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[Crack Hackfolder-lock-wt

Description: folder-lock 有了它 你就不怕自己的文件被人看到啦 -If you use folder-lock,you are not afraid of your files be peeped.
Platform: | Size: 1057792 | Author: 王路超 | Hits:

[CSharplock for unix

Description: C源码: 给UNIX加把屏幕锁 可以使用户锁住屏幕-C source : UNIX to do more to screen lock allows users to lock screen
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wz | Hits:

[Crack Hacklock

Description: a program that can lock the hard disk -a program that can lock the hard disk
Platform: | Size: 723968 | Author: parra | Hits:


Description: Linux网络编程。主要实现共享资源问题。通过lock()函数实现锁定,unlock()实现解锁,以避免造成临界资源的死锁问题。-Linux Network Programming. The main problem to achieve a shared resource. Through the lock () function to achieve lock, unlock () Unlock realize in order to avoid deadlock caused by the issue of critical resources.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 古月 | Hits:

[OS programlock

Description: 屏幕锁用桌面锁,通过设置的密码,才能登陆到界面-Screen lock desktop lock, by setting the password to login to the interface
Platform: | Size: 395264 | Author: 方玉喜 | Hits:


Description: 屏幕挂机锁程序,屏蔽ctrl+alt+del!本程序是我为网吧写的,具有一定的参考价值!暂无发现BUG!如果你有任何建议或问题请联系我!-Hang up the screen-lock program, shielding ctrl+ Alt+ Del! This procedure is what I wrote for the Internet cafes, have a certain reference value! No found BUG! If you have any suggestions or questions please contact me!
Platform: | Size: 106496 | Author: ljasdf | Hits:


Description: 这个是我毕业设计的最初方案 8位二进制密码锁,在输入密码正确的情况下修改密码,显示输入密码,正确显示绿灯提示,错误显示红灯提示并报警。-This is my graduate program was originally designed eight binary code lock in the correct password to modify your password, enter the password shows the correct green tips, error display and alarm red tips.
Platform: | Size: 93184 | Author: 孙光华 | Hits:


Description: 以QuatusⅡ为平台,采用VHDL语言实现数字密码锁的功能,可以仿真实现。-To Quatus Ⅱ as a platform, the use of VHDL language digital code lock function, you can realize simulation.
Platform: | Size: 187392 | Author: cheng sonja | Hits:

[Other Embeded programlock

Description: 单片机实现4×4键盘及8位数码管显示构成的电子密码锁,带有keil程序以及protuos的模拟电路。-SCM 4 × 4 keyboard and 8-bit digital tube display constitutes an electronic code lock with keil procedures and protuos of analog circuits.
Platform: | Size: 87040 | Author: 李子超 | Hits:

[File Formatlock

Description: 对数据库的数据进行增、删、改时,考虑并发控制问题而实现的锁-Data on the database by adding, changing, consider the problem of concurrency control to achieve lock
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: wang | Hits:

[Screen saverLOCK

Description: 本程序是一个锁定屏幕的功能,当你要暂时离开你的电脑时,该程序就能很好的锁定你的电脑,代码比较简单易懂,有兴趣的朋友可以载下来参考。-This procedure is a function of locking the screen, when you want to temporarily leave your computer, the program can be a very good lock your computer, the code is relatively simple to understand, are interested in friends can set down the reference.
Platform: | Size: 5232640 | Author: VC爱好者 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLcomputer-lock-src

Description: 电脑锁定,屏幕保护,他可以锁定电脑!delphi代码-Lock computer, screen, he can lock the computer!
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: luxesky | Hits:

[assembly languagelock

Description: 1、 在NMBER INPUT的基础上设计数字密码锁 2、 运行初始密码为学号后8位,密码不正确执行4、5功能 3、 连续3次密码错误,锁定键盘,发出报警指示 4、 输出开锁信号(使用功率开关),LED指示 设置修改密码功能,数据存入24C01EEROM -1, in NMBER INPUT design based on digital code lock 2, the initial password for the school run after No. 8, the password is not the correct implementation of 4,5 function 3, for 3 times the wrong password, keyboard lock, the police issued instructions 4, output unlock signal (using the power switch), LED Change Password function instructions, data deposited 24C01EEROM
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: 鱼与水 | Hits:

[assembly languagelock

Description: 电子密码锁 8086汇编语言编写 内附已编exe文件及编译连接软件masm5.0和link 要求: 实现方案,流程图(20分) 实现密码判断(15分) 实现密码更改(15分) 实现程序正常结束(5分) 实现非软件的准确延时(5分) 输入错误3次后自动结束程序(20分) 根据操作产生的不同结果配以不同的音效(20分) 基本实现前4项要求,再实现其它扩展要求,视难度加分。-8086 key-lock assembly language has been prepared containing exe file and compile and link connectivity software masm5.0 requirements: the realization of the program, flow chart (20 points) to determine the realization of the password (15 points) to achieve password change (15 points) to achieve the normal procedures end (5 points) to achieve accurate non-software delay (5 points) 3 input errors automatically end after the procedure (20 points) under the operation of the different results produced with different audio (20 hours) before the four basic requirements to achieve , and then expand the requirements to achieve the other, depending on the degree of difficulty points.
Platform: | Size: 108544 | Author: 王钧仟 | Hits:


Description: compinational digital code lock using PIC
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: mero | Hits:

[OS programLOCK

Description: vc++的挂机锁屏系统,相信这个大家都不陌生吧,可以锁定你的计算机,别人无法操作,需要知道口令才可以,S本软件不但功能完善,而且界面友好,仿QQ的界面,还会适时弹出操作提示,更加人性化,可以专用于网吧或个人办公计算机,开始挂机后,显示挂机时间,而且还可以用屏幕键盘输入密码和隐藏窗口(类似QQ),本程序还涉及一些注册表的操作,当关闭本程序时,会释放注册表。-hang up the vc++ lock-screen system, we do not believe that this stranger to you, you can lock your computer, others can not do so, need to know the password can only be, S not only functions of the software, and user-friendly, like QQ interface, operation will be a timely pop-up prompts, and more user-friendly, can be a dedicated office in the Internet or personal computers, began to hang up after the show time to hang up, but also can enter the password screen and hidden keyboard window (like QQ), this procedure also involved in the operation of a number of registry, when the closure of the program, the registry will be released.
Platform: | Size: 1808384 | Author: 200 | Hits:

[assembly languagelock

Description: 8051 based lock with a 4x3 keypad
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: Asimov_18 | Hits:


Description: 4×4键盘及8位数码管显示构成的电子密码锁 用8位数码管组成显示电路提示信息,当输入密码时,只显示“8.”,当密码位数输入完毕按下确认键时,对输入的密码与设定的密码进行比较,若密码正确,则门开,此处用LED发光二极管亮一秒钟做为提示,同时发出“叮咚”声;若密码不正确,禁止按键输入3秒,同时发出“嘀、嘀”报警声;若在3秒之内仍有按键按下,则禁止按键输入3秒被重新禁止-4 × 4 keypad and 8-bit digital tube display constitutes an electronic code lock with an 8-bit digital tube display circuit message, when the input password, only shows " 8." , When the median enter password press the confirm button when finished to enter the password with the password set for comparison, if the password is correct, then the door opened here with a bright LED light-emitting diodes as a matter of seconds suggests that at the same time issued a " ding dong" sound if the password is not correct, the prohibition of keystrokes 3 seconds, at the same time issued a " 嘀,嘀" alarm sound if there are still three seconds of pressing the button, the button to prohibit re-importation ban on 3 seconds
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: yang | Hits:

[assembly languagelock

Description: automatic lock system using at89c2051contains the schematics
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: jai | Hits:

[Windows Developlock

Description: 电脑屏幕锁 非常完善 电脑屏幕锁 非常完善-Computer screen lock locks the computer screen very well very well
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: 梁晨伟 | Hits:
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