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Description: 编译原理NFA到DFA的转换源码-compiler theory NFA to the DFA source conversion
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 李余 | Hits:

[Other resource用Java语言实现NFA到DFA的等价变换

Description: 本程序为编译原理里的一个重要的知识点,实现NFA到DFA的转换-procedures for the compiler's a principle important knowledge points, for the NFA to DFA conversion
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 李小刚 | Hits:


Description: NFA DFA相关算法 编译原理的一个实验内容 使用VC++打开-NFA DFA correlation algorithm compiler principles of the use of an experimental content VC Open
Platform: | Size: 105472 | Author: chuhaiyun | Hits:


Description: 实现NFA确定化子集算法程序。DFA是NFA的特例。对每个NFA  N一定存在一个DFA M ,使得 L(M)=L(N)。对每个NFA N存在着与之等价的DFA M。从NFA的矩阵表示中可以看出,表项通常是一状态的集合,而在DFA的矩阵表示中,表项是一个状态,NFA到相应的DFA的构造的基本思路是:1.DFA的每一个状态对应NFA的一组状态. 2. DFA使用它的状态去记录在NFA读入一个输入符号后可能达到的所有状态.。-achieve NFA Number algorithm to determine procedures. DFA NFA is a special case. NFA N for each must exist a DFA M, makes L (M) = L (N). N for each NFA exist with the DFA M equivalent. NFA from the matrix can be seen, tables are usually set of a state, and in the matrix DFA said, Form is a state of the corresponding NFA DFA basic structure of ideas : 1.DFA each one corresponds to a group of NFA state. 2. DFA use it to the state records in NFA Reading input into a symbol after all reach the state. .
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 这是我自己写的将正则表达式的parser,通过将正则表达式先编译成NFA格式,大大加快搜索速度.-This is what I wrote it myself will be the regular expression parser, by first compiling regular expressions into NFA format, greatly accelerate the search speed.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: binch | Hits:

[Software EngineeringNFA

Description: 在非确定的有限自动机NFA中,由于某些状态的转移需从若干个可能的后续状态中进行选择,故一个NFA对符号串的识别就必然是一个试探的过程。这种不确定性给识别过程带来的反复,无疑会影响到FA的工作效率,所以我们有必要将NFA确定化。-In the non-deterministic finite automaton of the NFA, because of the transfer of certain state to be from a number of possible follow-up to the state to choose, so a NFA identification string of symbols must be on a trial process. This uncertainty to the recognition process brought about by repeated, it will undoubtedly affect the efficiency of the FA, so we need to determine of NFA.
Platform: | Size: 79872 | Author: 陈成 | Hits:

[Software Engineering[NFA+TO+DFA]

Description: NFA的确定化是编译过程中一个重要的部分,由于本程序的输入很多,而且有多种格式的输入,所以输入时必须非常小心细致。本程序比较复杂,需要使用多个结构体并使用了指针。必须将程序分解为多个子程序以降低编写难度。想起了软工老师的一句话:"难事破与易",再复杂的事,拆成一个个简单的小部分,逐个击破,在拼凑起来,复杂的事也变的简单了。适当使用全局常量可以控制有效控制内存溢出。由于程序较大,调试时多人协作能更容易易找出程序并成功修改。-NFA determination is the process of compiling an important part, due to the importation of many of the procedures, but also a variety of formats input, so input must be very careful and meticulous. This procedure is rather complicated, the need to use multiple structures and use the pointer. Procedures must be decomposed into a number of subroutines to reduce the difficulty of preparation. Soft workers thought of the teacher s words: difficult to break and easy , and then a complex issue, is split into a small portion of a simple, one by one break in together, things have changed the complexity of the simple. Proper use of global constants can be controlled effectively control memory overflow. Because of the larger process, debugging collaboration when people can easily find out the procedure more easily and successfully modified.
Platform: | Size: 149504 | Author: 佚星 | Hits:


Description: [NFA+TO+DFA] 很好很强大的,全部都有了,下下来就行了-[NFA+ TO+ DFA] very very powerful, all have been, the next down on the list
Platform: | Size: 149504 | Author: 三块一 | Hits:


Description: 正规式转化为NFA,希望对需要的朋友有用-to NFA
Platform: | Size: 148480 | Author: 黄飞 | Hits:


Description: 实现从nfa到dfa的转换,并且输出中间的状态集以及转换表-From nfa to dfa conversion and output as well as the middle of the state set conversion table
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: tang | Hits:


Description: 可实现,nfa到dfa的转化,利用c语言编写,本人以用过一次,老师评价很好-Can be achieved, nfa to dfa conversion using c language, I used once, very good teacher evaluation
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 黄飞 | Hits:


Description: its nfa-dfa converter
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: shoaib | Hits:


Description: graphic simulation nfa to dfa
Platform: | Size: 693248 | Author: bechir | Hits:

[assembly languageNFA

Description: NFA字符串识别演示程序比较复杂点,也需要建力一个专门的存储)的堆栈-NFA string recognition demo program more complicated points, also need to build a dedicated power storage) stack
Platform: | Size: 536576 | Author: 梁日雄 | Hits:


Description: 正则表达式及NFA-DFA-MFA的转换和判别-Regular expressions and NFA-DFA-MFA conversion and discriminant
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: dfadf | Hits:


Description: 这是编译原理中,nfa转换为dfa的程序代码,提供为程序开发人员使用和编程-This is a compilation Principle, nfa to dfa conversion program code to provide for program developers and programming
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 李华 | Hits:


Description: naf课程设计源代码,对一个正则式转化成nfa的描述-naf
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王一 | Hits:


Description: Java NFA图形算法高级编程Advanced Programming Java NFA graph algorithms -Advanced Programming Java NFA graph algorithms
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 杨明 | Hits:


Description: 编写程序读取nfa.txt,构造出NFA的数据结构,并编写算法实现NFA到DFA的转化。-Write a program to read nfa.txt, the data structure constructed NFA and NFA to DFA write algorithm transformation
Platform: | Size: 174080 | Author: kangqingping | Hits:

[Windows DevelopNFA-change-to-DFA

Description: 可以实现NFA到DFA的转换,还可以化简DFA。程序很清晰,详细。-NFA to DFA can achieve the conversion, you can also simplify DFA. Procedures are clear and detailed.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 火麒麟 | Hits:
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