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[Web Server185种JS图文特效源码

Description: 收集的100余种JS+CSS+Flash网站图文切换特效,可用于广告,相册,产品介绍展示等用途,请自行修改index.htm里的绝对路径方可正常使用,默认在F盘根目录下
Platform: | Size: 77822598 | Author: 3493618@qq.com | Hits:

[Other Web Code实用JS组合

Description: 里面有JS组合的经典示例。。。
Platform: | Size: 1895763 | Author: fhqzsw@126.com | Hits:


Description: 自動驗證前臺的輸入框, 控件添加自描述信息 validreg 所引用的正則表達式全部寫在 .js 當中。 此 .js 為自動為控件添加失去焦點事件,驗證不成功則自動在控件旁邊添加標籤顯示錯誤提示。 當窗體提交時則可以調用 CheckAllValue() 方法,以決定是否提交
Platform: | Size: 1470 | Author: kevin_168@qq.com | Hits:


Description: js教程
Platform: | Size: 598595 | Author: zfl2k@tom.com | Hits:

[Other Web CodeJS调用webservice

Description: js客户端调用webservice的例子,带源码
Platform: | Size: 48257 | Author: gty3233@163.com | Hits:

[WEB Codejs表单设计器.rar

Description: js表单设计器
Platform: | Size: 5692 | Author: zhangzh@feilaisoft.com | Hits:


Description: JS代码_JS实现URL编码转换中文
Platform: | Size: 76456 | Author: TangYinhu | Hits:


Description: 站长必备的14套绝对经典的JS广告调用代码
Platform: | Size: 1164187 | Author: 78zwb@126.com | Hits:


Description: JS-异步加载树,真正得异步加载,速度很快,是当今比较好得一颗树-JS-Asynchronous loading tree, in real asynchronous loading, very fast, it is good to compare today's tree
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: Reker | Hits:


Description: 微软的js访问网络服务组件,利用它可以实现IE上直接访问网络服务 压缩包里包含samples以及中文解决方法-js visit Microsoft's Web services components, it can be achieved using IE directly to the network services compression bag containing samples of the Chinese solution
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 东方 | Hits:

[Goverment applicationjs源码大全

Description: js源码大全,提供多种用js实现的页面特效的源码,包括文字,图像,菜单,鼠标,背景, 页面等等。-js source Daquan, a variety used to achieve js pages magic source, including text, images, menus, mouse, background, etc. pages.
Platform: | Size: 249856 | Author: 孟欣 | Hits:


Description: Msn消息提示类纯JS实现,不可不看哦-news suggested 550,000 category pure JS realized, not FACT! !
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 朱胡应 | Hits:


Description: 全屏相册flash源码 采用FLASH+JS完美的源码. 画面生动,仿WINXP任务栏的照片选择菜单.-full-screen photo flash source using FLASH JS perfect source. Vivid images, imitation WINXP photos task bar menu.
Platform: | Size: 243712 | Author: 123 | Hits:


Description: 微软JavaScript手册js.chm 微软JavaScript手册js.chm-Microsoft JavaScript manual js.chm manual Microsoft JavaScript js . chm
Platform: | Size: 596992 | Author: aaa | Hits:


Description: 用VC++编写的ActiveX控件,生成ocx然后用js在客户端调用-With VC++ Prepared ActiveX controls, and then use js to generate ocx on the client calls
Platform: | Size: 4333568 | Author: 陈鑫 | Hits:


Description: 支持js调用的flash播放器 可以显txt歌词-Js calls in support of flash player can significantly txt lyrics
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: feng | Hits:

[Software Engineeringhtml+js+css

Description: 是学习html+js+css的好课件,结合ppt和程序来自己可以-Learning html+ Js+ Css good courseware, combined with ppt and procedures they can
Platform: | Size: 823296 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows Developscriptaculous-js-1.8.1

Description: scriptaculous-js-1.8.1.zip 。。常用的实用效果-scriptaculous-js-1.8.1.zip. . Commonly used in practical effect
Platform: | Size: 196608 | Author: chenyuanming | Hits:


Description: ext+js源代码 -ext+ js source code
Platform: | Size: 3623936 | Author: lele | Hits:


Description: CSS+JS实现苹果机(MAC)OS系统导航条(眩目+逼真)-CSS+ JS achieve Macintosh (MAC) OS system navigation bar (stunning+ Realistic)
Platform: | Size: 206848 | Author: nino | Hits:
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