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Description: 这是一个STM32F103驱动0V7670在上位机显示的程序。(This is a program that STM32F103 drives 0V7670 to display on the host computer.)
Platform: | Size: 2347008 | Author: 啊慕慕 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxUSBCamera

Description: 使用stm32 与 ov7670实现usb摄像头功能(Using STM32 and ov7670 to implement the USB camera function)
Platform: | Size: 1546240 | Author: xiaobai6725 | Hits:

[SCMshape recognition

Description: 形状识别,上下扫描,基于stm32使用OV7670(Shape recognition,basic on stm32 using OV7670)
Platform: | Size: 115712 | Author: 忆宸轩 | Hits:


Description: ov7670采集图像信息,缓存到SDRAM内部,再输出到lcd显示屏来显示出来。(Ov7670 collects image information, caches inside SDRAM, and then outputs it to the LCD display to display it.)
Platform: | Size: 7924736 | Author: 过客3944 | Hits:

[Special Effectsying

Description: 对采集到的图像进行二值化和灰度化处理,并且可以通过按键实现切换(The collected images are processed by two values and grayscale, and can be switched by buttons.)
Platform: | Size: 7886848 | Author: dsajdsjh | Hits:


Description: [I2Saudioplay] stm32f407罪行音频播放例程,好不容易找到的,经测试很好用。 [Audio_playback_and_record] cortexM4内核 stm32f407例程,录音播放wav, [DAC] stm32f407的DAC操作实例,开发工具IAR 6.3,代码可用于MP3播放器开发入门。 [HY32D-CODE] 3.2 ssd1289 stm32f407 application [MPP_55374] mp3源代码的 C语言实现 可以实现随机播放,循环单曲,顺序播放等功能 [TFT800_480] stm32f407 驱动5寸液晶显示图片 液晶控制器型号为SSD1963 [I2C] keil编译环境下,stm32f407使用I2C总线通讯的例程 [SPI] keil编译环境下,stm32f407使用SPI总线进行通讯的例程 [I2S] STM32的I2S编程,开发板带的程序,有做I2S音频这块的同学可以看看 [DCMI] stm32f407使用OV7670摄像头的例子。 [SD_FatFS] stm32f407读写SD卡示例,FAT文件系统说明 [STM32-IIC--MMA8451] STM32的控制MMA8451三轴加速度芯片的IIC驱动,串口打印数据到电脑显示! [jpg-decoding] ARM stm32f407 jpg 解码测试程序 [407mp3] stm32f407通过sdio接口连接sd卡,然后通过i2s播放MP3的源码(example(10)I2S\Third_Party\fat_fs\inc\integer.h (10)I2S\Third_Party\fat_fs\readme.txt (10)I2S\Third_Party\fat_fs\src\diskio.c (10)I2S\Third_Party\fat_fs\src\ff.c (10)I2S\Third_Party\fat_fs\src\option\ccsbcs.c (10)I2S\Third_Party\fat_fs\src\option\syncobj.c (10)I2S\Third_Party\fat_fs\src\option (10)I2S\Third_Party\fat_fs\inc (10)I2S\Third_Party\fat_fs\src (10)I2S\board\inc (10)I2S\board\src (10)I2S\proj\output (10)I2S\Third_Party\fat_fs (10)\board (10)\inc)
Platform: | Size: 733184 | Author: milulaile | Hits:


Description: 基于stm32和ov7670的数字字符识别(Digital character recognition based on STM32 and ov7670)
Platform: | Size: 5201920 | Author: 梁家栋 | Hits:

[Graph Recognize基于STM32车牌识别系统资料V1.0_Ricky(1)

Description: 本系统以STM32F103RBT单片机为主控,控制OV7670摄像头(带FIFO)进行图像采集,通过模式识别、匹配,最后获得车牌的识别结果。为尽大可能的提高处理速度,STM32单片机进行了16倍频。识别主要过程包括图像采集、二值化分析、识别车牌区域、字符分割、字符匹配五过程。(Circuit design of license plate recognition based on stm32)
Platform: | Size: 21258240 | Author: 太不像我 | Hits:

[SCMov7670 51 ILI9325

Description: 利用单片机驱动摄像头将图片显示在LCD屏上的程序。(The program of displaying pictures on LCD screen by using single chip computer to drive camera.)
Platform: | Size: 88064 | Author: nicooll | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopOV7670

Description: stm32 camera control
Platform: | Size: 281988 | Author: bokic8 | Hits:


Description: 通过fpga开发板控制ov7670摄像头检测目标 实现运动检测(shi xian yun dong jian ce .)
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: zero_lz | Hits:

[Graph Recognizetemplate

Description: stm32+ov7670实现对蓝色车牌实现车牌区域定位、字符分割、字模匹配识别,最后识别出车牌结果。(STM32 + ov7670 realize the license plate region location, character segmentation, font matching recognition for the blue license plate, and finally recognize the license plate results.)
Platform: | Size: 6450176 | Author: 木.心. | Hits:
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