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Description: 详细讲解了jni开发的布署和实例Demo,可供初学者使用
Platform: | Size: 1426202 | Author: DreamInLive | Hits:


Description: 一个可用delphi来开发java的JNI开发包delphi接口,想用java来调用delphi开发的动态库就下载这个包就可以了。里面还包括了详细的调用实例和说明。有空联系我 QQ:81106348-one available to the developing java development kit delphi JNI interface, java to use Delphi to call for the development of the dynamic download the packet it. They also include a detailed example of a call and annotations. QQ time I contact : 81106348
Platform: | Size: 3691520 | Author: xty | Hits:

[Software EngineeringJNI.jishu

Description: JNI使用技巧点滴 作者:normalnotebook -JNI Skills bit Author : normalnotebook
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 夏天 | Hits:


Description: 本书详细介绍了jni的开发细节,对需要用java调用本扥地代码的同志有很大的帮助-The book details the development of JNI details, on the need to use java code to call the Orlando comrades to be very helpful
Platform: | Size: 229376 | Author: sdg | Hits:


Description: 可以通过jni调用其他语言编写的代码。例如:c、c++、delphi、c#等等。-Welcome come
Platform: | Size: 73728 | Author: wumingjing | Hits:

[Windows DevelopJNI

Description:  JAVA以其跨平台的特性深受人们喜爱,而又正由于它的跨平台的目的,使得它和本地机器的各种内部联系变得很少,约束了它的功能。解决JAVA对本地操作的一种方法就是JNI。   JAVA通过JNI调用本地方法,而本地方法是以库文件的形式存放的(在WINDOWS平台上是DLL文件形式,在UNIX机器上是SO文件形式)。通过调用本地的库文件的内部方法,使JAVA可以实现和本地机器的紧密联系,调用系统级的各接口方法。 -JAVA characteristics of its cross-platform very popular, and because it is the purpose of cross-platform, making it the local machine to become small internal contact, the functions of its binding. JAVA solution on the local operation is a method of JNI. JAVA through JNI to call native methods, and the local method is based on the form of library files stored (in the WINDOWS platform are on the form of DLL files, in the UNIX machines are SO on the form of a document). By calling the local library file internal methods, so that JAVA and local machine can achieve close contact, call the system-level methods of the interface.
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: leizi | Hits:


Description: JNI,用JAVA调用C,C++的说明文章。本教程描述和演示了 Java 本机接口(Java Native Interface)的基本的和最常用的技术 — 从 Java 程序调用 C 或 C++ 代码,以及从 C 或 C++ 程序调用 Java 代码 — 以帮助您迅速而高效地开发自己的 JNI 解决方案。-JNI, using JAVA call C, C++ of how-to articles. The course description and presentation of the Java interface of the machine (Java Native Interface) of the basic and most commonly used technology- from the Java program calling C or C++ code, as well as from the C or C++ program to call Java code- to help you quickly and efficiently JNI to develop their own solutions.
Platform: | Size: 1266688 | Author: 随便看看 | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: CHANG,CHENYO | Hits:


Description: Jni 教程:ibm jni 教程,非常完善,供初学者学习。-Jni tutorial
Platform: | Size: 455680 | Author: udare | Hits:


Description: c++通过jni调用java类. jdk1.6下通过测试-c++ through jni call the java class. jdk1.6 through testing
Platform: | Size: 675840 | Author: chenyl | Hits:


Description: Tutorial on how to use JNI in app development.
Platform: | Size: 2417664 | Author: Bill | Hits:


Description: jni是一本专门讲述Java与C/C++调用的国外经典书籍,对Java编程非常有用。希望大家积极下载-jni is the one devoted to Java and C/C++ called foreign classic books on Java programming is very useful. Hope that we actively Download
Platform: | Size: 1630208 | Author: zhangguoyou | Hits:


Description: 用JAVA 的JNI调用本地c/C++的函数模块,以库函数的形式提供给Java 程序使用-JAVA JNI call with the local c/C++ function module to the form of library functions available to the Java program uses
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: xiecong | Hits:


Description: jni调用资料示例,包含调用方法,传递对象,结构等,android 开发里留下的-jni call data sample
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 依然 | Hits:


Description: the Java Native Interface(JNI) Android Programmer s guide
Platform: | Size: 2415616 | Author: KimJuHyok | Hits:


Description: 快速入门jni,带你了解并使用jni,并能快速开发android下的jni-Quick Start jni, jni with you to understand and use
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: test | Hits:


Description: 详细讲解基于Android平台的JNI技术-Explain in detail the technology-based Android platform JNI
Platform: | Size: 231424 | Author: 蒋松宇 | Hits:


Description: 压缩包中包含多个详细介绍JNI的详细解释和实现方法的PDF文档-Archive contains more detailed interpretation and implementation details of JNI method of PDF documents
Platform: | Size: 2741248 | Author: 张兆基 | Hits:


Description: 详细介绍jni编程机制的经典之作,适合有一定C语言基础的同事使用。-Jni detailed mechanism of the classic programming, for a certain use of C-based colleagues.
Platform: | Size: 525312 | Author: | Hits:


Description: Java的JNI调用示例,有完整的环境配置,调用说明和使用过程。-Java' s JNI call example, a complete environment configuration, call instructions and use.
Platform: | Size: 253952 | Author: atom | Hits:
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