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Description: 字模提取软件非常的好用,建议大家下载。 -Font extraction software very easy to use, suggest that you download.
Platform: | Size: 720896 | Author: 崔海 | Hits:


Description: PCTOLCD取模软件详解很好用的软件 快来学习吧-PCTOLCD Detailed modulo software software Come and learn with a good bar
Platform: | Size: 296960 | Author: tanggg | Hits:

[Other Embeded programPCtoLCD2002

Description: 点阵字符处理工具,可以自行选择他的大小,为点阵的代码工作减少了很多时间-Dot matrix character processing tools, he can choose the size of a dot matrix code to reduce a lot of time working
Platform: | Size: 719872 | Author: 球特烦 | Hits:


Description: 这个是取字模软件,很不错的,希望可以帮助到大家,做点阵和显示有帮助-This is taking matrix software, very good, hope you can help to
Platform: | Size: 719872 | Author: 王国 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopLLLCD1602C

Description: 液晶资料(包含1602液晶模块资料、SMG12864A使用说说明书和PCtoLCD2002字幕软件,已通过测试。 -LCD information (including the 1602 LCD module data, SMG12864A use instructions and PCtoLCD2002, subtitle software, has been tested.
Platform: | Size: 1118208 | Author: 包裹 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringPCtoLCD2002

Description: 取字模软件才,生成中英文数字混合的字符串的字模数据-To take font software only to generate the string in English digital hybrid matrix data
Platform: | Size: 719872 | Author: 李仁 | Hits:


Description: 单片机字模软件 单片机字模软件-The chip matrix software chip matrix software chip matrix software
Platform: | Size: 933888 | Author: 陆伟 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programPCtoLCD2002

Description: 字摸提取软件,可以是图片,可以是汉字,并且大小可调,好用至极-Braille extraction software, which can be pictures, which can be characters, and the size is adjustable, extremely easy to use
Platform: | Size: 718848 | Author: 任盼盼 | Hits:

[File FormatPCTOLCD2002

Description: 驱魔软件,在调试lcd时有用。版本有点低,但还是能用-Exorcism software useful when debugging lcd. Version a bit low, but still be able to ...
Platform: | Size: 719872 | Author: 卢耀坤 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringPCtoLCD2002

Description: LCD显示字模生成器,满足十进制或者16进制的生成。-LCD display font generator, to meet the decimal or hexadecimal generation.
Platform: | Size: 933888 | Author: 王灿 | Hits:


Description: 一个好用的单片机中文字库取模软件,网上下载的本人觉得功能很全。-A single-chip microcomputer to use Chinese word stock modulus software, download I think the function is complete
Platform: | Size: 924672 | Author: zhou zeping | Hits:

[GUI DevelopPCtoLCD2002

Description: 用于汉子内码的提取,希望对大家帮助 单片机开发-Man-mold software extracts
Platform: | Size: 718848 | Author: liwanshu | Hits:

[Software EngineeringPCtoLCD2002

Description: 液晶显示汉子或图片取模软件非常好用任意取模方向-LCD SHOW
Platform: | Size: 719872 | Author: 靳东升 | Hits:


Description: 可以自动生成相应的LCD显示字模,支持汇编和C语言代码-Can automatically generate the corresponding LCD display font
Platform: | Size: 928768 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 用户可生成自己需要的各种小字库,也可以生成自定义的国标一二级汉字库。(d can also generate custom national standard one-level Chinese character librarie)
Platform: | Size: 720896 | Author: 大板儿 | Hits:

[hardware design取模方法

Description: PCtoLCD2002.exe取模 方法(Die taking method PCtoLCD2002.exe)
Platform: | Size: 3335168 | Author: 白痴大侠 | Hits:


Description: 字模提取软件 亲测可用 可以用来提取ascii码 汉子等等(This software is very efficient and easy to extract whatever image you like into a single one dimensional matrix.)
Platform: | Size: 719872 | Author: 异天 | Hits:


Description: 超级强大的取字模软件,支持扫描方向、数据格式、分辨率设置、字体选择、创建图片等功能(Super powerful font retrieval software, support scanning direction, data format, resolution settings, font selection, create pictures and other functions.)
Platform: | Size: 928768 | Author: 王江 | Hits:


Description: 字模软件提取字模,为点阵屏、液晶屏提取编程数据,是一款真正的神器!(Font extraction matrix extraction software, programming data for lattice screen, LCD screen, is a genuine artifact!)
Platform: | Size: 719872 | Author: 技行天下 | Hits:
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