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Description: 书籍<<PIC单片机实用教程-基础篇>>+<<XXX-提高篇>>之PDG格式电子书 -p1c16fx
Platform: | Size: 832512 | Author: 龙汉平 | Hits:


Description: the verilog code used to design a PIC uC
Platform: | Size: 1981440 | Author: ash | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developpic-usb-interface

Description: This Circuit diagram for PIC to USB intaerface-This is Circuit diagram for PIC to USB intaerface
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: HallMark | Hits:


Description: 基于PIC单片机的电梯升降系统,四川省电子大赛获奖作品,有问题请与我联系:QQ:466837680,Emial:liu_haohua@163.com-PIC microcontroller based elevator lifting system
Platform: | Size: 342016 | Author: 刘豪华 | Hits:


Description: 此程序为一个MPLAB的工程。实现的是PIC单片机 包括串口,IIC口的应用。实现串口通信和IIC测温度,以及基本IO应用。有pic单片机的基本初始化源码。-This procedure works for a MPLAB. To achieve single-chip, including the PIC serial port, IIC Application mouth. IIC Serial communications and measuring temperature, as well as the application of the basic IO. There are basic initialization microcontroller pic source.
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 高扬 | Hits:


Description: PIC编程器控制软件及使用方法,由图例说明使用很方便-PIC programmer and how to use control software
Platform: | Size: 789504 | Author: xeho | Hits:

[Windows Developpic

Description: pic单片机课程设计,可应用于温度控制等方面。-Single-chip design courses pic
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 林雄 | Hits:


Description: PIC单片机头文件,非常实用哦,不再需要每个MCU都去找头文件了-PIC MCU head file
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: John | Hits:


Description: pic单片机实用教材 作者 李学海 很适合初学单片机者的电子电路书籍-For Microchip
Platform: | Size: 7130112 | Author: 包围 | Hits:


Description: compinational digital code lock using PIC
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: mero | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopPIC

Description: PIC单片机原理图,主要是看上面的一些模块的设计-PIC single-chip schematic
Platform: | Size: 147456 | Author: 李方 | Hits:

[assembly languagepic

Description: 汽车点火程序.他是基于pic单片机,硬件非常简单,你很容易从网上查到资料。-this module is uesed ignate by car.which is based on PIC microcontroller . the handware is simple .u can easily find it on the net
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 痕迹 | Hits:

[WEB CodePIC-21IC_bbs

Description: 电子书籍 有51 和 pic 的 本人看完了pic的觉得值得学习 看看你们需要不 O(∩_∩)O~-51 and e-books I have read through the pic of the pic that you need to learn not to take a look at O (∩ _ ∩) O ~
Platform: | Size: 1739776 | Author: linmeiyu | Hits:


Description: this program is about to getting a character via keyboard and type it on lcd with pic microcontroller in c language-this program is about to getting a character via keyboard and type it on lcd with pic microcontroller in c language
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: reza-assembly | Hits:

[Other Embeded programProgramming-32-Bit-PIC-Microcontrollers-in-C-Explo

Description: pic32单片机开发讲解书籍。英文版的。希望有人喜欢。-Programming 32-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C Exploring the PIC32
Platform: | Size: 4412416 | Author: jack | Hits:


Description: PIC单片机PIC18F系列的CAN通讯事例程序,下载者可通过该程序了解PIC中CAN通讯原理。-PIC18F family of PIC microcontroller examples of CAN communication process, download the program who can understand the principle of PIC in the CAN communication.
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: xushuxin | Hits:


Description: 利用PIC单片机对外界模拟输入进行AD采样后在数码管上进行相应值的显示。该程序已调试通过。-Analog signal is sampled and coverted to digital signal by MCU(PIC). The displayed on the leds.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: liujingyun | Hits:


Description: 基于PIC单片机的SPWM控制技术,详细介绍了使用面积相等法产生SPWM波。-PIC MCU-based SPWM control technologies, detailing the use of an area equal to France generate SPWM waves.
Platform: | Size: 216064 | Author: JIM | Hits:


Description: PIC系列单片机指令集 分低、中、高三种-PIC Microcontroller instruction set points low, medium, or high
Platform: | Size: 226304 | Author: 方海钰 | Hits:


Description: PIC的相关资料 PIC单片机C语言学习教程-PIC Microcontroller C Language Learning Tutorial
Platform: | Size: 147456 | Author: jinks | Hits:
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