信,调试通过(电脑端用串口助手)-with two serial ports for analog computer communications, debug through (computer-using serial assistant)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 谢涛 | Hits:

[Com Portpic&pc

Description: 介绍一种运用PIC16F84单片机实现与PC机串行通信的方法,并给出其硬件接口电路及通信源程序。包含单片机和PC端的程序。-A use PIC16F84 MCU and PC serial communication method, and gives the hardware interface circuit and communication source. Contains the single-chip computer and PC-side procedures.
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: 郝东 | Hits:


Description: pic MCU的HDL语言代码,实现器件是Xilinx FPGA,经过验证和测试-pic MCU HDL code, is the realization of Xilinx FPGA devices. After testing and validation
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: 钟方 | Hits:


Description: pic单片机C语言入门的最好源程序,用PIC16F84芯片,只要你有C编译器一试就成功,调试通过,没C编译器的可与我联系598358978-pic microcontroller C language portal the best source files, using PIC16F84 chip as long as you have the C compiler on a successful test, debug passed, no C compiler can be contacted me 598358978
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zjh | Hits:

[Other systemsDS1302_6.0

Description: 时钟芯片DS1302 FOR PIC16F84 读写源代码-Clock DS1302 FOR PIC16F84 reading and writing source code
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: mike | Hits:

[assembly languagetoutestfini

Description: 单线温度传感器ds1820 ,利用pic16f84控制,lcd显示-Single-temperature sensors ds1820, using PIC16F84 control, lcd display
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: kobe | Hits:

[Software Engineeringpicbasic(infra_red)

Description: A total solution for INFRARED based on PIC16F84 using PICBASIC compiler including source
Platform: | Size: 613376 | Author: 蔡武原 | Hits:

[Windows Developdisassemblerpic16f84

Description: 本人用turbo c++ 3.0 编写的PIC16F84反汇编程序源代码-I used turbo c++ 3.0 prepared PIC16F84 disassemble source code
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: luqionghui | Hits:


Description: 用VHDL语言实现的pic16f84,研究SOC嵌入式系统设计很有帮助-Achieved using VHDL language pic16f84, research helpful SOC Embedded System Design
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 用PIC16F84写的6个LED旋转电子钟源程序,-PIC16F84 written with six rotating LED electronic clock source,
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: tony | Hits:

[assembly languageEEPROM

Description: exmple for sound with PIC16F84
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: Lubo | Hits:

[assembly languagealarma

Description: example for alarm devise with PIC16F84
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: Lubo | Hits:


Description: PIC16F84+STH11系统原理图和asm源程序-PIC16F84+STH11(ASM code PIC16F84 with a schematic)
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: 王剑峰 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developpic16f87x

Description: PIC16F84单片机的内部硬件资源 学习PIC单片机,很多菜鸟都是从PIC16F84开始的,我们把它整理了一份中文资料供大家学习-pic
Platform: | Size: 416768 | Author: 龙汉平 | Hits:

[assembly languageclock_t

Description: digital clock and thermometer pic16f84
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: yokismi | Hits:


Description: Document about the PIC16F84 microcontroller in frensh, enjoy it
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: seldem | Hits:
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