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[Graph program图像压缩算法---lz77.zip

Platform: | Size: 7839 | Author: | Hits:

[Remote ControlTOUKUI-1.5

Description: 本人开发一个远程控制软件,有如下功能: 1.可以偷窥到对方的桌面内容,按设置的时间进行刷新. 2.可以用鼠标控制对方的电脑,包括所有的鼠标操作. 3.可以使用键盘控制对方的电脑,几乎可用所有的按键. 4.在客户端可以建立多个窗口,对多台电脑进行监视控制. 5.可以运行一条命令,例如打开一个记事本. 6.可以锁定/解锁对方的电脑. 7.可以让对方电脑(强行)注销/重启/关机. 8.可以传送/删除/移动对方的电脑上的文件. 9.在必要时还可以关掉服务程序. 10.增加了自动发信的功能,在连接Internet后会发送电脑IP地址. 11.可以保存配置. 12.可以对传送的图像进行压缩,压缩算法有LZW(推荐)、LZ77、LZSS等. 13.可以指定获得桌面的颜色数目,有单色、16色、256色和真彩,以保证在可以桌面图像更新的速度要求.
Platform: | Size: 153211 | Author: LEEMEEN | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsLZ77code

Description: 压缩编码中的LZ77编码源代码-Coding of LZ77 encoding source code
Platform: | Size: 8152 | Author: 王华 | Hits:

[Crack Hack新文件夹

Description: LZ77 compression / decompression algorithm
Platform: | Size: 3079 | Author: 林语白 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmssolitude

Description: 几个压缩算法程序(改进包括lzw、lz77、compress、huffeman)-Several algorithm procedure about compression (improvements including lzw,lz77,compress,huffeman)
Platform: | Size: 55732 | Author: solitude | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmslz77_yang

Description: 缩率较高,编译码算法也较为简单的LZ77算法-This algorithm of LZ77 has a good compression,besides it can also be made easily!
Platform: | Size: 7986 | Author: solitude | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmslzbuf

Description: 一种无损压缩解压的算法,是lz77的改进,其压缩比比lz77高,速度要快-a lossless compression decompression algorithm is lz77 improvement everywhere lz77 its high compression, faster speed
Platform: | Size: 3622 | Author: 任燕 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsLZSS

Description: 一种无损压缩算法,是lz77的改进,压缩率并不比lz77高,但速度较快-a lossless compression algorithm is lz77 improved compression rate is higher than lz77, but faster
Platform: | Size: 3708 | Author: 任燕 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithms数据压缩

Description: 本程序包括了数据压缩和解压的几种基本算法:算术编码,lz77,lzw;对于数据压缩的初学者了解和掌握这几种基本的数据压缩方法应该有帮助-the procedures include data compression and decompression of several basic algorithm : arithmetic coding, lz77, 4,558,302; Data compression for the beginners to understand and grasp these types of basic data compression method should help
Platform: | Size: 4810 | Author: 叶靥 | Hits:

[VOIP programzlib123

Description: The deflation algorithm used by gzip (also zip and zlib) is a variation of LZ77 (Lempel-Ziv 1977, see reference below). It finds duplicated strings in the input data. The second occurrence of a string is replaced by a pointer to the previous string, in the form of a pair (distance, length). Distances are limited to 32K bytes, and lengths are limited to 258 bytes. When a string does not occur anywhere in the previous 32K bytes, it is emitted as a sequence of literal bytes. (In this description, `string must be taken as an arbitrary sequence of bytes, and is not restricted to printable characters.) -The deflation algorithm used by gzip (also zip and zlib) is a variation of LZ77 (Lempel - Ziv 1977. see reference below). It finds duplicated Stri stayed in the input data. The second occurrence of a string is replaced by a pointer to the previous s tring, in the form of a pair (distance, length). Distances are limited to 32K bytes, and lengths are limited to 258 bytes. When a Stri ng does not occur anywhere in the previous 32K by tes, it is emitted as a sequence of literal bytes. (In this description, `string must be taken as an arbitrary sequence o f bytes, and is not restricted to printable characters. )
Platform: | Size: 5143890 | Author: MCU2000 | Hits:


Description: 这个代码包中包含了一些比较通用的无损压缩算法的源代码,如果你想深入理解一些图像格式,那么读懂这些代码会对你有很大帮助,这是基础。(包中包括的算法有:lzari、lzhuf、lzss、lzw、lz77、huffman、rle8、rle16)。工具:通用C 。-this code contains some of the more common lossless compression algorithm source code, if you want to understand in depth some image format, then read these codes you will be of great help, which is the foundation. (Package includes the algorithm are : lzari, lzhuf, lzss, 4,558,302, lz77, Huffman, rle8, rle16). Tools : Definitive C.
Platform: | Size: 106119 | Author: 周自强 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmslzss_

Description: lzss是一个比较著名的压缩算法,改进了lz77。此源代码希望对大家有用。-lzss is one of the more well-known compression algorithms, improved lz77. This source of hope may be useful.
Platform: | Size: 28216 | Author: sun | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmslz771111111

Description: lz77压缩源程序,能压缩文本文件,基于c语言。-lz77 compressed source, text files can be compressed, based on the C language.
Platform: | Size: 5076 | Author: 陆建 | Hits:

[Multimedia programzlib-1.1.4

Description: 1。zlib压缩算法,在LZ77的基础上实现,并 利用Huffman编码特点,采用hash表;2。zlib的解压算法。-1. Zlib compression algorithm, the LZ77 achieved on the basis of, and use of Huffman coding features, using hash table; 2. Zlib the decompression algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 241457 | Author: 石蒲 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsCompressCode(Many)

Description: N多的压缩解压源代码,包括compress、LZW、LZ77、RLE、哈夫曼-N number of codecs source code, including compress, LZW, LZ77, RLE, Huffman, etc.
Platform: | Size: 105806 | Author: 张 虎 | Hits:

[Other resourceDelphi_1016

Description: 《Delphi算法与数据结构》源码 Delphi开发人员Julian Bucknall从实用角度为广大程序员提供了有关使用算法和数据结构的一个详尽的介绍。Bucknall先从算法性能的讨论开始,涵盖了诸如数组、链表和二叉树等内容。这本书强调了查找算法(如顺序和二分查找),另外也重点介绍了排序算法(包括冒泡排序、插入排序、希尔排序、快速排序和堆排序),此外还提供了有关的优化技术。不仅如此,作者还介绍了散列和散列表、优先队列、状态机和正则表达式以及诸如哈夫曼和LZ77等数据压缩技术。 随附光盘中有作者所开发的一个相当成功的自由软件库EZDSL,另外还有可运行于各版本Delphi上和Kylix上的源代码,此外还提供了TurboPower Software公司的可执行程序。-"Delphi algorithm and data structure" Delphi source developers Julian Buch knall from a practical standpoint the majority of programmers for the use of the algorithm and data structure of a detailed presentation. Bucknall start with the performance of the algorithm outset of the discussion, covering such as arrays, linked lists and binary trees, and other content. This book stresses the search algorithm (such as the sequence and identify two hours), It also focuses on the sorting algorithm (including bubble sort, insertion sort, Hill, ranked Quick Sort and Heap Sort) It also provided the optimization technology. Moreover, the author also introduced the hash and hash table, the priority queue, and the state machine and regular expression such as Huffman and LZ77 data compression t
Platform: | Size: 148649 | Author: Bob | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmslz77-vs

Description: lz77算法的文件压缩解压,c++语言编写-LZ77 compression decompression by c++
Platform: | Size: 11830272 | Author: 1 | Hits:

[Crack Hacklz77

Description: this a compress test for lz77.i test is.ok
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: whc | Hits:


Description: lz77 algorithms show us to how to crypt files or text documents
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: Yusuf | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmslz77

Description: C语言实现的LZ77压缩算法,vs2013工程。需要自己需要压缩的文档1.txt,可以输出压缩后的文件与解压后的文件(LZ77 compression algorithm C language implementation, needs its own need to compress the document 1.txt, files can be output compressed files unpacked)
Platform: | Size: 13375488 | Author: llw | Hits:
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