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[Windows Develop20050608094139_PinOutBar

Description: 这个创意来自ziran lin 的大作 , Pinnable ControlBar 以及Iuri Apollonio的大作 An Outlook98 bar-like control ,我认为如果制作一个可以停靠的 OutLookBar 一定非常酷。-ziran lin from the previous exhibitions, and Iuri Pinnable ControlBar Apollonio's previous exhibitions An Outlook98 bar-like control, I think that if one can stop the production of OutLookBar will be very cool.
Platform: | Size: 451584 | Author: 张强 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopCXTOutBarCtrl

Description: 效果很好的outlookbar控件CXTOutBarCtrl-good results outlookbar Control CXTOutBarCtrl
Platform: | Size: 104448 | Author: shijianfeng | Hits:


Description: OutLookBar源码 OutLookBar源码-OutLookBar source OutLookBar FO
Platform: | Size: 45056 | Author: xj | Hits:

[GUI Developcvery.comvc695577244

Description: vc++ 实现类似windows 那样的 outlookbar 即能实现 收缩与隐藏-vc++ realize similar kinds of windows can realize outlookbar contraction and hidden
Platform: | Size: 443392 | Author: 杨景天 | Hits:


Description: 一个效果很好的outlookbar控件CXTOutBarCtrl-One of the effects outlookbar good control CXTOutBarCtrl
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: wu0251 | Hits:


Description: 类似outlook菜单 类似outlook菜单-Similar outlook similar outlook menu Menu
Platform: | Size: 385024 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 一个类似于OUTLOOK的浮动工具条,可以任意加载图片-OUTLOOK similar floating toolbar that can be loaded picture
Platform: | Size: 219136 | Author: zhang | Hits:


Description: 样式类似Outlook左边框的VB实现,可供参考-Outlook style similar to the realization of the left border of the VB is available for reference
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 丁林枭 | Hits:

[Windows Developoutlookbar

Description: this a outlook bar utility -ddddddddddd
Platform: | Size: 1849344 | Author: Yong Zikui | Hits:


Description: outlookbar控件编程,类似于MSN、QQ的界面,能够很好的对界面内容分组。-outlookbar control programming, similar to MSN, QQ interface can be a good grouping of interface elements.
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: lx | Hits:

[Windows DevelopOutlookBar

Description: 跟XP系统左侧可折叠式菜单一样,可以折叠、展开,可以自己定义颜色,自己研究吧,非常有用的一个源码,样式和outlook左侧菜单差不多!我自己就在用,我用在erp项目里面,哈哈,很爽啊,大概步骤: 1.在你的解决方案里添加“现有项目”,找到BSE.Windows.Forms.cspro添加进去→2.在你自己的工程里面引用刚才添加的项目→3.运行一下,完成,在左边工具箱中就有啦。大概过程就是这样,反正死活就是要先引用。-System with the XP-style menu, like folding the left side can be folded away to start their own custom colors, their study it very useful as a source, style, and outlook about the left menu! I myself have used, I used it in the project erp, ha ha, very爽啊about these steps: 1. In your solution adding " Existing Project" to find BSE.Windows.Forms.cspro be added → 2. in your own project inside just to add the item to quote → 3. run about completed toolbox on the left you alone. This is about the process, life and death is the first reference in any case.
Platform: | Size: 121856 | Author: liuf | Hits:

[GUI DevelopDxOutLookBar

Description: 就是一个类似QQ上面的那个outLookBar-QQ is a similar to that above outLookBar
Platform: | Size: 218112 | Author: huping | Hits:

[GUI Developoutlookbar

Description: 仿OutLook界面实现悬浮条的控件类,实现控件扩展与缩小等功能,贴图也比较齐全-OutLook like interface of the control type of suspension, expansion and narrowing the achievement of control functions, and more complete picture
Platform: | Size: 449536 | Author: knight | Hits:


Description: C#写的,该OUTLOOK源代码。类似于OUTLOOK邮件管理的界面网络-c#, like outlook UI
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: wanfj | Hits:


Description: 在XToutlookbar的基础上扩充了新的内容。单文档分割成左右2部分,左边是outlookbar,右边显示视图,当点击左边的菜单项时,右边的CFormView类的子类进行切换,这个功能大家都期待已久,今天给大家传上来,希望给你的界面定制开发带来帮助。-The XToutlookbar based on the expansion of the new content. Single document is divided into approximately two parts, the left is outlookbar, on the right shows the view, when you click on the left menu item, the right CFormView subclass switch, this feature we all have been waiting a long time for everyone to pass up today, hoping to Your interface customization of help.
Platform: | Size: 2500608 | Author: huyinzhong | Hits:


Description: 一个实现了outlook风格的可停靠的工具条软件。-This is a toolbar which like a outlook.
Platform: | Size: 569344 | Author: mg | Hits:


Description: C#侧边栏 的制作 软件说明: 跟XP系统左侧可折叠式菜单一样,可以折叠、展开,可以自己定义颜色,自己研究吧,非常有用的一个源码,样式和outlook左侧菜单差不多!我自己就在用,我用在erp项目里面,哈哈,很爽啊,大概步骤: 1.在你的解决方案里添加“现有项目”,找到BSE.Windows.Forms.cspro添加进去→2.在你自己的工程里面引用刚才添加的项目→3.运行一下,完成,在左边工具箱中就有啦。大概过程就是这样,反正死活就是要先引用。-C# sidebar, making the software Note: with the XP system, collapsible menu on the left, like, you can collapse, expand, you can define their own color, own research and bar, a very useful one source, style, and outlook about the left menu! I myself have in use, I use the erp project inside, ha ha, it was great, probably steps: 1. A solution where you add the " existing project" to find BSE.Windows.Forms.cspro be added → 2. In reference to your own project which has just added the project → 3. to run about to complete, in the toolbox on the left, there 啦. Probably that' s it, anyway, life and death is the first reference.
Platform: | Size: 122880 | Author: kiwi | Hits:

[GUI DevelopPagerDemoSrc

Description: The OutlookBar sample demonstrates how to add an Outlook style shortcut bar to your application. You can add shortcuts for your application, insert items such as tree controls, set background color, icon size, edit, rename or delete items and folders, animate icon selection.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: aluo | Hits:

[Windows Developoutlookbar

Description: 类似outlook一样的bar,可以做程序菜单用 适合邮件,网络通讯等-Similar to the outlook the same bar, the menu could do with a program for e-mail, network communications,
Platform: | Size: 410624 | Author: wode | Hits:

[GUI Developym_vcpp-CXTOutBarCtrl

Description: 一款是VC++中的outlookbar折叠菜单控件,CXTOutBarCtrl,与QQ折叠面板有点相似,不过要做成QQ的效果还需要一些努力,本控件实现的是骨架功能,美化还需要自己不断摸索。该控件来源于Xtreme Toolkit,作者对其进行了修改,使其不依赖于类库独立存在-Is a VC++ in outlookbar collapse menu controls, CXTOutBarCtrl, folding panel is somewhat similar with the QQ, QQ made of the effect but also to take some effort to achieve the framework of the control features, landscaping also needs its own trial and error. The control comes from the Xtreme Toolkit, of the changes were carried out to make it independent existence does not depend on libraries
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: 林伟 | Hits:
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