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Description: 产生杂点,类似Photoshop中的Noise滤镜效果。-have, like Photoshop's Noise filter effects.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 阿山 | Hits:


Description: 高斯信道和噪声产生方法的简单程序,直接解压无密码-Gaussian noise channels and formation of simple procedures, without directly extracting passwords
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王亚琛 | Hits:


Description: 用来产生嵌入到随机噪声内的正弦波算法的C源程序。-used to produce embedded into random noise sine wave within the algorithm in C source code.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: minytian | Hits:

[Software Engineeringbasic MatlabRLS noise

Description: 噪声语音对消系统研究 基于matlab rls-voice noise cancellation system based on the Matlab rls
Platform: | Size: 612352 | Author: 李颂 | Hits:

[Special Effectsnoise

Description: 图片去噪:对一幅图像加入不同的噪声(随机点噪声、椒盐噪声等),选取不同的方法去噪,比如说邻域平均、中值滤波、图像迭加等,比较对于不同的噪声,不同的方法哪种更好-Image denoising: for an image by adding different noise (random-dot noise, salt and pepper noise, etc.), select a different method of denoising, for example, the neighborhood average, median filter, image superposition and so on, compared for different noise, different methods which better
Platform: | Size: 754688 | Author: 郑文 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developnoise-FFT

Description: 信号被白噪声干扰,对该信号进行采样,利用傅立叶变换对其频率进行分析。-Signal is white noise interference, the signal sampling, the use of Fourier transform of its frequency analysis.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: yuanjia | Hits:


Description: Signal processing theory plays an increasingly central role in the development of modern telecommunication and information processing systems, and has a wide range of applications in multimedia technology, audio-visual signal processing, cellular mobile communication, adaptive network management, radar systems, pattern analysis, medical signal processing, financial data forecasting, decision making systems, etc. The theory and application of signal processing is concerned with the identification, modelling and utilisation of patterns and structures in a signal process. The observation signals are often distorted, incomplete and noisy. Hence, noise reduction and the removal of channel distortion is an important part of a signal processing system. The aim of this book is to provide a coherent and structured presentation of the theory and applications of statistical signal processing and noise reduction methods.
Platform: | Size: 3710976 | Author: jiezhao | Hits:


Description: noise image processing test gaussian salt pepper additive.非常容易的一个code-noise image processing test gaussian salt pepper additive. very easy to a code
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 唐龙 | Hits:

[Special Effectsnoise

Description: MATLAB给图像添加高斯、椒盐、加性及乘性噪声(噪声生成)源代码Free Source Code for Adds diferent types of noise to an image-MATLAB add to the image Gaussian, salt and pepper, additive and multiplicative noise (noise generated) source code Free Source Code for Adds diferent types of noise to an image
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 余永松 | Hits:

[2D GraphicGaussian-Noise-Image-Add

Description: 这个程序用于在图片中增加各种噪声,如高斯椒盐噪声, 加性或乘性等多种混合噪声,用于其它程序的测试。-This procedure is used to increase the variety of picture noise, such as salt and pepper Gaussian noise, additive or multiplicative noise, such as a mixture for testing other programs.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: xlz | Hits:

[Special Effectsnoise

Description: 添加噪声与平滑降噪,平滑降噪可采用定制的模板做滤波运算(就是卷积运算)来获得中心像素的新值,也可以对指定大小的邻域进行某些运算作为中心像素的新值.-Add noise and smooth noise reduction, smoothing noise reduction can be customized templates so filtering operation (that is convolution operation) to receive the new pixel value, can also specify the size of neighborhood to perform certain operations as the central pixel of the new value.
Platform: | Size: 439296 | Author: 朱燕玲 | Hits:


Description: MATLAB给图像添加高斯、椒盐、加性及乘性噪声[噪声生成]源代码Gaussian-Pepper-Noise-Generator-MATLAB——Gaussian-Pepper-Noise-Generator
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: 沈海宏 | Hits:

[Program docnoise

Description: A hardware Gaussian noise generator for channel code evaluation和A Gaussian noise generator for hardware-based simulations两篇关于高斯白噪声产生及信道估计的经典论文-A hardware Gaussian noise generator for channel code evaluation and A Gaussian noise generator for hardware-based simulations on the 2 white Gaussian noise and channel estimation of the classic papers
Platform: | Size: 790528 | Author: zhengguang | Hits:


Description: 文章扼要评述近20年来在声频范围内声学测量技术的重要进展。对若干涉及诸如声强测量,传递函数法及膺噪声等方面测量技术的主题分别作了讨论 -The article briefly comment on the past 20 years in the audio range of acoustic measurements of the important progress in technology. A number of issues such as the sound intensity measurement, transfer function method and Ying noise measurement techniques, etc. The themes were discussed
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 齐磊 | Hits:


Description: 如何使用同余法生成白噪声 如何使用白噪声通过3种不同的iir滤波器生成粉红噪声-How to use the same method to generate more than white noise white noise through the use of three kinds of different filter iir Pink Noise Generator
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 姜莎 | Hits:

[Special Effectsnoise-plus-image

Description: 对图像添加各种噪声 高斯噪声 淑盐噪声-Add a variety of image noise, Gaussian noise, noise, salt-sook
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王红卫 | Hits:

[Program docnoise

Description: This matlab file is used to generate noise signal which is added to the transmitted signal in an AWGN channel. Based on the SNR value the power of the noise is determined.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: muruga | Hits:

[Special EffectsSignal-Detection-in-NonGaussian-Noise-Kassam

Description: 这是一部关于非高斯噪声中信号检测与估计的经典书籍,springer出版社出版,作者是S Kassam-This is a classical book about signal detection in non-Gaussian noise, by S Kassam
Platform: | Size: 6563840 | Author: 晁文婷 | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: meryem | Hits:


Description: matlab中添加噪声的程序代码 matlab中添加噪声的程序代码 v-Add noise matlab code matlab code to add the noise to add noise in matlab code matlab code to add the noise v
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: fredd | Hits:
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