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When I wrote this function my problem was to replace one color by an other on transparent bitmaps. My images were resources bitmaps, which I store in an ImageList for easy transparency. There is no easy way to directly access a Bitmap s pixel on Win32. If you re interested in, this article may help you to understand the usage of CreateDIBSection. If you have to load a bitmap from resource and made many color replacements, or if you have to change a color in a HBITMAP this function is for you. If you have a bitmap in resource and want to replace one or more color on load, it s better to use CreateMappedBitmap. You can found in the sample program a ReplaceColor function which use CreateMappedBitmap. I ve made the same code using only BitBlt. All BitBlt are really fast but the creation of the mask bitmap is so slow than the whole function is twice slower than the code using CreateDIBSection. ( sources are in the sample ) -When I wrote this function was to my problem replace one color by an other on transparent bit maps. My images were resources bitmaps, which I store in an ImageList for easy transpare ncy. There is no easy way to directly access a Bit 's pixel map on Win32. If you're interested in, this article may help you to understand the risques e of CreateDIBSection. If you have to load a bitm ap from resource and made many color replacemen ts. or if you have to change a color in a HBITMAP this f unction is for you. If you have a bitmap in resour ce and want to replace one or more color on load, it's better to use CreateMappedBitmap. You can f ound in the sample program a ReplaceColor funct ion which use CreateMappedBitmap. I've made the same code using only BitBlt. All are real BitBlt
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.61kb Publisher : 孙磊

When I wrote this function my problem was to replace one color by an other on transparent bitmaps. My images were resources bitmaps, which I store in an ImageList for easy transparency. There is no easy way to directly access a Bitmap s pixel on Win32. If you re interested in, this article may help you to understand the usage of CreateDIBSection. If you have to load a bitmap from resource and made many color replacements, or if you have to change a color in a HBITMAP this function is for you. If you have a bitmap in resource and want to replace one or more color on load, it s better to use CreateMappedBitmap. You can found in the sample program a ReplaceColor function which use CreateMappedBitmap. I ve made the same code using only BitBlt. All BitBlt are really fast but the creation of the mask bitmap is so slow than the whole function is twice slower than the code using CreateDIBSection. ( sources are in the sample ) -When I wrote this function was to my problem replace one color by an other on transparent bit maps. My images were resources bitmaps, which I store in an ImageList for easy transpare ncy. There is no easy way to directly access a Bit 's pixel map on Win32. If you're interested in, this article may help you to understand the risques e of CreateDIBSection. If you have to load a bitm ap from resource and made many color replacemen ts. or if you have to change a color in a HBITMAP this f unction is for you. If you have a bitmap in resour ce and want to replace one or more color on load, it's better to use CreateMappedBitmap. You can f ound in the sample program a ReplaceColor funct ion which use CreateMappedBitmap. I've made the same code using only BitBlt. All are real BitBlt
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : 孙磊

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EMD使用当中解决模态混叠的英文文章,是法国人G.rilling的原著,有很大的参考价值-EMD use them to solve modal aliasing articles in English, French G.rilling in the original, have great reference value
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 444kb Publisher : 张楠

包括以下程序:1.超级链接是一个能够在窗体上实现超级链接的程序,或者发送E-mail;2.端口扫描是一个能够对指定IP地址的单个端口或者多个端口进行扫描的程序; 3.获取本机ip地址”是一个通过MFC来获取本地计算机IP地址的程序。 4.获取网络设置”是一个获取网络DNS、子网掩码、网卡地址的综合程序,5.获取系统支持的网络协议-Include the following procedures: 1. Hyperlinks is a realization in the form of hyperlinks, or send E-mail 2. Port scanning is an IP address assigned to a single port or multiple port scanning procedures 3. access to the local ip address " is an MFC to obtain through the local IP address of the computer program. 4. access to the network settings" is a network access to DNS, subnet mask, network card addresses comprehensive procedures, 5. acquisition system to support the network protocol
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.88mb Publisher : guochaozhong

英汉双向电子词典是数字化的辞书,在载体、编纂方式、设计过程、功能、使用者、查询手段、检索方法等各方面具有词典类软件特性。本课题设计英汉双向电子词典是一种基于Java语言开发的跨平台的词典类工具软件。检索方式采用开源的Lucene全文检索并实现中文分词的功能。具有查询、检索方便、快捷,查询种类齐全,可以即时翻译、准确的、详细地查阅英文、中文单词。同时为各种软件、网络、电子邮件等提供后台支持,从而大大提高了用户的工作效率,拓宽了学习途径。-English-to-Chinese a the book of dictionary for facing electronics dictionary is arithmetic figure turning, at carry, compile the way and design process, function, user, search means, index method etc. everyone s mask contain dictionary software characteristic.The dictionary tool software of this lesson a design The English-to-Chinese double faces the electronics dictionary is a kind of according to Java language developping.The way adoption that inspect the Lucene full text index opens the source and realize the function of the Chinese participle.Have the search, index convenience, fast, search the category well-found, can then simultaneous interpretation, accurate, check the single phrase in English, Chinese in detail.Provide for every kind of software, network, E-mail...etc. at the same time the backstage support, from but increases consumedly the work efficiency of the customer, opened widely the study path.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 522kb Publisher : killersking

数字减影血管造影( DSA) 通过向血管中注入造影剂, 使血管的整体影像的对比度有了明显的增强, 然后通 过造影前后图像的相减运算, 可以去除非血管器官的影像, 得到血管更清晰的图像, 目前广泛应用于心血管疾病的 诊断。由于患者的呼吸运动, 使得不同时间采集的图像相减后会产生运动伪影。为了消除运动伪影, 从医生临床上 对于心脏的运动以胸腔的横膈膜为参考目标得到启发, 首先得到很多幅注入造影剂之前的图像( 掩膜图像) 和一幅 注入造影剂之后的图像( 造影图像) , 然后指定其中的一幅掩膜图像作为参考图像, 其它的掩膜图像和那一幅造影图 像分别对参考图像求位移。基于上面求出的位移, 可以将候选图像集中到位移小于某一阈值的很少的几幅图像上, 然后在这几幅图像上应用改造过的搜索算法, 最终找到了运动伪影最小的那幅掩膜图像。该算法引入了绝对位移 和相对位移相结合的方法使减影图像中运动伪影得到明显消除。-In dig ital subtr action ang io gr aphy ( DSA) , the co nt rast of the v essels is gr eatly improv ed w ith the injectio n of contrast medium. In addit ion, mo re clear vessels can be visualized by eliminating the imag es o f non􀀁 vessel or gans, and those imag es ar e called subtr action imag e o r DSA. Therefo re, DSA is o f w ide use for diag no sis o f car dio vascular disease. Subtr action of imag es o bt ained befo re and after injection of contrast medium may cr eat e mo tion art ifacts due to the aspiratio n o f pat ient s. In this reg ard, being motiv ated by the docto rs􀀂 ex per ience that t he displacement of dia􀀁 phragm can be used as the reference to measur e the hear t beat, we present a method to eliminate the mot ion ar tifacts. In o ur method, fir stly , a set of DSA imag es are taken befo re injection o f contr ast medium, w hich are called mask images! and one imag e taken after injection o f contrast is called targ et image! . Seco
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 651kb Publisher : xingxing

RNA 和 DNA序列模拟 基因建模 数值模拟 采用matlab 编写 能计算几千个 基因点的特性和行为-In one type of gene expression analysis, fluorescently tagged messenger RNA from different cells are hybridized to a microscopic array of thousands of complimentary DNA spots that correspond to different genes. Illuminated spots emit different color light, indicating which genes are expressed (e.g., green=control, red=sample, yellow=both). In this case study, MATLAB, the Image Processing and Signal Processing toolboxes were used to determine the green intensities from a small portion of a microarray image containing 4,800 spots. A 10x10 pattern of spots was detected by averaging rows and columns to produce horizontal and vertical profiles. Periodicity was determined automatically by autocorrelation and used to form an optimal length filter for morphological background removal. A rectangular grid of bounding boxes was defined. Each spot was individually addressed and segmented by thresholding to form a mask. The mask was used to isolate each spot from surrounding background. Individu
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.24mb Publisher : Tu Shu

CONVOLVE2可以用于任何CONV2使用,采取同样的参数并返回一个小的公差范围内同样结果。加速计算是通过使用面膜中的奇异值分解,表示为外产品总结一下。这些都可以有效地计算与行和列向量的卷积。 CONV2是用来从事这项运动。 可分面具是一个特殊情况,并受CONVOLVE2处理多达FILTER2一样。许多不属于其他口罩可分低等级(如Gabor函数口罩),并更有效地处理CONVOLVE2。 该功能也将计算出降秩逼近一个给定的面具如果需要的话,将使用此是否会加速计算。一个额外的参数允许在错误控制。 附加形状选项允许:(一)2 - D“的通知“执行卷积- 也就是说,输入数组被视为周期,而不是零包围 (二)一个“反思“的边界条件- 那就是,输入数组被视为体现了自身的副本包围。 看到 计算机和机器人视觉 第一卷,由R.M. Haralick和L.G.夏皮罗(Addison - Wesley出版1992年),第298-299 -CONVOLVE2 can be used wherever CONV2 is used, taking the same arguments and returning the same results to within a small tolerance. The computation is speeded up by using the singular value decomposition of the mask to express it as a sum of outer products. Each of these can be computed efficiently as convolution with a row and a column vector. CONV2 is used to carry this out. Separable masks are a particular case and are handled by CONVOLVE2 much as FILTER2 does. Many other masks which are not separable have low rank (e.g. Gabor function masks) and are handled more efficiently by CONVOLVE2. The function will also compute a reduced-rank approximation to a given mask if required and will use this if it will speed up the computation. An extra argument allows control over the error. Additional shape options allow: (a) 2-D "circular" convolution to be performed- that is, the input array is taken to be periodic rather than surrounded by zeros (b) a "reflection" boundary c
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : namind

A.K.Nandi和E.E.Azzouz的期刊文献,是关于调制识别的经典文章,该文献是关于数字调制识别的,包括MASK,MPSK,MFSK调制方式的数字信号识别。-AKNandi and EEAzzouz of journal articles, is a classic article on the modulation recognition, the literature is about the digital modulation recognition, including MASK, MPSK, MFSK modulation digital signal identification.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 946kb Publisher : 海之翼

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dhcp Servers should provide address, net mask, DNS servers, domain, and gateway (and perhaps other stuff, e.g., WINS) Client will be allowed to use the address for a period of time called a Lease Normal campus addresses: 2 day lease Roaming addresses: 42 minutes -dhcp Servers should provide address, net mask, DNS servers, domain, and gateway (and perhaps other stuff, e.g., WINS) Client will be allowed to use the address for a period of time called a Lease Normal campus addresses: 2 day lease Roaming addresses: 42 minutes
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 20kb Publisher : izzy

Java Mask Barcode是一款纯java条形码图像生成器(条码打印工具),它是Mask工具包中的一员. 我们采用java技术,提供Servlet,Applet和Swing等多种方式,使您既可以在服务器端Servlet程序中动态的生成JPEG格式的条形码图片文件,也可以在HTML页面中以Applet的方式嵌入条码图形,或者是在Swing等图形界面程序中嵌入条码图形,从而可以方便的调用IE自带的打印功能随心所欲的打印条码. 它继承了Java跨平台的特性,在Windows/Unix/Linux环境下都能稳定的运行. 它还支持三九条码(Code 39),九三条码(Code 93),Code 128条码,UPC-A条码,UPC-E条码,EAN 13条码,EAN 8条码,库德巴条码(Codabar),交叉二五条码(ITF -Interleaved 2 of 5),二五条码(2 of 5)等18种条码类型,全方位的满足您的需求,给您带来高品质的条码打印!-Java Mask Barcode is a pure Java Barcode image generators (Barcode printing tools), it is a member of the Mask kits. We use Java technology, provides the Servlet, the Applet and Swing a variety of ways, such as the Servlet applications on the server side to make you can dynamically generate JPEG format of barcode image files, can also be embedded in the HTML page in the form of an Applet barcode graphics, or is in the Swing, graphical interface embedded in the barcode graphics program, which can facilitate the invocation of the IE comes follow one s inclinations of the features of the print to print the barcode. It inherits the Java cross-platform features, in Windows/Unix/Linux environment can stable operation. It also supports san-jiu bar Code (Code 39), JiuSan bar Code (Code 93), Code 128 barcode and UPC- A barcode and UPC- E barcode, EAN 13 bar Code, 8 EAN barcode, kurds and barcode (Codabar), Interleaved 2 bar Code (ITF- Interleaved 2 of 5), minimum barcode (2 of 5)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 109kb Publisher : 汤糖

子网计算器的功能: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 用户的IP地址和子网掩码 2 确定IP Address类,以及私人和保留的地址空间。 3 显示二进制表示的IP和子网掩码,堆放 4 显示了网络ID 5 显示了网络增量值 6 显示可用的每个子网的主机地址 7 显示每个子网的可用主机数量 8 显示了每个可用子网IP类 -Features of Subnet Calculator: a.) Take a user IP Address and Subnet Mask b.) Determine IP Address Class, as well as Private and Reserved address spaces. c.) Shows Binary representation of both IP and Subnet Mask, stacked d.) Shows the Network ID e.) Shows the Network Increment value f.) Shows usable host addresses for each subnet g.) Shows amount of usable hosts per subnet h.) Shows amount of subnets available for that each IP Class
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : monkey

This is the global mask for the mbstring functions: this is use to mask out certain types (such as BMPString and UTF8String) because certain software (e.g. Netscape) has problems with them.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : dapmki

This example shows how a system-level model of a brushless DC motor (i.e. a servomotor) can be constructed and parameterized based on datasheet information. The motor and driver are modeled as a single masked subsystem. If viewing the model in Simulink(R), the Motor and driver block, and type ctrl-U to look under the mask and see the model structure. In this example, the standard configuration is modeled whereby an inner feedback loop controls current and an outer feedback loop controls motor speed. Speed demand is set by the voltage presented at the Vref pin, 2V corresponding to 40,000rpm. Motor direction is controlled by the voltage presented at the V pin which is set to go high after one second. Braking is controlled by the voltage at the Vbrk pin which is set to go high after two seconds. Consult the documentation for further information on how the model is parameterized datasheet values.-This example shows how a system-level model of a brushless DC motor (i.e. a servomotor) can be constructed and parameterized based on datasheet information. The motor and driver are modeled as a single masked subsystem. If viewing the model in Simulink(R), the Motor and driver block, and type ctrl-U to look under the mask and see the model structure. In this example, the standard configuration is modeled whereby an inner feedback loop controls current and an outer feedback loop controls motor speed. Speed demand is set by the voltage presented at the Vref pin, 2V corresponding to 40,000rpm. Motor direction is controlled by the voltage presented at the V pin which is set to go high after one second. Braking is controlled by the voltage at the Vbrk pin which is set to go high after two seconds. Consult the documentation for further information on how the model is parameterized datasheet values.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 38kb Publisher : kiyun

网络层安全,涉及ip地址构成,子网,子网掩码,静态路由设置,CIDP无类域间路由等(The network layer security, involving IP address, subnet, subnet mask, static routing, CIDP CIDR e...)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.85mb Publisher : 呜呜呜1122
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