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[mpeg mp3libmad.tar

Description: libmad 是一款相当不错的mpeg音频解码器.其支持多种处理器,特别指出的是,由于代码实现中未使用浮点运算,对没有浮点运算单元的处理器上其效果特别突出.-libmad is a pretty good mpeg audio decoder. Its support for multiple processors, Of particular note is that the code does not achieve the use of floating-point operations. the absence of FPU processors effect particularly conspicuous.
Platform: | Size: 510658 | Author: 何海峰 | Hits:

[Audio programmp3-libmad

Description: 著名的libmad-mp3解码库,欢迎大家使用下载,好东西呀。
Platform: | Size: 235164 | Author: 苏高峰 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3libmad-0.15.1b_0519

Description: libmad的MP3解码源码,写得很好。可用以PC的播放器,也可方便的移植到嵌入式系统中。
Platform: | Size: 522156 | Author: 波波 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3libmad

Description: 完全的libmad源码,mp3编解码可以方便的调用.
Platform: | Size: 635622 | Author: 欧阳程 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3libmad

Description: wince下基于libmad的mp3解码库
Platform: | Size: 189246 | Author: sping | Hits:


Description: 基于libmad做的一个mp3播放器源码
Platform: | Size: 943851 | Author: xxx7597@163.com | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop调用libmad的简单MP3播放器

Description: 今天研究了一下libmad,发现用这个库做一个简单的mp3播放器非常容易,网上也有很多例程,于是想把播放mp3功能加入我的wav播放小程序里面。晚上实验了一下,的确很好用,在sep4020这颗小arm7上面跑的很欢乐。程序结构目前很乱,还要整理一下,现在的仅仅实现功能,算是beat版。 首先需要编译安装libmad,这个参考以前的文章,编译程序时时需要mad.h 和libmad.a等文件。 为了便于交流,采用静态链接的方法添加libmad库比较好,相当于把libmad包含的程序里面去。 最后将wmplay.c和libmad.a放在同一个目录里,执行以下指令即可: arm-linux-gcc wmplay.c libmad.a -o wmplay
Platform: | Size: 82301 | Author: 535024144@qq.com | Hits:


Description: linux下MPEG编解码程序,有vc工程,纯C代码-MPEG codec library on Linux, has VC build project, pure C source code
Platform: | Size: 502784 | Author: JYL | Hits:

[Multimedia Developmadxlib-10b2_demo

Description: mad mp3解码dll libmad is a powerful open source library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting its access to C/C++. I have written code (based on the source madlld) that compiles to a DLL, enabling other languages (i.e., C#, Visual Basic etc.) to access the libmad library using the simple interface I ve provided. -mad dll libmad MP3 decoder is a powerful open sour ce library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting access to its C/C. I have written code ( based on the source madlld) that compiles to a DL L, enabling other languages (ie, C#, Visual Basic etc.). to access the library libmad using the simple interface I ve provided.
Platform: | Size: 98304 | Author: 网量 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3libmad.tar

Description: libmad 是一款相当不错的mpeg音频解码器.其支持多种处理器,特别指出的是,由于代码实现中未使用浮点运算,对没有浮点运算单元的处理器上其效果特别突出.-libmad is a pretty good mpeg audio decoder. Its support for multiple processors, Of particular note is that the code does not achieve the use of floating-point operations. the absence of FPU processors effect particularly conspicuous.
Platform: | Size: 510976 | Author: 何海峰 | Hits:

[Audio programmp3-libmad

Description: 著名的libmad-mp3解码库,欢迎大家使用下载,好东西呀。-Famous libmad-mp3 decoder library, welcome everyone to use the download, you good things.
Platform: | Size: 354304 | Author: 苏高峰 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3libmad-0.15.1b_0519

Description: libmad的MP3解码源码,写得很好。可用以PC的播放器,也可方便的移植到嵌入式系统中。-libmad the MP3 decoder source code, was very well written. Available to PC players, but also can be easily ported to the embedded system.
Platform: | Size: 705536 | Author: 波波 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3libmad

Description: 完全的libmad源码,mp3编解码可以方便的调用.-Libmad complete source code, mp3 codec may be convenient to call.
Platform: | Size: 730112 | Author: 欧阳程 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3libmad

Description: wince下基于libmad的mp3解码库-wince under the libmad based mp3 decoder library
Platform: | Size: 189440 | Author: sping | Hits:

[mpeg mp3libmad--MP3

Description: 工业界mp3标准程序,libmad,可移植到各种平台-Mp3 industry standard procedures, libmad, can be transplanted to a variety of platforms
Platform: | Size: 1967104 | Author: 魏继增 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3libmad

Description: libmad库及其详细应用代码,通过此压缩包可以详细的了解libmad的接口及应用方法-libmad library and its detailed application code, the passage of this package can be libmad detailed understanding of the interface and application methods
Platform: | Size: 638976 | Author: 王军强 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3libmad-0.15.1b

Description: libmad-0.15.1b移植到VC 2005 中编译通过的版本,其中对原有的代码进行了尽量少的修改-libmad-0.15.1b ported to VC 2005 compiled by the version of the code which made the original changes as little as possible
Platform: | Size: 197632 | Author: yuanning95 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programlibmad-0.15.1b-source

Description: libmad porting for cantus
Platform: | Size: 436224 | Author: chungman lee | Hits:

[Multimedia programMP3--decode-Libmad

Description: MP3软解码库Libmad详细解释 针对音频文件的解析-MP3 software decoding library Libmad explained
Platform: | Size: 494592 | Author: 柳亮 | Hits:


Description: 基于Linux的MP3播放,根据libmad里面的minimad来实现的MP3播放-Linux-based MP3 player, according to which the minimad libmad MP3 player to achieve
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: | Hits:
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