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Description: 基于格型结构的JPEG压缩图像的压缩历史的检测,以及压缩参数设定的估计-Based on the lattice structure of the compressed JPEG image compression testing history, as well as compression of the estimated parameters
Platform: | Size: 3416064 | Author: zoe | Hits:


Description: lattice加载线制作,详尽介绍原理及PCB,器件等-load line lattice produced detailed descriptions of the principles and PCB, components, etc.
Platform: | Size: 172032 | Author: robin | Hits:


Description: VHDL的经典经验。相当的不错,一个多年开发FPGA的工程师自己的记录,适用于ALTERA,XILINX,LATTICE等FPGA的开发。希望对大家有用。-VHDL-xilinx-fpga-altera VHDL-xilinx-fpga-altera VHDL-xilinx-fpga-altera VHDL-xilinx-fpga-altera VHDL-xilinx-fpga-altera
Platform: | Size: 3913728 | Author: 何思涵 | Hits:


Description: 基于SPCE061A的点阵电子显示屏设计,电子显示屏的应用越来越广泛,所以这是一个很好的设计-SPCE061A-based-on-he-lattice-design-of the-electronic-screen
Platform: | Size: 137216 | Author: 胡尚林 | Hits:


Description: Lattice Reduction Aided Detector for Spatial Multiplexing MIMO system. It is implemented by MATLAB.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: Junil Ahn | Hits:


Description: lattice的SDI DEMO板工程源代码,HD/SD自适应,内有彩条自产生源-designed for lattice sdi
Platform: | Size: 795648 | Author: lqj | Hits:


Description: lattice boltzmann d2q9程序-lattice boltzmann d2q9
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: hide | Hits:


Description: lattice boltzmann d2q9 简单举例-lattice boltzmann d2q9
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: hide | Hits:


Description: IIC的verilog源码,可以在Lattice的XO DEMO板上运行的IIC代码。内附说明文件-IIC' s verilog source code, you can Lattice' s XO DEMO board to run IIC code. Included documentation
Platform: | Size: 6568960 | Author: 高小高 | Hits:

[Audio programtri-waveguide01.tar

Description: MIT的 MPB软件仿真三角晶格光子晶体波导帶隙的程序-MIT MPB software emulation triangular lattice photonic crystal waveguide band-gap program
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王博 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineLatticeFilter

Description: Lattice Filter格型滤波器,用于自适应滤波,包括matlab源程序和图片-Lattice Filter
Platform: | Size: 144384 | Author: pikes_peak | Hits:


Description: 利用格子气元胞自动机模拟流体的matlab源码-matlab code for simulating fluid flow using Lattice Gas Cellullar Automata
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: qinwu | Hits:


Description: Low density lattice decoder via non-parametric belief propagation
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: savsee | Hits:

[Software EngineeringUserguide(1)

Description: lattice 的CPLD 资料 lattice 的CPLD 资料-lattice of the CPLD data
Platform: | Size: 1683456 | Author: zsg | Hits:

[3D GraphicVESTA

Description: 用于晶体结构建模,数据可视化。可以直接读取vasp的电荷密度文件,可视化自旋电荷密度图。-VESTA is a successor to two 3D visualization programs, VICS and VEND in the VENUS package. Atoms can be drawn as ball & stick, space filling, polyhedral, stick, wireframe, thermal ellipspoids. Mouse click on an object (atoms, bonds, polyhedra) provides a variety of crystallographic information, e.g., fractional coordinates, symmetry operations and translation vectors, distances, bond and torsion angles, etc. Vectors showing magnetic moments or directions of static displacements can be attached to atoms. Isosurfaces can be drawn for wave functions, nuclear densities. Pixel operations are supported between 3D data ets, e.g., subtracting electron densities. Lattice planes with variable opacities can be inserted. With a 2D Data Display window, 2D distribution of a physical quantity on a lattice plane can be visualized as a colored map with contour lines or Bird s-eye view.
Platform: | Size: 3456000 | Author: samuel | Hits:


Description: 本压缩包中含有串口程序的VHDL,Verilog,Lattice三种版本的代码,均已实现。在压缩包中,含有非常详细的串口的实现规格。各种版本的代码中,含有完成的源文件,测试文件,模拟文件。-This compressed package contains serial process VHDL, Verilog, Lattice three versions of the code, have been achieved. In the compressed package, contains very detailed specifications of the serial implementation. Various versions of the code, containing the complete source files, test files, simulation files.
Platform: | Size: 293888 | Author: shishu | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsapitest

Description: Free Surface Fluid Simulation with the Lattice Boltzmann Method
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: lcg | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsunsteady

Description: Lattice Boltzmann sample, written in Fortran 90
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: lcg | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsLBGK_D2Q9_poiseuille_channel2D

Description: Gianni Schena July 2005, schena@units.it Lattice Boltzmann LBE, geometry: D2Q9, model: BGK Application to permeability in porous media - Gianni Schena July 2005, schena@units.it Lattice Boltzmann LBE, geometry: D2Q9, model: BGK Application to permeability in porous media
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: lcg | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsLBGK_D2Q9_permeability_Low_Porosity

Description: Gianni Schena July 2005, schena@units.it Lattice Boltzmann LBE, geometry: D2Q9, model: BGK Application to permeability in porous media (low porosity)- Gianni Schena July 2005, schena@units.it Lattice Boltzmann LBE, geometry: D2Q9, model: BGK Application to permeability in porous media (low porosity)
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: lcg | Hits:
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